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How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

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    How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

    I don't approve of drinking....for MYSELF! If others want to drink, that's up to them....NOSY! Wait! I have you mixed up with someone else!! OMG...I'm sorry!! It's my lack of memory again.....I'm sorry. :blushing:

    You don't have a nose?
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

      ROFLMArse O!!!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

        Betty B,
        Your lack of nosiness may be offensive, but not your lack of judging, dear. What disappoints me is my lack of attention-to-detail.... my nickname is Betty Boop, and until today, I never realized that I was nose-less.

        It's all about baby steps. Or little noses. Or little sips!
        Pamela, if you need to have a little kick in that drink, do it.... but when its halfway gone,
        how about topping it off with more soda or water?
        And after you sip more.... a little more juice or water....
        Measure the shots, so you know what you've had...
        and maybe rather than 6 shots today, you'll have 5 shots....
        and then next week, maybe you can drop down to 4.... ?!?

        "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice". ~Anton Chekhov

        Tampa, FL


          How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

          Plan for day 1

          Wow, thank you all for your thoughtful responses. I just wrote a lengthy reply and thought I hit post quickly but cannot find it. Oh well, I was worried that it was too long anyway.

          A pint is 375 ml, correct? This is typically what I consume daily. I have tried buying the half size bottle, but go through it so quickly that I end up back at the store and purchase the pint. I do, usually, avoid larger bottles b/c I will drink more and they are more difficult to hide.

          I have also read the book MWO, bought the CD's ( but didn't listen to them all ) and taken supplements and Topa.

          My two boys keep me active and I know that alcohol is a depressant, but it does seem to give me short-term energy. This is why I take sips from the bottle all day long. I stay feeling ok but seldomly get really wasted. I do not feel ready to quit completely right now. I did do it once before but it took about 2 very long weeks to feel ok. I fear that I will be too miserable to be around my children to go that route today.

          I am going to try to cut daily consumption to 1/2 pint today and maintain for rest of week. My husband returns Friday and he is going to demand to know what my solution to this problem is. He has an extremely powerful, judgemental, no nonsense personality. I dread talking to him. If he even suspects that I am buzzed, he becomes very angry (in a passive aggressive way lately). He attributes my bad moods (usually correctly) to my need for a drink. I avoid him mostly and he travels a lot. I tremble if I even think he is going to bring up the issue. I hate talking to him ( and anyone really) about my problem.

          Perhaps making a committment to log on here each day will help this time. I appreciate the idea of having someone to talk with when necessary (phone). I do feel that I need a "sponsor" that is not my husband. I realize that my messaging will have to be more succinct. Sorry for such long wind.

          My sincere heart felt thanks to all who take the time to reply. It is quite amazing.


            How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

            Any improvment is a good improvement

            I've been using drinktracker--and have started with moderation. I mark a met goal with green (moderation) and hope to have more yellow (abstinence) in April. I'm counting the baby steps! Feb I met my goal 10 times, March 16 times. The AL does not have its old kick, so I can look at it after 1-1/2 drinks (I drink cocktails) and not pour any more. This is a victory for me! The supps and nutrition have been essential for me. When I don't reach my goal I actually notice "breathing off" the metabolites of alcohol in the morning and thinking 'yuck' I don't want to do this anymore. I, like you, was concerned about withdrawl, so I chose slow withdrawl as my goal.
            Don't despair! I gain my strength from these folk, and really keep motivated by seeing all those folk with zeros in their drinktracker as well as reading the abstainer's threads. Hope your hubby supports even the smallest of victories with you.:l


              How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

              Hi Pamela,

              I can understand your hubby's 'type'... It's hard to feel supported when they act like that...'holier than thou' and 'powerful'...

              Can you just tell him it would work better if he's supportive because you really are addressing this and want to change your patterns?

              I think other than that, don't think about AL.. Immerse yourself in other things.. littel projects with the kids, go to the park... take a drive (sober of course)... you know... don't think about AL. This is easier once you get a few days under your belt.. but you Can do it!!
              P.S. You can't love if you don't love yourself... :heart:

              As you wander through life, sister/brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut, and not upon the hole.
              - Sign in the Mayflower Coffee Shop, Chicago


                How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                I understand

                Hi Pamela,

                I, too, have a husband I cannot turn to. I have several times in the past and he brings home a bottle of wine for me after I've been AF for a few days. That makes it impossible for me.

                I've just joined this group and the postings have been tremendously helpful. :wd:

                After reading your post I think I've decided to be completely honest with my husband and demand that he not buy me wine unless I ask for it. I mean, he wouldn't buy me some off-the-street drug so what's up with this?

                I'm going to continue to turn to MWO for support. :thanks:

                Good luck with cutting back, that may work for you. Be honest with yourself and be proud of where you are right now. I'm proud of you. :goodjob:
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                  Hi Pamela ...

                  I can understand that your situation is probably made MUCH worse by the fact that youshubby sounds to be a very hard-nosed-un-supportive type-Did I reaD that right?Ugh...I feel for you...Sounds like my dad....I think he actually DROVE my mom to alcoholism -

                  SO...well,shit.You are going to have to have EXTRA strength and use US,your new online FRIENDS :l,and others in your life (hopefully you have family or a friend or 2 that you can rely on?) who will NOT demand that you figure this out as if it were a vacation trip or a new budget or a new kitchen remodel plan,ok?

                  First of all,I agree w/ some of the others that a pint a day could be worse.Now,please NOBODY FREAK OUT ON ME :H!I am not saying it's nothing!I am just saying that a lot of us started at more,and i want you to realax a little knowing that you are not in the worst situation possible,okay?I AM NOT A DOCTOR,but-This sounds to me like an amount that like (i think Happy-hour or Noelle said too) can be weaned down from,as you are planning and that with adding AS AMNY OF THE SUPPLEMENTS ALONG W/ THAT,you can do just fine!

                  Just to mkae you feel better,I was drinking soemtimes almost a WHOLE bottle (um,a 1/5th!!!) of vodka at my worst!!!yes,you read right.And i am a 5'6,135 lb woman.I have been able,with the use of Topamax (you can read lots about that on this site),supplements,and tons of reading and posting on this site to get myself down in just a couple of months to where i have been able to sometimes drink as little as just a couple of drinks a night..The support here can REALLY help get you thru,I PROMISE!!!

                  Here's what I've been takingand by the way,this is just me,there are many w/ better success rates that could give you even better advice,I'm sure,but to at least get you started?):
                  L-glutamine-1000 mg-3x's aday
                  GABA-750 or 1000 mg-(2)-3 x's a day
                  a full spec B-1 daily
                  i big scoop ALL ONE powder-once daily
                  calms forte-as needed

                  I know there are lots more out there that can help, a search for 'supplements',maybe and see what others have to say,but they do make a huge difference!!!!!

                  Your'e gonna make it,PAmela!!Keep us posted,okay?
                  Love and :huggy:


                    How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                    My day 1

                    Well, I didn't go to the package store today. I tried to stick with the 1/2 pint I had left from yesterday. It wasn't terrible. I took my boys out for Chinese though and had two sakes. I really wanted another. I'm just not really looking forward to tomorrow. I also eat more if I don't drink. If I gain weight, I'll really won't want to do this. How do supplements help? My cravings were not curbed once the topamax was eliminated when I tried this program in the past.

                    Should I keep replying on this thread? I'm not sure I understand the protocol.


                      How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                      Hi Pamela,
                      I finally made it to grandmotherhood, but my heart goes out to you as so much of what you wrote brings back memories of my younger self and of my children. With all the hindsight in the world, I can urge you to figure out your way out!! There is so much more help available today! One thing to think about is that heavy drinkers actually have an allergy to AL. The craving is liken to a surpressed sneeze. With 2 young children (plus husband) to deal with you are probably really taxing your immune system by all the stress. Could you increase your vitamin and mineral dose for a start? How about a vial of lavender oil at bedside... a couple of drops before you even get out of bed. Hugs sweetie!! g


                        How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                        Thanks g, I am an avid user of lavender and a few other essential oils. I use lavender oil throughout the day and even leave a small bottle in the ashtray of my car. My older son (8) loves when I lightly massage his face, head, arms and hands with it just before bed.

                        I will go get myself some vitamins today. I worry about my health and feel that I have no right to jeopardize it since I am a mother.

                        Thanks again, responses from real people really do help!


                          How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                          Thank you! Pamela. Try to get liquid supplements. They work faster and with better absorption.


                            How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3

                            I've been using lavender a lot lately and it seems to calm me quit a bit. I have laundry soap and fabric softener that's lavender and vanilla. I have a lavender candle that burns almost constantly. At Bath & Body Works, I found something called "Sound Sleep," an aromatherapy roll-on type thingy. They also have something similar that's lavender and vanilla that I've had for years that I put on my pillow at night. I think I'm pretty well conditioned at this point to go to sleep with this.

                            Pamela, I'm going to use your idea of putting it in my ashtray too. Thanks!!
                            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                              How do I get through day(s) 1,2,3


                              You are going to think I'm crazy. You said that you massage lavender on your son. I saw something that said it (I'm pretty sure it was lavender) can cause breast growth in men and boys. You may want to google it. Just wanted to tell you, just in case..


