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Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

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    Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

    It's Over.....Oh Yeah !!

    Hi Everyone, and thanks for all your responses. It made me feel good and some made me laugh so hard.

    Results are in and everything is cancer, no polyps. What a hugh relief, since I have been worrying for over a year....thank goodness !

    The colonoscopy itself was easy since they give you a mild sedative. I did not even know when I went out. Just woke up, it was over, and they told me I could get dressed. Wheeled me out in a wheel chair where my husband picked me up. Went to Dunkin Donuts and we got coffee, came home made some's so good to eat. And now I'm here on MWO.

    To me the toughest part was the prep because I was not sure what to expect. Laxatives did not work right away so I was up in the wee hours of the mornng........still eliminating. I just found it a little dificult to drink the second bottle of laxative on an empty stomach. It took me 50 minutes to finish it :yuk:

    I'm supposed to go back in another 5 years, and now I don't have a problem with it. It was so worth it for a "piece of mind".

    Here's to another AF day, since you are not allowed to have alcohol afterwards :happy: I wasn't planning on it anway.
    Miss October :blinkylove:


      Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

      " Yes Miss Oct.
      I've taken it up the butt all my life ( @ work !) Butt.....I have had a couple colonoscapies.
      It's'll fart for awhile, you need to do it . Colon cancer is one of the easy ones to handle ( with a check up ) IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

        YAY!!!!! Way to Go Miss O!!! Colonoscopy OVER!!!! Woo hoo!!
        And good results - that's the main thing :goodjob:
        Yes - a thrilling thread! (when's your next procedure? )
        Love ww xx


          Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

          Hi Iad, yup, just passing the rest of the day by passing the gas......nice relief :fart:

          Hi Wonderworld, my next procedure is.........right after yours You knew that was coming....:H and thanks, good results are what it is all about
          Miss October :blinkylove:


            Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

            :H:H:H My next procedure is a butt lift ! - (oh yeah and can I borrow five grand? )


              Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

              Im so happy about this thread Miss October ,I have dodgy bowels and I am terrified of the procedure but now I think I will go ahead and orgnise it if its not painfull ...congrats on your clear results .I was always afraid it would be way too painfull.


                Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                Miss O, was that you on you tube with the 2X4 in the operating room? :H Just kidding. I know the relief feeling. Better than AL. 5 years, you won't remember the prep.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                  All, this is a very nessary evil !
                  It does'nt hurt and will only take a few min. ! " Watch out for your ass ! " IAD!
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                    Miss O,

                    So glad that it is behind you, arh, arh :H. No really, that's great !! There is nothing like peace of mind.


                    Hope everything goes well for you too.

                    Miso :heart:


                      Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                      Yep, had one a year ago.

                      The prep is hell. Horse tablets to take, and don't be more than 20 feet from the toilet.

                      No solid food, just liquid for 24 hours.

                      The actual procedure, some fantastic drugs. Demerol, Versed, and Diprivan all in the IV. No pain or discomfort, just NIGHTY NITE! for xtexan.
                      15-20 minutes later I awoke in the recovery ward, with super drug head.

                      I felt like a million dollars after I woke up, and the demerol had not completely worn off yet. No pain anywhere in my body, and the versed is like super valium also.

                      Overall, a big hassle. The prep is the main terror, so as to clean you out of anything that might be "in their way"



                        Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                        Glad everything went well Miss O with a good report! Good to have it behind you fianlly. Picked up my prep stuff for the barium to take tomorrow. I hate the no food but I'll get by on broth and jello once again. That's the Mayo Clinic Special at the restraunt on the campus. lol
                        If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.


                          Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                          Goodg going Miss O! Glad everything is a-ok!
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                            Hey green eyes, that could have been me on the tube. I would never have known if it was a 2x4 or not. They gave me Versed 7mg and Demerol 50 mg in the IV. Wow, never even knew what hit me.

                            Actually, I did ask the nurse prior if they had different size tubes and she said yes. I said please tell the doctor I want the smallest possible tube and highlight that in yellow on the paper, since I'm a small person with small insides. She came back and said I will get the "pediatric" size. Thank goodness.....I'm such a baby

                            Gemmy1, good luck to you tomorrow. Hope everything turns out well for you.

                            P.S. I loved all the "behind" jokes. Very funny !! :H

                            I have a good one. Next time I visit my doctor I'm walking in "butt" first because that is the only way he will recognize me
                            Miss October :blinkylove:


                              Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                              OK. I'm howling. Can you put that on a resume? "I have a small colon. So if you need to put a foot up my arse, choose carefully." ROFLMArseO!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                Has anyone had a butt oscopy ?

                                Miss O,

                                You are a hoot !! :H

