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please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

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    please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

    hi all, iwent out drinking last night, lost all my money, car is parked miles away and i will have to walk to collect it tomorrow, and i am drinking to help myself sleep, i just know i'll want more tomorrow and that means i wont be able to take my kids to school if i do, husband wont even look at me, i just feel so scared and alone.

    lou x

    please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

    Hi Sweetgum, you are most certainly not alone. Trouble is alcohol makes you feel that way. Paranoia and anxiety go hand in hand with drinking.
    How about you stop drinking now and take some water aboard?
    Tomorrow, you can start thinking of a plan to help you through.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

      Hi sweet
      Been there done that many times. How about you use the walk to get your car to start thinking about a plan for getting the monkey off your back for good. It can be done you just have to believe it. Maybe tomorrow try reading the MWO book (which can be downloaded from this site) and giving the program a go. There are many tools here that will help you but you have to make the decision that you will never be in the position that you are in again. You are most definitely not alone there are truck loads of us out here in all corners of the world that will help you to get there. Once you wake up tomorrow you can decide that you are not going to drink that day. Just for one day so you can get your thoughts together about tackling the beast. Come on here and maybe join in chat to distract yourself tomorrow.


        please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

        Go tell your husband you fucked up and need some help to get you through the day and back on track. Maybe he can give you the support you need right now. Maybe he needs to hear it rather than giving you the cold shoulder.
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



          please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

          Thanks for he replies, husband is sick of this, i have been trying to fight this for 10yrs and he's had enough,if it wasnt for the fact that he'd have to give up hids job to care for the kids he would have kicked me out ages ago


            please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

            Sweet, any chance you could make it to an AA meeting? Not advocating joining AA but you would at least be around some people who have gone through exactly what you have and would be able to offer face to face support in the short-term.

            This is a wonderful place full of great support and program recommendations, but sometimes we need a little extra help just to get through that first day or two sober. That would give you a chance to get going on the CD's and supps (if you so choose) and have a leg up on your recovery.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

              hi, its 9.30pm here so cant do that tonight, i've tried aa in 2001 and found it a bit daunting to be honest, and i'm far too quiet and shy to 'share' but i might try it again


                please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                I know how you feel Sweetgum, I would like to try it but have some reservations.
                Sometimes we just have to go for it though
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                  Sorry to hear that you are so down right now, but I also want you to know that this can be done. Is it easy? Of course not - you know that. But there is another life out there if you are willing to work for it, but you have to do it one day at a time (and one hour at a time when you are starting out).

                  Know that you are among friends here who want nothing but the best for you, so keep checking in and letting up know how you are doing.
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                    Hiya sweet, I have been where you are with the husband thing etc - what you need is ACCEPTANCE as well as understanding - you (and I) have a DISEASE, this is not a moral issue. I agree with AAthlete, for me anyway AA is My Way Out - As well as this wonderful site. I am involved in a fellowship whereby all I need to do is pick up the phone instead of picking up a drink - it sure aint easy but it sure beats the crap that inevitably follows another drunken bout.....all best
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                      Good morning - I hope you are okay Sweet - not sure if you are walking to get the car this morning, but if you are I hope you are wrapped up well, it is bitter cold and snowy here. I agree with the suggestion that you sit down with your husband and ask for his help with this. As a binge drinker myself I know the feeling of complete hopelessness when I have mucked up yet again and the effort it takes to get my life back to "normal" - those episodes are becoming less and less now to where I feel I am more aware of what causes these binges, but it is still a daily/weekly struggle. I don't know what else to say except that I know and have been where you are right now and it is hard, but it is do-able and the rewards are worthwhile, for you and your family. So many people here have lost everything which you still, thankfully, have - so think carefully about that and ask for the help you need, you can't do it alone, I couldn't. Can you perhaps get some herbal sleeping tablets from Holland & Barrett or Boots - I sometimes take them and they do help (have some weird dreams though)

                      Anyway, sorry for prattling on - just to say someone knows, understands and cares.
                      Good luck and let us know how you are.


                        please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                        Hi Sweetgum, Just wondering how you are doing today - did you manage to get your car back, and are you feeling better? Please check in so we know how you are doing. Angel

                        PS. See "Last Of The Summer Wine", you're not a thread killer!


                          please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                          still drinking, still being a moron. thanks for all the kind words


                            please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                            Always remember that life is a journey that is full of POTHOLES.Sometimes we need to swerve around and other times we will have to change.
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              please help me stop this turning into a week long binge

                              hi sweet! i'm new on here and don't know lots about all this recovery stuff and i have only just started to sort myself out 4 days ago but i have been doing alot of reading on here and elsewhere and asking myself alot of questions.. which don't seem to give me too many answers?!! but i've found that writing things down in a journal has really helped me to start sorting out the mess that my head is in... through life and alcohol i have very low self esteem and today have decided that i need to start sorting that out alongside of not drinking like i was before.. i feel that if i can improve my self esteem then that will also give me strength to fight the drinking urge.. i have ordered some free stuff off the internet re self esteem will let you know if it's of any use!! hugs for you!! don't give in just start afresh,
                              every day is a new day.

