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I slipped.

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    I slipped.

    I believe he is trying to get medical help. Amazed please stay. You were able to reach out so you clearly want to get better.


      I slipped.

      You have to stick around. We all know how you are feeling. I could use a drink right now myself. Coming off a binge and husband is terribly unhappy with me. This forum seems to be a refuge but stay strong and you can come out on the other side.
      Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.


        I slipped.

        Hi Amashed,

        Please come back i know how bad you are, dont be scared once your GP gives you the right medication for your fits you can start geting back on know there are people here to support you and know you well enough to know you are not messing about. you have done the right thing by calling your GP.. when your ready we are here to support you along the way. weather it 30days AF or moderating.

        Keep well my friend.x
        family is everything to me


          I slipped.

          Hi Amashed,

          Please come back i know how bad you are, dont be scared once your GP gives you the right medication for your fits you can start geting back on know there are people here to support you and know you well enough to know you are not messing about. you have done the right thing by calling your GP.. when your ready we are here to support you along the way. weather it 30days AF or moderating.

          Keep well my friend.x
          family is everything to me


            I slipped.

            OK, for better or worse I have been prescribed Librium to get me down off this terrible drug (I hated this last time – I’m an complete ass). I cried on the phone to my doctor ….

            I am not in a great position right now, my other half has collected the prescription for me and I feel helpless and not in control at all (I have just opened a beer after waking up), she’s not back yet.
            I will get over this, but Ripple you hurt me and I really did need some help – not everyone is as hard as you!


              I slipped.


              never post under the influence of alcohol. :goodjob:


                I slipped.


                Never posting under the influence of alcohol is a great idea but for those of us who have often posted while blacked out, not a guarantee.

                Amashed, You did awesome by posting and asking for help.

                I am glad your gp gave you the Librium for detox so you don't have to be concerned about seizures.

                Take them as prescribed and DO NOT DRINK.

                I tried it myself, when I went back AF and ended up going to detox because I was unable to keep my mind and hands off the booze long enough to dry out. I then took Antabuse before I walked out of detox.

                Consider what caused you to lapse and figure out how to get past it.

                Good on you and good luck!!

                AF April 9, 2016


                  I slipped.

                  Why is it ok for some to post consistantly under the influence but some can't. This person was asking for help.


                    I slipped.

                    amashed, you are going to be OK. I know EXACTLY what you are going through, my friend. I had several months of AF last year and then tried to moderate.... which resulted in drinking again. I again went AF and then life got a bit complicated and I went back to nipping on the sauce again.... and here I am day 2 of being AF.

                    Also, I was drinking again in the mornings to take the edge off. I completely understand how easy it is to get back on that roller coaster.

                    Be proud for reaching out for help. Your doctor is going to help you. For some reason, I know you are going to be OK. Just like me. Many hugs to you!


                      I slipped.

                      amashed, there is no short cut to quiting drinking without hallucinating, the shakes and sweating will always be there and even be worse if you keep drinking. why are you post ponding your shaking and sweating to the next day? for how long then will you drink when you keep running away from your drinking problem.
                      take a bold step and talk to your doctor without trying to impress him/her and talk about what you are going through.
                      dont hate yourself its the last thing you can do to yourself now, you can do it if you want to.


                        I slipped.

                        Stay with us Amashed....

                        You did the right thing calling your GP.....

                        Let me say something to were AF for a while so I'm sure you will agree with me.
                        Remember that you are not thinking straight right now. Listen to your GP and start taking the meds as soon as you can. And quit drinking as soon as you can. You went through this before and you can do it again. Let's do this one more time. Let's make it the last time you will ever have to go through the first days of AF.

                        You have to make quitting drinking your number 1 priority. If you have to miss work again tomorrow, then so be it. This is all about you. Make yourself the most important person in the world for the next few days. Make a vow to yourself that you are done with this insanity. You now realize you can't drink. So, let's quit battling it in your mind....let's attack it. Let's go on the offense against this dirty rotten Beast who is trying to kill you. It's time to turn things around.

                        Yes, you are going to be sick, nervous, uncomfortable for a few days. Think of it as having the flu. You just have to ride it out and it will be over in a few days. Just concentrate on what you are doing today. Follow your GP's advice and don't be afraid to call him again if you need to.

                        But you have to do this. YOU. We can't do it for you, but we can really help. My first few days I lived on this site. If you are having a tough time, get on here.....someone will help. You can PM me anytime.

                        I really want to help you get through this thing. You have to make this your mission in life for the next 3-4 days. Let's stop the battle. I was able to quit drinking when I finally realized the only way I could beat The Beast was to never step into the ring with him....never.

                        The only thing The Beast wants to do is kill you. You must accept this. If you don't stop drinking, it's going to kill you.

                        So, stick with us, my friend....I was a very heavy drinker for 30 years. I am now on day 256 AF. If I can do it, so can you.

                        I'm standing on the edge of the deep hole you are in reaching out to help pull you out...
                        There are a lot of friends here with me to help. Just don't let go, and we'll get you up here with us......I promise.



                          I slipped.

                          As usual, Chief said it better than anyone!!

                          Amashed...this can be the beginning of a new life for you...A life without this awful alcohol monster. You can do this, and we WILL help. You need to take care of you right now. Let your doc help you. Use the librium to get through the next few difficult days. If it is not enough to stay off the booze, call your doc back and ask what to if ncessary. This is awful right now, but does NOT have to be awful for long.

                          Please stay close to us. We have ALL been there, and understand you. Lean on us now, but DO what you have to so that you can begin getting better.

                          You will be ok, you will, if you do what you need to now.

                          With love,

                          formerly known as bak310


                            I slipped.

                            Take care amashed see your doctor take his/her help and listen to Dons wise words. I too will take chiefs advice on board. As for coming to Australia and affecting your VISA this is no ones business except you and your doctors there are strict privacy laws here and in the uk your medical history is not for public servants granting visas to see and make judgements about we are not like the US so DONT worry about that. Just get better and I and my fellow aussies look forward to welcoming you to this great place

                            hang tuff you can beat this every one is here for you


                              I slipped.

                              Amashed, I only just saw this as I was working earlier ...........

                              Well done for asking for help .........

                              Be strong, I know that it is difficult but you CAN do this .......

                              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                                I slipped.


                                i don't know what a slip certainly cannot help. although going through what i have, i know there is help and where to get it. i plan not to flopp as the work has been too much to try such. Ashamed came back with vengence therefore not that ill. There is no fooling around when it comes to sobriety. Yes, you may want to discuss how you feel, you may not always like wot your gonna hear. The facts are clear wot to doo to end the process of destruction. Its a choice, you the person has to make. Its good to talk about is typical alcoholic who wants to fight the issue and derail it elsewhere..when in fact there is :help! for you from the :yuk:you have been surviving on. :thanks:do not tell me wot to do, i am doing it..:hallo:

