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starting out again

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    starting out again

    Congrats Anon on the AFness AND the 12-holy-moly-I'm-impressed-miles! Hang in there. You can do it. I find that exercise is an excellent distraction from my addictions. Ironing???? Not so much.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      starting out again

      Hey Anon - sometimes what happens is....


      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        starting out again

        Woke up this morning with a smile. I am so lucky no shakes or similar horrors. Legs aching from the long run yesterday -what a wonderful feeling!


          starting out again


          J xxx
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            starting out again

            anon;714721 wrote: Woke up this morning with a smile. I am so lucky no shakes or similar horrors. Legs aching from the long run yesterday -what a wonderful feeling!
            Remember that great "unhung" feeling as you work your AFness today!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              starting out again

              Thanks for those positive vibes. Yes today is the day I usually tell myself I do not have a problem and one little drinkie will do me no harm---What a liar addiction is I must hold on to the good feeling of NO HANGOVER and one drink is never enough


                starting out again


                If it helps - I am right there with you. I have been here for a couple of years and keep loosing my way. Fortunately there are a lot great people here to support us.
                Please pray that I can hold out this time and I will do the same for you.



                  starting out again

                  I'm on day 4,a mere amateur,but what keeps me going is waking in the morning saying 'i didn't drink y'day'it gives me a high.
                  I imagine how i'd feel if i drank.A failure and full of shit.
                  This keeps me going,maybe it'l help you?
                  I'm going to feel even better 2moro than 2day cause i'll be on day 5!!!!

                  Please try and hold out,we can do this!
                  You will feel great about yourselves in the morning....i promise..

                  my prayers are for us all,

                  love & hugs
                  "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                  Bring it on!


                    starting out again


                    Awesome job on the 12 miler !! I can never run in the morning either. Too exhausted from the bottle of wine I consumed the night before. I alway exercise at lunch time during work or late in the afternoon on weekends.

                    On my 37th birthday I went for a run in the morning. I was almost home from a 3 mile run, and I must have passed out going up a hill. I came to when both my elbows were scraping payment. I thought I broke both elbows, but x-ray showed nothing. Just badly scratched up with gravel all under the skin. I guess I was just so dehydrated from the wine the night before. No more of that. I always hydrate with water before bed now.

                    But no wine tonight for me. I'm way over due for a AF night ! You just gave me a new goal. You ran 12 miles, so I'm going to go for a 6 miler after a get a quite a few AF nights under my belt. Thanks !!

                    Good Luck to you !!
                    Miss October :blinkylove:


                      starting out again

                      So fed up and ashamed I drank last night. Not a great deal but enough to get me drunk. Normally I would just stop trying at this stage, but I am going to go back to day one again.
                      I will keep posting and try to remember how wonderful those few days without a hangover felt. I am in the mood for a fight with this bloody addiction


                        starting out again

                        keep at it anon....

                        you can do it,if i can,believe me anyone can,
                        i got thru day 5 2day!!!!
                        2moro will be day 6 and i will feel recored in ten years is 8 days af so jesus when i pass that i will feel so proud..
                        don't be down on yourself,,,just keep on keeping on,
                        one day at a time...

                        prayers & hugs
                        thinking of you,know that we have all felt exactly the way you are now...
                        you are not and never will be alone,

                        keep up the fighting spirit...

                        "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                        Bring it on!


                          starting out again

                          That's the attitude you need, Anon. Go for it!
                          Great going Annie, you can do it!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            starting out again

                            Thank's guitarista.
                            You're a star!
                            Your words are a blessing..
                            I can do it!!!

                            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                            Bring it on!


                              starting out again

                              Thank you for those messages. I posted early this morning and when there was no response I thought people may be angry with me! How pathetic being an alcoholic can make you feel. Anyway day one seems ok to me. Thanks again for your genorous support.


                                starting out again

                                good on you getin thru day 1....2moro uv a day under ur belt!

                                bring on day 2!!

                                take care
                                "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                                Bring it on!

