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Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

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    Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

    Darn, I've been faithful about keeping my food diary, but my weight is the same in spite of this food control tool and faithful exerciuse. I went XC skiing this afternoon for two hours - it was great! I will try meditation strategies to curb my evening munchies.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

      Updated Plan/Results : Weight change!

      Updates are a good idea...get it in writing!
      Update on "the plan"
      Originally Posted by Kid Shelleen
      Plan for 2009

      For Physical Health
      1.) Modify my moderation by drinking even less
      .....Three AF days per week-1-2 drinks when drinking,and then only highest quality spirits
      [So far, so good...check]
      2.)Be 180 pounds by year's end (Started about #200)
      >.Renew gym membership/go to gym twice per week-Drink less alcohol-no uneccessary sweets-at dinner,a small plate (nothing after eight)
      [Renewed membership and made plan with trainer; have started exercising(not making it to gym 2x per week, but 1x. I am exercising at home daily). Less AL, Almost NO sweets, no food after 8PM almost all the time...weight 194#, 189#, 186#]
      3.)Keep up the good sleep hygiene. Sleep is not time wasted during the night and if my body needs it(I'm finally starting to sleep well)
      ....Bed by 11:30PM-No coffee after 12 noon-Cut down on alcohol
      ....Read for 30 minutes in bed
      (So far, pretty good..Absolutely have to be tight on this! Coffee in afternoon, too much AL, too much blue screen[TV or computer]right before bed, and I'm up half the night)
      For Mental/self esteem Health

      4.) Get up after great night's sleep, make bed right away.

      .....Shower quickly,shave if needed,put on clean clothes and start your day.

      ----It's a clean empty canvas, it's YOUR story;go express yourself!

      [My best days start this way!]

      5.)Commit to the daily "Self-Improvement Routine"


      [Feb.23 Probably 60% of time...
      Why can't I stay organized???]

      For MY Daughter

      6.) Do things with her

      .... Get up and have breakfast with her-Create an adventure on your days off together

      [Breakfast with Dad going well, Went sledding. Haven't had many days off together yet]

      7.)Get HHGs room painted,shelved,resided.

      [Started! Moved furniture, washed the wall, put first coat on-Keep moving!]

      e;">For My Marriage
      8.)*Date night or dance lesson once per week with wife*Start a conversation about what I need to stay happy in this marriage
      [Lessons Going WELL-check]-[Started the conversation-more needed.Update 2/23: MUCH better.How do I gauge improvement?]
      For My Job

      9.)Look into the certification Boss wants me to get
      ....Does K have the books and tapes or should I buy?

      ....Join at least one professional organization

      [Joined one organization,NEED TO START STUDIES]
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

        How did I miss this thread?
        Right, I'll put pen to paper and promise to update tomorrow.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

          I just want to say, again, how much I admire the regulars who post here and on your regular Mod Squad thread. You really are wonderful models and teachers about how to develop and stay committed to a serious program of recovery from alcohol dependence (or abuse). I absolutely believe that making a genuine commitment, and making a plan, and cultivating our determination to change our thinking and our behavior, so as to NOT let alcohol destroy our lives is the only path to success. It doesn't just "happen" by doing the same old things, and thinking the same old ways, hoping that things will get easier!


            Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

            That is really nice of you,WIP...Thanks!

            And DB; I'm sorry...
            I was hiding this thread in my driveway
            with a camouflage tarp over it...
            next to the boat! :H
            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
            ~ Charles Spurgeon


              Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

              Plan..What plan????

              Nothing gets accomplished without a PLAN...
              ********And Don't Forget Drink Tracker********
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                My plan for 2009:

                Keep It Simple Stupid

                1. I will live my life in moderation.
                One piece of chocolate is yummy, they whole slab is not
                One glass of wine is lovely, the whole bottle not
                One hour of TV is a treat, the whole day on the couch is not
                One hour of DB time a week is essential, all week only DB is just selfish
                One hour of reading each day is educational, ignoring the family to finish a gripping novel is unsociable

                2. I will be mindful of my actions and thoughts
                Snapping at my daughter because she will take it is not acceptable
                Being grumpy with my husband because I've had a crap day is not on
                Ignoring my parents and family because I don't feel like talking is hurtful
                Not communicating my thoughts and actions clearly at work causes confusion

                3. I will continue to peel back the layers to discover who is DeeBee

                This is a difficult one to explain but there is a book called "The Journey" by Brandon Bays which I wish to explore further.

                4. I will learn.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                  My Moderation Goals for 2009

                  * I will not drink for two days in a row
                  * I will not drink more than 3 glasses of wine on one occassion
                  * I will only drink once a week, with the exception of special occassions
                  * Special occassions will be carefully planned
                  * I will go 30 days AF or longer (need to clarify exactly when -- so if anyone is keen to join me?)
                  * I will always think H.A.L.T before spur of the moment drinking
                  * I will keep taking my suppliments
                  * I will NOT drink on my own
                  * I will use the DT again
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                    YOU ROCK Deebs. Much love from me to you. : )


                      Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                      Nice Going, DB!

                      Great Plan!
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???


                        Deebs...thanks for motivating me.
                        here goes....

                        I will not have more then 3
                        I will go without the next day if I go over 1
                        I will do yoga 1x a week
                        I will take my vitimins every day!
                        I will be actively present and actually moving on my dog walks
                        that is it for now.......
                        a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                          Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                          DeeBee;549802 wrote: My Moderation Goals for 2009

                          * I will not drink for two days in a row
                          * I will not drink more than 3 glasses of wine on one occassion
                          * I will only drink once a week, with the exception of special occassions
                          * Special occassions will be carefully planned
                          * I will go 30 days AF or longer (need to clarify exactly when -- so if anyone is keen to join me?)
                          NOT PLANNED AS YET
                          * I will always think H.A.L.T before spur of the moment drinking
                          * I will keep taking my suppliments
                          * I will NOT drink on my own
                          * I will use the DT again
                          Only a week later and I find I am not meeting my goals. TBH I am taking strain since I quit smoking, it has brought on my craving for AL ten-fold. I find myself craving a glass of wine at the oddest times and have to wonder if it is related to quitting the twaks or if it's the next stage in my journey.... what ever it is, I feel very unsettled. My comfort zone has been interrupted.
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                            Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                            Hey Dee-Bee. I'm day 16 of 30 days and I found myself lying in yoga class this morning thinking about a nice cold glass of white. Hmmm. My colour of choice was red and I wasn't a daytime drinker. I'm so determined to do the 30 days, but am feeling like I'm obsessing about the Unobtainable. So maybe you're not alone in the 'oddest time' cravings, and its all part of the normal routine for some. Keep on Going! B.x
                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                              Thanks for the support B!! One of my goals is to do another 30 days AF, maybe sooner rather than later hmmm?
                              Congrats of 16 days AF!! You are rocking!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Health and Wellness for Modders...What is your plan for 2009???

                                New Month is here!!

                                New Month!!!
                                **Time to Update and Edit Your Plans**

                                ********Don't Forget Drink Tracker********
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

