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anyone in TX pls reply

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    anyone in TX pls reply

    Apparently there is a warrant out for my arrest because I was in-patient last week and didn't make my appt. with the probation officer, yes, I need to call my lawyer, but he's out of town.

    I am paralyzed with fear and am afriad to even walk Peggy, my dog. Unfortunately, there is a police officer who lives one apt. away from me, so he can track my locations.


    Enlightened by MWO

    anyone in TX pls reply

    Oh Hilary... I'm so sorry! What a mess. Do you know the cop next door? Can you talk to him, I wonder? And when is your lawyer back... is there not a backup/referral for urgent matters?

    :l Hang in there honey.. I'm a long way from Texas but I'm sure someone close by will respond!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      anyone in TX pls reply

      Crap, SK! Can you call the probation officer to make an appointment to come in? I wouldn't talk to the officer next door. I also woudn't worry about walking Peggy either. Officers have a lot more to worry about that than you carting in.

      Love you,

      Thinking of you!



        anyone in TX pls reply

        Dear one,

        I have been in the worse mess because of Alcohol.

        Please, listen and respond.
        Be real and upfront with your PO. Get some means of proof about your whearabouts which is an example of your desire to get help.
        I had a judge once ready to kick me to the curb and once he saw a proof on paper that I was in a detox, his whole spirit changed.
        These are humans doing their best ( hopefull)
        So be hope filled!

        Please, do not run and hide. Face this and it will resolve itself out of your pure intention.
        Be real.
        This is a battle and let that be your umbrella.

        With you in thought and relief~

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


          anyone in TX pls reply

          Hilary - I'm not an expert on legal matters, but I think you're OK walking your dog. I agree with the others - is there someone at your attorney's office who could advise you? Your policeman neighbor is unlikely to know, unless he was to check your drivers license. I used to work across from a police station, shared a parking lot with them, drove with expired tags and inspection for months, and no one ever said a word - they were getting off work and obviously it was a low priority after hours. I doubt it's a huge priority in his off time - plus going after his neighbors probably is not on his wish list.

          Unless you are pulled over, I doubt anyone would know. I would use caution if you have to drive until this is resolved. I'm guessing it can be, so try to relax and walk your dog. Take a few deep breaths and make it through the day. Take care. :h
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            anyone in TX pls reply


            I am working tonight, or I would come get you.

            I'll call you when I get done with what I am doing.

            Hang in there, girl. Talk to your lawyer. You must have representation in front of the law or they will eat you up.

            My son can tell you all about it.

            And no, you can probably go a fair amount of time without anyone coming to your house or going out of their way to pick you up.

            Don't drive unless you absolutely must.

            Love you,
            AF April 9, 2016


              anyone in TX pls reply


              I tried calling you and no answer.

              You need to learn to keep the cell close by.

              I am here if you need me. Just call.

              AF April 9, 2016


                anyone in TX pls reply


                As you know, I am not in TX but am concerned and want you to post an update.



                  anyone in TX pls reply

                  Get the proof you need and some legal advice.
                  As the others have said, you are probably not a high priority for the police to worry about.
                  Hope you get this sorted soon, it sounds like you are very stressed.

                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    anyone in TX pls reply

                    Hi Skendall,
                    Don't know the system over there so no help, but are you making this a bit bigger in your mind than it is?
                    I imagine it would be easy enough for you to get a note saying you were an in patient. Give them a ring and say you need a note verifying wherer you were. And perhaps ring the probation officer. As the others are saying, the police would have other priorities, so take the dog for a walk, and like Dance says, don't disturb your neighbour.... he probably needs a rest.


                      anyone in TX pls reply

                      Thank you for your responses. I called my P.O. and told him I would turn myself in. Then, I didn't sleep the whole night, drifted off at bout 6:00 a.m. and woke up about 11:00. I walked Peggy, and then went onto the balcony to call my lawyer (I can't make calls inside the appt. due to a Verizon dead zone). So, this diminutive officer hails me and recognizes me and he is flailing the warrant like a flag.

                      I usher him into my breezeway, and he tells me he doesn't feel good about chasing people like me, he'd rather be chasing bad guys. So we agree to meet at the jail and after 3 hours a a bunch of money I bail myself out and am back home.

                      In the meantime this officer tells me he was looking through my windows and clumping thru the bushes looking for me (I was walking Peggy), and then decided to ask neighbors where I was - so much for subtlety of the Texas P.D. He then told me Texas probation was the toughest in the country. Nothing new for me.

                      I'll get thru this.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        anyone in TX pls reply

                        No Rags, I don't think I'm making this bigger than it is. The warrant was issued as soon as I was out of inpatient. Have lots of work to do.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          anyone in TX pls reply


                          So glad you are back home!!! I have always heard you don't mess with Texas law and folks outside the US would not know that. It does seem ridiculous. I think the $ was well spent. I hope you have a peaceful night and a good sleep!


                            anyone in TX pls reply

                            This is effing ridiculous! Don't they have something better to do with their time. I'm sure there is a sex offender to watch in the near vacinity. SK...I'm really sorry you're going through this.


                              anyone in TX pls reply

                              How are you SK? I think about you all the time.

