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Calling all Binge Drinkers

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    Calling all Binge Drinkers

    Hi Sun and All, Yes I try to moderate............ always always always go back to shop to buy more, sorz this isn't helpful in the slightest. I think I would rather have NONE at all than just be able to have one or two.... but then again one or two is the one or two that gets me going and I very rarely refuse... I have to keep myself permanently STRONG minded to refuse and I will say that this is getting easier with each time. I was doing extremely well, well for me that is, but then one slip and there I was again, but always telling myself I can mod if I wanted to, trouble is... I never wanted to... So for me it has to be AF completely.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Calling all Binge Drinkers

      Hi Sun and all,

      Just received my cd's and today is day 1. For me, it's about quieting this drinking mind so that I can achieve some control. The campral my Dr. prescribed helps the physical cravings, but I wanted to get to the point where it wasn't a constant willpower issue. Quite frankly, I'm tired of the stream of concious thought around drinking - will I drink too much today? What's in the house? Can I sneak an extra drink while the chicken is being turned on the grill? I want to be normal. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the subliminal tape and it's a delightful ocean soundtrack. Think I may hit the beach tomorrow. Will let you know how the cd's work out.


        Calling all Binge Drinkers

        Hi Sunbeam and mods,
        Am on day 3 of the hypno cd's. They're quite enjoyable. I really believe they're helping - it's 5:50 PM and I'd rather be listening to them and reading your posts than having a cocktail - or 4 - imagine!! Don't want to get too excited -- been here before temporarily, but I'm motivated to stick with it! If this mind can be retrained to act "normal", then I truly believe anything is possible.



          Calling all Binge Drinkers

          I have nearly always binge drank, apart from a time when I was unemployed and tried drinking every day for 3 months. I was brought up without AL in the house, started going out at weekends and would nearly always end up drunk, passing out, throwing up, having an emotional fit etc. When I was training as a competive athlete I would probably only go out once a week so it didn't seem to be a problem. Once I 'retired' I could then go out 2 or 3 nights and not care about the morning after.

          In the last 3 years the pattern has been drink until I am sick of it - spend a couple of days recovering, get life back together then do it again. All on a weekly basis. In March I found myself a decent rehab and though I had it beat. Managed 8 weeks, slipped, then 1 month, June was just one big relapse.

          Anyway - everytime I know it's not going to be a few drinks, I actually want to get blasted and drink so fast it can only be carried out at home. Recently I turned to Vodka, often neat from the bottle - I can drink a 750ml bottle in 2-3 hours. This week I had most of a 1 litre bottle Sunday night and 3/4 of a 750ml last night.

          I tried modding a few years back but it was no good - every time I have a drink I can't get enough of the stuff. Trouble with abstaining is that I have to wait a few days until the next craving comes before I know if I can avoid it. Everyone around me just waits and wonders when the next explosion is coming!


            Calling all Binge Drinkers

            a lot of drinkers are also hypo gycemic. look it up. google it. explains the eating/smoking bit. i myself,
            , sadly, suffer from an eating disorder, anorexia, as well. but the hypoglycemia kicks in bc of the eating disorder, not inherent, but if hypoglycemia/alcoholism gene is in your your system, it will def exhibit why u r getting drunk faster/craving alk more...duh,,SUGAR!!! hope it helps.. simple carbs but healthy ones, while drinking. ...cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, chicken or other protien with some carbs like flat bread veg pizza or and dip or potato wedges with dip (these are the heathiest bar food options i can come up with with!!) with your drinks, will help you mod. hope it helps


              Calling all Binge Drinkers

              a lot of drinkers are also hypo gycemic. look it up. google it. explains the eating/smoking bit. i myself,
              , sadly, suffer from an eating disorder, anorexia, as well. but the hypoglycemia kicks in bc of the eating disorder, not inherent, but if hypoglycemia/alcoholism gene is in your your system, it will def exhibit why u r getting drunk faster/craving alk more...duh,,SUGAR!!! hope it helps.. simple carbs but healthy ones, while drinking. ...cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, chicken or other protien with some carbs like flat bread veg pizza or and dip or potato wedges with dip (these are the heathiest bar food options i can come up with with!!) with your drinks, will help you mod. hope it helps


                Calling all Binge Drinkers

                Hi Sunbeam

                I think you might be referring to Bella's thread.

                I have been doing well for the last two months, aside from two occasions. I think as the other said, drinking on an empty stomach can trigger it and also for me, PMS can too

                A third thing is the feeling of deprivation. Marbella recently posted a podcat from Dr. Sinclair. He talked about how not having something can make you want it all the more! I decided only to drink socially and when I had a week where no opportunities arose, I wound up drinking too much on the last night. I guess I felt deprived.

                It sounds like your husband was keeping you in check because as soon as he went out of town you had too much. Maybe you do feel a bit deprived by your regime but having him around helps you control it. When he went out of town you binged. I also find that I can moderate when I am in a controlled environment, like dinner with a friend but not when I am in an open-ended place like a bar for an all-night event.

                So is the solution for me not to drink at all in those riskier situations? And are we better off allowing ourselves a bit more flexibility so as not to feel deprived? These are things I have been thinking over. I know you wanted to go totally AF but maybe maintaining would be a better goal for you. Just throwing that out there.

                I also think Vera makes a good point about quieting the mind because a binge can be triggered by needing a release.

                One other thing I would ask you, do you reward yourself enough for your progress? Celebrate it!!



                  Calling all Binge Drinkers

                  I am 11 days AF. But I am a binge closet drinker. Is anyone else in my shoes? I drink from being alone. and it doesnt help that my business is home based
                  Today the beast is behind me, waiting to let my guard down. I am fighting it , and so far winning. I am taking not 1 day at a time today, but 1 hour at a time. and its working. Keep your fingers crossed for me
                  Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                  And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                  • Yesterday is History
                    Today is a Mystery
                    Tomorrow is a GIFT


                    Calling all Binge Drinkers

                    Hi dlw,
                    Congrats on those 11 days! Yes, I hid all those binges. I would invite friends over for a couple of drinks after work, then keep drinking all evening. Or drink all Sunday afternoon and eve, starting when my husband took a nap. Thank goodness those days are gone for me. It hasn't been easy, but I do drink moderately now, and am drinking less each month so I will be only an occasional drinker. I don't know if you have any spiritual inclinations, but I've recently found a mantra-type prayer very helpful in resisting an urge. I posted one a couple of days ago on the Long Term Moderation thread.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Calling all Binge Drinkers

                      Sunny Dear, That was my pattern...I could mod for awhile(days...sometimes weeks) but always ended up binging...I finally accept that I just plain and simply CAN NOT DRINK...Takes my mantra...I DON'T DRINK...I DON'T's the only way to keep myself from binging..
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Calling all Binge Drinkers

                        the third state

                        I am DEFINITELY a binge-drinker. It's my.. how shall I put it, natural tendency... I have never been someone who can have 1 drink. So moderation is much more of a challenge... not just in terms of frequency, but in terms of volume also. It's a two-way challenge. Which makes drinking at home (the preferred route) tough - coz it usually involves a bottle... and us bingers don't like bottles with liquid inside of them. Oh well. We fight on!


                          Calling all Binge Drinkers

                          This is such an interesting post and I can sooo relate...After reading all of what you have said...I guess I'm a binge drinker.... lol ...You don't say!!! I wish oh how i wish there was a solution to this binging. I have been looking for one for a long time. I find that with my is my husband who stops me from binging. for example..right at this precise moment..i am drinking but when my husband gets home, i will stop. Sometimes i dont stop...i hide the drink.....and sneak. But generally, i stop and go do something else quick, just to get me away from sitting and boozing. I find it does help to take myself away from the situation and cook dinner or something. Sometimes, I have a mind on me that just decides to get wasted......that is real binging and it scares me alot. Tipping the strong liquer down my neck to get the quick fix.....but you what? Lately, when i hav felt like that....(that out of control feeling) I hav just stopped for a second and thought about it and what it will do......lets not go there... lol! Anyway, I think having my husband around stops i know he would not let me drink too much...maybe thats why i sometimes feel like going mad on the drink...just to let go...

                          Anyway, I am probably going on too much now, so will stop... Bye Bella XXXX


                            Calling all Binge Drinkers

                            At this point in my recovery, I feel that I was priming the pump for the next binge any time I consumed alcohol. I am now having a couple drinks less than once per week. I have not had any binges since August. The last two times I had wine, I didn't want to finish what was in my glass. A lot of the change is just education, realizing how damaging excess alcohol can be to my body and soul.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              Calling all Binge Drinkers

                              I can sooooo relate to so many of these posts. Would you believe that I too am a binge drinker? LOL It's funny because I have recently come to the realisation that when I am around people (my mother & husband) that "keep tabs" on how much I'm drinking , I will want to then hide and binge. Most of my binging is done "secretly." Maybe rebellion is my trigger to binge? Oh well, just a thought.

