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what is moderation?

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    what is moderation?

    I think it was mentioned last year that some of us just dont have that off switch when it comes to alcohol. I admire modders who truly can stick to 'just' 1 or 2.

    Its accepting if you are a modder or abber that is hard, well I still pray one day I will moderate - am I foolish ?... probably, knowing my history with alcohol - we have that love - hate relationship.

    I love alcohol - but alcohol hates does bad things to my body and mind ....we all know what those things are, so I won't go into details.
    Maybe I am on a pity-fest at the moment, just miss it...
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007


      what is moderation?

      I am finding the AF days pretty interesting, pretty overwhelming at times. It's pretty clear why I have needed alcohol. I have some pretty heavy emotions, almost constant mental chatter and a negative internal voice. Last night I almost gave in and had a drink but I resisted.

      I think meditation will help with this. For me, it's about developing a new relationship with alcohol but also, more importantly, the self, so you don't need an escape. Also, mental state may improve without too much alcohol because booze seems to throw off your neurotransmitters.

      It's early days, with 3 weeks moderation. But it's the longest I have gone in a long time without resorting to alcohol to make me feel better. I can cry, feel horrible, afraid, whatever, sober. It's hard but liberating too. We are stronger than we think.

      In fact, learning to moderate can be very similar to learning to be abstinent, learning coping skills. For someone who has been drinking too much, moderation actually feels like having nothing. You know, having one or two drinks? Feels like very little. Tolerance goes down and you don't use it for psych reasons, well for me that is what cravings are all about-- relief.

      Alcohol is there but it's not to be abused. I read in my moderation management book that the 30 days at the beginning is to get your tolerance down to lower levels. Makes sense to me. I might try to do 30 with a drink allowed here or there. Those of us who are doing moderation should actually feel similar to those going for AF-- like we are struggling on some days and having so little as to have nothing. For me though, having some means a great deal.


      PS, To clarify, my situation before was drinking some during the week with one to two binges (wine/beer) per week. No missed work. No catastrophes. Doctor told me once a week is too much.

