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Anyone else these during witdrawal?

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    Anyone else these during witdrawal?

    I had a 7-9 day binge over xmas and new year. When to doctors to get detox meds. He gave me and 40 chlordiazepoxide. Apart from sweating I dont feel to bad. Only a bit tired. But when a try to sleeep I get vivid images or random things. This only happens when I lie down, when I active doing something doesn't seem any different than normal. Anyone else had these and know any ways or meds to reduce them. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Anyone else these during witdrawal?

    Trevor, I don't know about the meds, but below is a link to a thread on this website where people discuss different medications. Someone there might know:

    Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds - My Way Out Forums

    Best of luck,


      Anyone else these during witdrawal?

      Hi Trev, I had problems with sleep too when I went AF ... weird/random things. These passed. Anything else going on?
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Anyone else these during witdrawal?

        Not realy a little bit ot sickness, shaky , sweaty but nothing like some of the ones I have before. The only thing thats worse is the rndom images which prevent me from sleeping. Once I get a few houurs sleep I thunk the rest of the symptoms shouldpass.


          Anyone else these during witdrawal?

          Just remember this will pass. Just pass through the unpleasantness and you won't need to go through it again. Hang in there! Keep us posted, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Anyone else these during witdrawal?

            If it's any help, was in a similar situation a few years back, stopped drinking, saw weird stuff, felt very "unsettled", edgy. Stayed sober for 2 years went back to drinking moderately (ha ha) ended up more on al than off, came off with diazepam and vitamins B1, B6 and B3 - the only unusual thing i've seen is the look on my face in the mirror - i don't look like i do when i've been drinking Been off since 18 dec and should be off the diazepam by end of this week. Really rate the B vits - Al hammers them & you need to replace them. Diazapam for me,sucks, but i knew i wouldn't drink while on it and didn't like the idea of antabuse... Week 2 is much better, the first week was just a write off, hang on in there !! best wishes


              Anyone else these during witdrawal?


              that is all part of the withdrawal process and at its worst manifests of the D.T.'s. It sounds like a bit of wiring mayhem in the brain. I have had similar experiences during withdrawal (horrific demonic nightmares) and being in s semi-hallucinating state just before and after being asleep. It should pass with a few good nights sleep. Hang in there, it is worth the temporary discomfort. Saff
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Anyone else these during witdrawal?

                Nightmares, panics, sweats all occur during withdrawl assisted or not. Just something to go through and a reminder not to drink again.

