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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

    Great news Eve! I know the feeling... hubby is also well suprised to hear that I am actually having fun without AL. I think it must be a relief for him. I never thought about how he felt before, but I imagine it must've been worrying for him when he goes away to know that I was permamently pickelled.

    Onwards and upwards we go....

    Off to dinner, will catch up with you later.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

      DeeBee;448782 wrote:
      Vladster, what's your latest crazy dream?
      I dreamt hubby had a sore throat. All of a sudden I heard the sound of the top of a vodka bottle unscrewing. Hubby was pouring himself a shot of vodka. I yelled, 'What are you doing?' and he laughed at me, drank it and poured himself another one. Seeing the horror on my face he poured me a large one but before I could drink it I woke up.
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

        HI Modders
        Busy today, out and about a bit...just wanted to say hello real quick. Eve, I know what you mean about being alone...for me it is one slippery slope - good job!


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

          Hi everyone! I'm a bit late today esp. to greet DeeBee- you're sleeping by now! Great to hear everyone doing well. I actually had myself convinced a Gin and tonic would be a great way to relieve some anxieties from the day but I toughed it out, had sparkling water and rode out the beast. It didn't win! God bless all......................
          Toughen up!


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

            Vlad, that's awful to have a dream like that. It must wake you with a jolt! I haven't had any of the drinking dreams (yet) I've read about on the forum. Do you have these kind of dreams often?

            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

              Good for you St John!

              periwinkle :goodjob:
              Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                Hi all,
                Another day of work, and vocal music tonight. St. John, I also enjoy those flavored sparling waters. I have been amazed how satisfied I am with them, instead of wine. I use a wine glass to drink them, creating a special relaxing moment.

                I did see some of those snow flakes in the air today, but nothing accumulated on the ground. I still have leaves to gather, whenever it dries out enough. I use one of those blower/vac devices to suck them up, and then pile them on my vegetable garden area to decompose and enrich the soil. They soften over the winter, then I rake them aside in the spring to let the soil warm and dry out enough to plant. Then I spread them out again for mulch, and they slowly decompose over the summer. No weeds, and my soil gets better every year.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                  I'm jealous, Sunbeam. I love to garden and here in the hot desert it can be challenging. Fall leaves and snow flakes, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Let me know when you want me to conjur up for you memories of blue skies and warm sand.
                  Toughen up!


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                    Happy Hump Day Squadron,

                    Just got back from my Jesus class - it's a 4-week class discussing the book "Why Jesus Makes Me Nervous." It's extremely thought provoking. The associate pastor leading the discussion was reading through a list of sins (I think in Galatians) and drunkeness was one of them. I hope the rest of the class did not hear me wince. Was I ever grateful for forgiveness!! Sun, I love to sing too. Can we do a duet?

                    Deebs, hope your birthday celebration was a royal one. Did you do anything other than eat cake? And Vlad, I'm wondering what the significance of your booze dream is. I remember in high school or a summer in college when I was going to Weight Watchers to take off some weight. I purposely underate so that I would get faster results. I remember breaking out in a cold sweat one night after dreaming I had sunk my chops into a big, juicy hamburger. What does this all say about us?

                    "Wednesday kudos" to St. John and Evie and everyone else who managed to say no to the drink for one more day. For me, taking these AF breaks is what keeps me from slipping back into the old, drunk Vera. Funny there were a couple of calling hubbies mentioned today. Mine used to call before 6PM when he was traveling because he just didn't want to hear a drunk person on the phone. And who could blame him? Going to peak in on a couple of other threads, then off to bed. Tomorrow, friends.



                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                      good night Vera - I feel a bit left out - my daughter was home sick, so I stayed off the forum mostly. You know, I was about to ask why drunkenness was a sin, Oh for goodness sakes!!!! I know better! ANyways, this is probably a great time for you to be doing something to do with spiritual growth. I am not inspired right now, and don't really have the time, but I like to hear, and enjoy it all vicariously. See you all tomorrow, missed you all today!


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                        Hubby came home tonight and we decided to stop for a drink or two to talk about his trip and have a little quality time before we went home to the kids.

                        Would have been SO easy for me to have snuck that third or fourth drink in once I was home because once I start I don't like to stop. I know this is why some people HAVE to go AF. Believe me...I struggle with it too.

                        The drinktracker SAVES my life. I really don't want to put 3 on tonight .... on a week day night no less!
                        So...drinking flavored water while hubby takes a bath...would have been so easy to sneak that drink while he was bathing...I know some of you really understand that.

                        Thanks MWO, Roberta, and everyone who comes here and the supporters of this group.

                        I am making it ODAT (for the newbies...this acronym was a hard one for me...)
                        One day at a time
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                          vera-b;449432 wrote: And Vlad, I'm wondering what the significance of your booze dream is.
                          I remember once thinking how much I'd be hurt if hubby did to me what I'd done to him, sneaking drinks behind his back and such. I think it's something to do with that.
                          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                            periwinkle;449213 wrote: Do you have these kind of dreams often?
                            They seem to come in waves, I hadn't had any AL dreams for around a month.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                              So last night after a scrumpious dinner, seafood platter and a bottle of wine which I shared with my friend and sipped demurely, she ordered me a "chocolate cake".... not the chocolate cake I was thinking - this one is a shooter!! The whole restuarant was singing happy birthday to me and I felt I couldn't say no. Then another arrived and another. WHY THE FUCK COULD'NT I SAY NO THANKS I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!
                              I am so bummed with myself today. I am questioning exactly what did last night mean - do I give up on modding or was this because I was with my friend who I have issues with drinking???
                              Very confused today and very pissed off with myself.
                              Sorry to be a downer:-(
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 20/10/08

                                Fecking 5 on the drink tracker today!
                                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

