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drinking and xanax HELP!!!

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    drinking and xanax HELP!!!

    Okay, when I was searching for coupons for migraine meds I came across topamax. As I researched it I found out that it help alcoholism, bipolar, and weightloss. So I went straight to my doctor and had him put me on it. I have been and alcoholic and drug addict since I was 16 when my pyschiatrist put me on Xanax. I fell in love with it. I've been in and out of AA, NA, Celebrate Recovery. Xanax had been ruling my life for 24 years. I would go doctor shopping, forge prescriptions and buy it from friends. It became a better drug for me than alcohol. I still drank and when i started I couldn't stop. But I would have prefered the Xanax over the alcohol. My whole family has addiction issues. The second day I was on Topamax it was great! I felt like a normal person for the first time in my life. I didn't even desire the Xanax. I bought a six pack to test it and I only drank half a beer.I had been drinking two tall boys a day just to get through it for my nerves.If I had the chance I would have been getting wasted but My husband would have kicked me out for sure. I went back to my doctor and told him my experience. I told him he would never have to prescribe me Xanax again. There was one problem I had a prescription already at the pharmacy for five more months of Xanax. I went there and still having an addicts mindset I got 30 pills just for a last farwell and told the pharmasist to cancel the rest of my prescriptions. I made it very clear to him I did not want to be allowed to purchase anymore. I went home with my 30 pills and noticed that there where still refills on my bottle. Well I didn't call back thinking I might need them later sometime HA HA. I soon became pychologically addicted again to the Xanax. this has been going on for about a year now. I was doing great with my drinking until my husband brought home a twelve pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade. I began having one or two a night a few times a week. Now I am drinking three every single day. I don't have to have it. If I was at a place wherrre I didn't have access to it it wouldn't bother me. But since I do have access I want it every night. My husband is not happy. He found out I was on the Xanax again and basically told me our marriage is over. I have had several crack binges since we've been married (only 5 years) but nothing in two years. I shudder to think I ever even did that stuff. the Topa took all those cravings away permanatly. So I feel like I am back where I started. Nowhere near as bad as before. Before ( I could barely function) but it seems I have this phychological need for the Xanax and alcohol. I think I am much better. but it still bothers me that I have a need for these things when I know I'm no longer physically addicted. I don't know if I can do the abs thing yet. I am getting ready to download the book. Any help anyone has would be appreciated! I searched the web for drugs to help cravings for benzos with no luck.

    drinking and xanax HELP!!!

    Cant help much with xanax experience, but im sure someone will come along that can...I am glad you found us is a great place...welcome and great job on posting...xx buckle


      drinking and xanax HELP!!!


      I am prescribed Xanix. I take it only as needed for my anxiety. It does not and has never given me a buzz. It merely calms me down and stops my heart from racing through my chest. I used to drink to get the buzz, but after one or two, I couldn't stop. My doctor told me that with Xanix it's almost mental KNOWING I have it will in itself calm me down. Strange. Can you subsitute your drinking beer, with something else? I now drink a pitcher of Iced Tea every night at my witching hour. I was drinking wine at LEAST a half a bottle every single night for YEARS. I have only one major slip since August. I am not taking any supps or meds for it. Just reading and joining here and obviously NOT DRINKING I have seen the light so to speak. The alcohol contributed to so much negative stuff in my life including my anxiety. I have no idea why I drank or why I continued to for so long when it did no good. Had a doctor prescribed me to drink, I would have called him a crack and stopped the first week. But, here I am the one putting the poison down my throat night after night. Hang in there and keep posting here. It will get better, I promise you.

      :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
      AF since 10/11/2008


        drinking and xanax HELP!!!

        Hello tooaud2,
        seems like you have had quite a journey and not an easy one.

        What I observe: both alcohol and zanix are used or anxiety, but should never be precribed on a long term basis. I am urging you to go to a doctor who understands anxiety disorders and depression and get onto medication that is not addictive. You probably need an anti depresant that is also going to work on the anxiety. You are self medicating, but on the wrong medications. As long as your symptoms persist, you will be seeking relief in a bottle.

        The problem with both Zanix and alcohol is that they have a rebound effect and tolerance builds up. The other problem is that both can have long term effects on memory. Please, do take care. It sounds to me as though you probably have a mood disorder needing proper treatent. You deserve better.


          drinking and xanax HELP!!!

          Xanax is a nasty little drug. I was taking it for panic disorder and loved how it made me calmer all the way around. If I drank when taking it though I was in for a doozy of a night. It doubled the effects of the alcohol. I am now taking clonazapam and I have to call the doctor for each refill. Maybe that would help to get no refills.

          Wishing you the best.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            drinking and xanax HELP!!!


            Be very careful with Xanax and alcohol. A couple of months before I became AF, I had taken Xanax
            and had some Vodka. I knew I hadn't had much to drink. Went in to take a bath, and while buck naked, BAM, passed out cold, hit my forehead-down beside my nose and the area between the bottom and my nose and top lip on the tile edge of my tub. Of coarse, 3 dear sons were all here and hub. Next thing I know they are getting me covered, telling me I have to go to hosp. I was embarrassed and beligerant, saying no. 1 ER visit and 10 stitches in my face later, I was a sight. They were, of coarse, convinced that I was DRUNK, as usual. I told them I had only had a little. Yea, right, mom! Long story short, when I went to my GP to get the stitches out my blood alcohol was only .01. Morale of the story ~ don't mix Xanax and alcohol. It can literally cause death. Check it out on the internet. Sounds like the issue isn't Xanax or Alcohol or anything else, specifically. It sounds like you are like many of us, very addictive personality. Many of us also have tendancies to be obcessive. My therapist has helped alot with these issues. If you haven't already, I would seek out a GOOD addiction therapist. Hang in there ~ it can get better, it does! Keep reading and posting, and give it everything you've got, because it's worth it!
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              drinking and xanax HELP!!!

              Is Xanax an opoid?

              If so, Naltrexone (Revia) can help.

              I take Naltrexone (Revia) 50 mg twice a day, Campral, Gabapentin and Verpamil.

              Gaba and Verpamil are for my cluster headaches. The Naltrexone and Campral are for my alcoholism.

              They help greatly. I can't even begin to say how much. It is turning my life around.

              AF April 9, 2016


                drinking and xanax HELP!!!

                Xanax is a benzodiazapam. It's for anxiety. But as I said in my earlier post when I went on the Topa it took my anxiety away because topa targets the same receptors in the brain as benzos do. If I had gone off the Xanax right then I would have been fine. No I'm back on this addict mindset again thinking I have to have it! Same with the alcohol. I now feel like I can't face my husband unless I've had a few drinks. I also like to drink when I am cooking. And yes I do substitute diet soda for alcohol at times. I am never without some kind of drink in my hand. I take a diet coke with me everywhere. I know that is because I used to hide behind a beer or mixed drink at bars and parties. Now I still feel the need to have that barrier there and feel like I am doing something when talking to someone. I am getting ready to make an appointment at my churches counseling center. I still go to Celebrate Recovery. I was just so glad to find this website! AA had never worked for me. Taking the topa is the closest to being a normal person I've ever been. But the mindset out there is still "one drink is too many and a thousand never enough". It's nice to know that science is making great strides in the meds but I do believe we also need counseling and support to get us through this.
                Thanks again!


                  drinking and xanax HELP!!!


                  We must change our "mindset." Period.

                  My hubby hangs with those who drink and he doesn't drink and never has.

                  I can count on ONE HAND in 33 years the amount of times my guy has been drunk.

                  And, he hates it. He hates it.

                  Let's change our mindset.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    drinking and xanax HELP!!!

                    I know I need some serious counseling. There are some issuses that I'm still holding onto that I thought I had let go of. But when I think I got everything under control I start playing those tapes over and over in my head. I try to stop as soon as I realize what I'm doing but I'm still new at this. I believe with the counseling, Celebrate Recovery meetings and the support I am getting here I will finally be able to become the person God made me to be!
                    I had been carrying around this secret for so long going to meetings and acting like eveything was just fine. It's great to finally have somewhere where I can be honest and share how I'm feeling and how much I'm really drinking or drugging.
                    Thanks again!! You guys are great!


                      drinking and xanax HELP!!!

                      alcohol and Xanax DO NOT MIX it is a very strong combination. I had a boyfriend a few years ago who died from drinking a bottle of vodka and taking a bunch of Xanax.
                      He suffered from anxiety and depression.

                      please get some help. real help
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

