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Paradigm Shift

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    Paradigm Shift

    Less is more, for me. Less alcohol, more AF time, more of the pleasures in life that are real. Alcohol is the illusion.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Paradigm Shift

      Jvo - GREAT plan. That sums it up for me too.

      Sun, as always you've managed to distil your thoughts down to the essence... and I couldn't agree more! That's it, right there. Nail on the head.

      Cheers you both.


        Paradigm Shift

        My dentist used to have that damn picture taped up to the ceiling over the dental chair, so when the patient was lying back getting worked on, that's what you were looking at... Kind of annoying. But a bit of a distraction from what was going in one's mouth...


          Paradigm Shift

          j-vo;474697 wrote: I know there are times where special occasions are shorter in length of time than others. I'll take this into account more seriously. When the special occasions range over a longer period, such as 4 hours, I will attempt to drink slower, and I won't have more than one per hour. If it's a shorter time length such as dinner, I'll limit it to two.
          J-Vo - twin
          It sounds as if I could have written this post. I've thought the same thing. Big difference in 3 drinks over an hour dinner vs 3 drinks at a party that goes on for hours and hours
          (like New Years?)
          So, I'm not going to get down on myself if I do have 3 over the course of an evening if it was a drawn out evening. But I don't want to see myself downing 3 at the bar over an hour's time.
          The other important thing for me too - if I do end up drinking 3 - don't want slurred speech, stumbling, boys making comments because I'm drunk. NEVER again!
          4 for me J-Vo...that's my killer. If I do 4 ... I've shot myself in the foot.
          Made it through our early T-giving dinner as planned. Glass and 1/2 of wine with dinner.
          Went to a fabulous hotel to visit my nephew and thought if it comes up to have a drink at the hotel bar - I would. Time would have passed considerably between dinner and then so I would have probably done it. But...that's why I took the kids with us. Was SO easy not to stop cause the kids were along. So - came home - am sitting here - am going to bed soon to wake up refreshed without a HA, remorse...
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Paradigm Shift

            Hi Eve! You are going to bed and I've just got up lol!
            Sounds like your evening was a great success -- kudos to you:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Paradigm Shift

              Had a great laugh, Deebs, thinking of you trying to meditate and chanting OM... and your daughter thinking you were losing it... ha ha ha. Hope the Dead Man posture works out easier. Yes it's a good idea to lock the door so you don't create a panic!


                Paradigm Shift


                It's been years since I've seen that picture. Took me a minute, but finally found the old lady. No funny farm for Vera. It just goes to show that there's more than one way to look at any problem, or challenge for that matter. One thing I've learned is that the older I get, the less I know. I always seem to be seeking. Just when I think I have a few answers, I end up with more questions. But at the end of the day, I think we all come to the conclusion that we shouldn't drink very much. It's probably just best for our health, our relationships, our sanity. And when we do, it's not the end of the world.



                  Paradigm Shift

                  Well said, Vera!! Cheers, brother z

