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Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

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    Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

    In August of this year, I had four years of sobriety under my belt. I was proud of that and felt pretty good. But I fell into the trap of thinking maybe I was "cured" by having gone through that and was also older and wiser and I know many "normal" people drink less as they get older so I decided to experiment with moderating.

    I'm back here so you can guess how that went, eh? I haven't been here in so long but logged in this morning and the first message I read was celebrating five years and reread the struggle. I am trying to find my old posts so I can reread my own story and remind myself about how far it was.

    Let me tell you about the attempt to moderate for those of you thinking it might be an option.... I've done really well and event went on a trip to France and drank not a sip for those four years. But I began to think I missed wine with a meal, I missed a beer by the pool (though I do have oDouls for the taste).

    I talked to my husband and told him I wanted to have A glass of wine at a party we went to during a week of special festival events that included a lot of social events. He was supportive but cautious. He went to hell and back with me for many years. That first night that I decided to something happened that made the night emotional and I wound up not having that glass because I knew having alcohol in an emotional setting was not a good idea. The next night I did have a glass and it was ok. The third night I already pulled out the old trick of stopping for a mini vodka and red bull on the way to special event! The slide was that quick! That drug hit my brain and four years of discipline and strength went right back to sneakiness and needing to take the edge off before an event.

    After that week of festive stuff, I didn't drink again for two weeks and I thought that was good. Then we were out at a restaurant with a bunch of beer drinkers and I had a beer. .... but again after a stop at the store for a mini. One is never enough. How many times have we all heard that?

    Over the last couple of weeks I've had a drink or two almost every day. And not just with my husband or not just at an event. All the rules I said I'd do when I tried - only with other people, only once a week, only at a special event. Over the seven weeks since I decided to try moderating, (49 days roughly), I've probably had a drink about 25 of them... more over the last week which is the scary part. The escalation. The need. The buying a bottle to hide and have one here and there. I havent' gotten "drunk" but I the cloudiness in my brain last night, the waking in the middle of the night, and the not being fully in the moment for a couple of things lately really bothers me.

    It's not possible! My brain chemistry will not allow me to have any alcohol. So, today is my 41st birthday and I am being re-born into sobriety. Over the past 4 years I've proven I can do it and I felt great. I tried the moderation for this little interlude and I guess I've answered the question for myself forever - I am not able to drink.

    So, please welcome me back so I can make sure I master this again?
    Member since January 2008
    AF since August 25, 2008

    Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

    TiredofHiding; welcome back! I am glad you have posted this; it is worth all of us taking a good read.....thank you.
    4 years is great - at least now you know what you are aiming for because you have seen how good it is without alcohol in your life. It's a bugger that you had to find answers you didn't want but now you can put it away and be happier in your sobriety and not wondering 'what if'.
    I reckon you will be a great addition here.....good luck!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

      Hello Tired, I know how you are feeling, I did exactly the same after 6 years, and immediately was back to square one. You can get back on track, you know what you are up against. It is so dangerous for us to think that we can just take one drink, because if we are really alcoholic, it's not possible. I have to tell myself that I am suffering from an allergy, and just keep away. You are so brave to admit your lapse, but this time you are well armed against failure.


        Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

        Tired, welcome back indeed. I never drank harder than the year I tried to moderate.

        Your post couldn't come at a better time. We've had quite a brew-ha-ha lately with the Moderators and AF'ers. We are all trying to get our point across but in different ways. Both sides showing intolerance for the other, myself included. But I think that in the case of addiction, and let's face it, we've all got one here, tolerance is held to a different standard. Here's why I think that is: Most of us, if not all, are slowly but surely killing ourselves by injesting AL. The obvious answer is to stop doing that, right?
        But this is addiction, and people clinging to the fantasy that they can have it both ways is not only irresponsible, but also destructive. "Why can other people do it and I can't??" I'm about to make an inflammatory remark, and I'm ready for the consequences...."Other people really AREN'T doing it." Successful moderation is an oxymoron. Even moderators can't agree on what successful moderation is!! Some call it Harm Reduction. Why not call it, Killing Yourself a Little Slower? Why not practice Harm Elimination? Here's what I found and what I've seen in the years I've been here...One Drink Leads to Another One. You feed it, you've got it. If there is one benefit to a site like this one it's gives you ability to see into the future. There are people here just like me with some good solid sober time under their belts...and they try it, like you did, and the cycle starts all over again. I don't have to see this but a few hundred times to realize this could be me. I'm not the brightest bulb in the string, but I can see what will happen if I try it for myself.

        Enter the folks who say, 'BUT this site was FOUNDED on the principles of moderation!" (with their fingers pointed up to the Heavens). Well, maybe it was...but things change. Even the founder of this place is AF now. MWO is now a community of people who come here with problems with AL...REAL problems. Life threatening problems...and to make light of that by saying, "come join us over here where you can still drink" is, in my opinion, misleading at best, and dangerous. If you want to try moderating...knock yourself out, literally.....I never met a moderate heroin addict nor a moderate ALK.

        In my case...I just wish I could help others from the brutality of this fantasy. But I know that it is an INDIVIDUAL journey. The sooner you can get underway with your sobriety, the better for all involved...YOU, your family...your workplace. There are NO downsides to it.... Once you learn HOW to do it. Dependancy on AL is STRONG to say the least and letting go is hard. I went from drinking vodka most of the day over to wine, because I never had a problem with wine...but AL is AL, wine was just vodka with a is a cleaver Beast.

        I am so glad you are back with us...I hope your story will help others who are struggling with this decision.... who think that something will magically change once some time has gone by. You only get one brain, and it knows exactly where you left off... In my case, my relationship with AL was as good as it was ever going to get.

        Thank you so much for your inspiring words! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

          Well, welcome back, its a struggle for all of us. I think your story will help others(as it did me) reminding "some" of us that moderation is not an option.

          I have that thought creep up in my head every once in a while, only to get jolted back to reality by posts like thank you for posting up and letting me learn from yours and others mistakes.

          I have no doubt you will get and stay AF as soon as you want have to have some REAL willpower to make it that long!!

          Wishing you much strength
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

            Byrd, my husband drinks moderately, but has never had or thought he had a problem with al. I tried to moderate and it was impossible. Alcohol unlike food is not something that we need, and if we don't have a problem with addiction why do we need to talk about moderating ? I have worked with people with addictions including narcotics, and the only relief I have seen is from abstinence. To me addiction and moderation don't mix. Just my humble opinion.


              Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

              I agree, Paula....someone said it so eloquently...people who moderate, don't know it. B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                Tired, welcome back again, and thank you for posting and your honesty - for someone who is struggling with the idea of never, I need to read these stories and get it into my thick head. I appreciate it and wish you all the best on your journey...
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                  WELCOME back, Tired!! and happy belated birthday.
                  thank you very much for coming and sharing your experience. like everyone has said it does help us all to be reminded again and again what moderation really means for most of us--
                  i hope you're able to read back on your old posts.
                  and i hope you'll continue to let us know how you are.


                    Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option


                    Thank you so much for posting and welcome back. I'm just starting on my first dedicated quit. It's been difficult to think about the never aspect. Never to enjoy the taste of delicious wines again. Th e thought of perhaps just being able to enjoy a glass or two always lingers in my mind but I know that will not be possible for me. I struggle with embracing that idea forever.

                    Your sharing will help so many of us in this journey. Be well you have the tools now to continue on your path. Be a regular here!
                    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                      Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                      wow, tired...thank you for posting this. Like Nelz said - it is that jolt back to reality that I know I am going to need every once in awhile. I could so very much identify with your post...even your wording..."The buying a bottle to hide and have one here and there." I think I've made that exact comment many times in my description of the awful trap I was stuck in...and my brain used it many times in the past to convince me to buy more. That is one I will have to be watchful of forever...

                      I hope you're doing well today.

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                        Welcome back Tired,

                        Thanks for sharing your story. It reiterates that most of us cannot moderate. I love Byrdie's quote about those who moderate don't know's so true. People that have one or two drinks don't realize they're doing so in moderation. It's those of us that are obsessed with counting and controlling that make such a big deal of "one or two".

                        Please stick around and keep posting!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                          Welcome back! Posting again is way better than struggling and not posting. I hope you will consider joining the Step at a Time group. We've all been around a few blocks, still working on long-term abstinence.
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                            Your post is a great reminder to us on how fast "the slide" can happen. I don't post as much as I used to, but reading posts on MWO really helps me stay on track. Thank you for sharing!
                            AF since 2/22/2012


                              Four years... experimented with moderating... not an option

                              Ditto here!

                              Thank You.
                              AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                              "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."


