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need help sorry

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    need help sorry

    You have been under so much stress lately, be kind to yourself. You are a wonderful caring person, give some of that to YOU right now. This time of year is so stressful for the best of people and you have been working so hard at the new Job as well as looking after brother and your own family. Take care of you, please. you are one of the people who is in my thoughts daily. You are a smart and comical companion and I do not want anything to happen to you. PLEASE Teardrop let us know you are OK. We all love you.

    Lots of love from EastXXX:lXXX:l
    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      need help sorry

      teardrop, you are a strong person, agree when i say this since you helped me come up, you welcomed me o this forum and i know no matter the situation you are in right now, you can change it from sadness to happines, please hang on there since we care and need lots of people like you.
      you can make it.
      with love and prayers for you


        need help sorry

        Thinking of you Tear - please do check in soon.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          need help sorry

          Please let us know you're ok, i know i don't post much and then when i do i find myself with something to say to every thread. You're the reason for me posting on threads today! So don't let me down! I want a reply lol!! You know that there are people who have been here with you long enough to know that when anyone cries for help there will be people here who can relate, sympathise, and also people who I know you class as true friends. And I also know, that you've been a major inspiration to others. Don't forget, just because people don't post regularly that doesn't mean we don't read the posts or that we don't care, we do!!! All of us!!! I am the: 'people who read but don't post but do care' moderator lol lol!! Perhaps if you need to get things off your chest, why not post in the 'my story' section? That way you can download everthing all at once! Please do take care.......Summer x


            need help sorry

            Reading this makes me nervous ... hope you are okay? Love Rip. :l:l:l:l


              need help sorry

              Right now i feel ashame of myself and so i should.
              want to say thanks for everyone that cares on this thread and also the people in chat last night not sure who was there so dont want to miss no one out and for the ones that are just reading or thinking about me.
              I have been so stupid thinking that (im ok jack) but really im not. I stop going to my group counselling sessions a while back now Big Mistake my next step is to go back and break the ice and get in that circle and sit down get to know the people again and listen to the others and then get the courage to talk about me.
              I know AL messes with my mind and i need to STOP before i really do hurt myself. i dont like it, it a bit like drinking well a lot like drinking once you start u cant stop and cant remember.
              I got a new job a few weeks ago think that this would make a different but it does not its me only me that can make that differents. i go to work make myself look smart and put a smile on for the customer and even have a laugh i do really enjoy this job it may only last for 14weeks and then they may tell me they dont need me no more that will feel like a big kick in the teeth OR they may keep me on and i will feel over the moon but what ever way it go's GOOD or BAD news i need to deal with this without AL.
              Right i have axmas tree to put up since monday in finding this hard to do simply little thinks like that! thats when u realise there is something not right. But i will do this today put the new xmas tree lights on because the last year ones are all trangle up mess-up a bit like me.
              I have just pour all my wine down the sink and when i go to work i will make sure i have no money on me. Thats a start !!

              Thanks everyone not sure where i posted last night so please forgive me.

              Teardrop.x p.s dont know what i would do without a great bunch of people like you's
              family is everything to me


                need help sorry

                Tear, glad to here that you are doing okay this morning - and don't beat yourself up too bad about last night. The important thing is that you came into chat and talked to us about how you were feeling - you didn't just isolate by yourself.

                Maybe just pick out one thing to do today and focus on getting that done. I for one was always guilty of setting goals too high - that way when I didn't meet them I had a reason to drink. Have a good day at work, and remember the best way to get them to keep you is to do your best every single day!

                Thank you for checkng in with us.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  need help sorry

         need for apologies. It sounds like you have really been in a rough place. I know that I don't have to tell you that pouring alcohol on such a situation is like pouring gasline on a fire. I know, I did that for years, myself! It Sucks!!

                  It sounds like you are getting back on track, I wish you all the best in moving forward to where you want to be. Remember not to anticipate bad things (job loss) or any other possibilities in the future. We truly do not know what the future will bring. Concentrate on Today, make today the best that it can be!

                  xxx Kate
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    need help sorry


                    I am so pleased to see your post and you have no apoligies to make - you have always been here for other people and now it is time for us to give back some TLC that you very generously give to others. Take one day at a time and know that you can do it. You have had so many af days under your belt so pick yourself up and know that we are all there for you

                    Lots of love

                    Sweetpea xxxx:l:l
                    :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                      need help sorry


                      So, so sorry I wasnt near the computer last night for you. Am so relieved to see your post just now. You have been a wonderful support to all of us over the last year. As East said you are doing so much for everyone else right now, you need to step back and look after YOU. You can do it and have already taken a step in the right direction by going back to counselling. Remember how well you did during the year and all that AF time you had? You have a lot to be proud of. Oh, tip for keeping lights untangled, wrap them in a circle around your arm and use masking tape and store in a wreath shape. Snip off the masking take and untangle. Take care of yourself.

                      Loads of love



                        need help sorry

                        Everyone has that perfect place they can retrive to in times of trouble , Here is mine. Glad your ok Tear.......find your perfect place to meditate and reflect. Always here to help. LOL IAN.
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          need help sorry

                          So glad that you are ok Tear. I also was not here last night. Stay close by. We care. You can do this and you are worth it.:l
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            need help sorry

                            I'm so happy you posted, Tear - I've been thinking of you. And, no need for apologies at all. Yesterday is gone and today is looking a little brighter, right? Please shout out any time you need an ear.

                            Now, go put up those lights!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              need help sorry

                              Teardrop i sent a post to FIREWORKS AF 30 days thread. There is some information there that may help you. I hope you are feeling better.


                                need help sorry

                                Thanks for checking in Teardrop. Glad you are sounding so much better.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

