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Can't get past 48 hours

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    Can't get past 48 hours

    I need some help please. I can't seem to get past 2 days of sobriety. For the past two weeks, I have had overwhelming cravings every other day for alcohol. Has anyone experienced this? I have read a lot of posts with suggestions on how to beat the craving, but I can't seem to get past this 48 hour thing and I am really starting to feel the effects of the lack of real sleep, stomach upset, anxiety and self esteem and confidence in the gutter. I could use some advice please, thank you ...btw, today is Day 1 again for the millionth time..

    Can't get past 48 hours

    I know what you mean (to a point). I have a hard time using the suggestions here. It might not be the same as you, but if I have the choice to drink, whether I'm doing some exercises or w/e suggestion there are, I still go get myself a bottle. I've been on day 1 probably 5 times this year, not as much as what it sounds like with you, but it's still discouraging.

    The only thing that helps me get further is Antabuse. The only problem with that, is if I don't take it it doesn't help. It's not for everyone but I will say that it does stop you from drinking. I'm sure some other people here will have better ideas that don't involve that, but it is something to think about if all else fails and you really want to stop, which it's pretty obvious you do. There are other supplements and drugs that you can find out about on here, none of which I know much about. You might already know since you've been here but sometimes it's impossible to do this without help from something. Everyone is different.

    Other than that, I just take it one day at a time. This is day 6 again for me. Tomorrow I got a lot planned so hopefully I can just keep my mind off it for most of the day. Obviously the Antabuse stops me even if I do think about it, but I still just try to focus on other things. Not easy, I know, but the more you think about it, the more you want it. Good luck, and like I said, other people here will probably have better advice but hang in there!


      Can't get past 48 hours

      Hi Disco I too was struggling and I agree with Burco sometimes the more you think a about it the harder it is. I was beating myself up because I could not concentrate on a task be it excersise cleaning tv etc but what I'm learning is if I can't don't stress just start something else. I'm on day 6 and struggling but it's odat and today I'm not going to drink. Keep on posting and reading we are all on this journey together x
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Can't get past 48 hours

        Hi Disco,

        Believe me, I know what you're going through. The first 48 hours are the toughest. What helps me is exercising like crazy on an elliptical machine....takes the thirst for alcohol right out of me. Also try Campral if you can get it from your doctor. I also have been taking 3,000 mg. of L-Glutamine and that helps with the cravings. You can do it! Good luck!



          Can't get past 48 hours

          hi disco. i was very much an every other day craver. for me the only reason was that the day after drinking i still felt so crap, physically and mentally to want a drink, but the next day those feelings had passed and AL came back to the front of my mind. sorry i dont have any great suggestions. keeping busy can be a help, but in the past being busy made me feel i deserved a drink for being busy. maybe i you break it down into smaller bits. im not going to drink this hour, maybe next one... if you can keep that going maybe the hours can build up. just think about how much you want this. i found reading, reading and more reading on here built up my resolve. good luck, keep us updated. rooting for ya
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Can't get past 48 hours

            Hi discobunny. Keep your chin up and keep trying no matter what! Take a look at this excellent post :l
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Can't get past 48 hours

              Hour by hour if that's what it takes. In my state u can't buy booze past 2am. So if I made it that far another day clicks off. That's how it started, 162 days ago :-)


                Can't get past 48 hours

                There is only one day that matters - that is today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow, well, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

                There is only one drink that matters - the first one. If I concentrate and work hard at not having the FIRST one, the rest takes care of itself.

                Focus, focus, focus.

                I can absolutely relate to the strong urges you are feeling. You are doing better than I used to do if you are drinking every other day. There was a time where I woke up every day saying "I will not drink today" and couldn't even make it until noon.

                Want your sobriety more than you want to drink. Be 100% committed to not drinking. (for me, being 90 something% committed while holding out some small hope that I could drink normally did NOT work)

                Have a plan. Be willing to do whatever it takes. The My Way Out plan (supplements, hypno CD's, diet & exercise recommendations and a prescription drug option) would be one place to start. Or AA. Or SmartRecovery. It's not a bad idea to start with something that has worked for others, and then follow it fully. There is always the opportunity to customize once you figure out what works.

                Doing the same things over and over will get you the same results you've been getting. Do something different if you don't like those results.

                All the best to you! IF I CAN, YOU CAN!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Can't get past 48 hours

                  This is awesome... thank you all for encouragement and support and for sharing your experiences with me. I cannot tell you how much better I feel this morning after reading your posts, every single one of them. For the first time in a very long time, I don't feel so all alone. I'm going to come back and re-read these posts over and over today and maybe just maybe I can get past 48 hours today thanks to all of you!!!


                    Can't get past 48 hours

                    Have you considered meds? I started topamax a little over two weeks ago. Four days in and I totally stopped drinking. The supplements are helpful too. Just a thought--you can get the meds from your doc or online. I highly recommend them.
                    Strength and love to you!
                    :h getting better every day


                      Can't get past 48 hours

                      Also-in the beginning I parked my computer on this website. READ, POST, PRAY....... REPEAT.

                      There are always people in the live chat if you're having a hard time getting through the "witching" hour.
                      :h getting better every day


                        Can't get past 48 hours

                        Hi Disco, the 48 hours is tricky, like someone said the hangover is gone and you feel ok. Also you're not really off the booze long enough to feel you are breaking a nice AF run. I agree with Burrco, I found Antabuse fantastic, I took it for about the first 10 days, I took it in the morning when my resolve was strong and then I knew I couldn't drink that day (in fact not for quite some time), after 10 days or so your resolve is well stronger and I found I could do it on my own.
                        Anyway whatever works for you - do it - its worth it
                        Good luck
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Can't get past 48 hours


                          I find 48 hours difficult too. I have gone longer this year(11 days and 6 days) but am back 4 nights a week if not during the day. I took some time off work thinking the lack of pressure/hassle would be better but I was wrong. I just slid into a depression.

                          My last drink was the middle of the night Tuesday-Wednesday so by this time tomorrow it'll be 48 hours plus.

                          I've got an appointment with my Counsellor tomorrow as an incentive since I need to drive as well as be straight for the session. I have only ever driven with ANY AL in me and it resulted in a conviction for me, not to mention narrowly avoiding serious injury to myself and others. Sheer luck. So if I drink today I will NOT be driving tomorrow.

                          My other concern is that I know after the Counsellor appointment I will think "Great done that, pat on the back lets go get sploshed". Well the truth is I have commited to working again (I'm self-employed and the buck stops at me!)...............

                          Little bit scared but I need/want to get my life back. Oh and I've some events coming up over summer I need to be completely Sober & Safe for.

                          By the way I can't use AB as I probably WOULD just not give a toss about it. I have a good idea I drink to 'Escape' or to 'Hurt' for both I wouldn't care if I ended up in hospital or dead - in fact a few times I've wanted the latter. The only reason being my drinking.


                            Can't get past 48 hours

                            I agree with everyone who says that Antabuse is worth a try, and if you're like me - yes, you will TRY to drink on it. But only one drink leads too such an unpleasant reaction that you won't try again. I flushed a deep red and was short of breath and my eyes went blurry - no thanks never again. I've run out of stock but am trying to get some again because, once I've had my Antabuse the struggle is over - I know I cannot drink.:H
                            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                              Can't get past 48 hours

                              Well the only time I did try AB I had what I think is an allergic reaction to it. I was very ill and had a fit in the Drs waiting room. This came on after about 2 weeks of taking it, over the course of 12 hours and I had not touched a drink in that time, nor 5 days before starting. I watched what I ate etc.

                              The Dr was insistent I'd taken a drink I really hadn't and how come I'd been feeling ill, achy, flu symptoms with slight rash for 12 hours beforehand culminating in me passing out in a feverish state?

                              I had to admit I'd bought it online been following dosing I'd read up on. He then told me off for ordering meds online as "they could contain anything" and simply sent me home (yep I had to ride my bicycle or walk 1 mile back).

                              If it was an allergic reaction I'm not prepared to go through that as it was scary - when I say fit I convulsed out of my chair eyes all over the place.

