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Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

    It's 2 and then bed Kid! No more!
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009


      I see some of us are struggling and some of us are not.

      Vlad, hope you stuck to the 2!

      Sara, I just loved your musing about a Day in the Life of you at home with the kids. You write beautifully. I hope your words brought you comfort. I too find that writing down my experiences, particularly the more intense ones, can be cathartic, which helps with the process. How did it go? Did you curl up finally with that glass of red? And if so, I think that would be okay too. Although I know you had a pact you were going for...

      Sun, okay I see. You know it's funny. Right now I'm there with you too. Of course you have been going a LOT, LOT longer than I have with success in Modding... so there's no comparison, but ever since the new year I am really feeling different. I know the New Year is just a date.. and doesn't mean anything in a real sense... but I think maybe I had subconsciously been working towards making a new start in the New Year.. I had been doing the things I needed to do, to ensure a New Start in the New Year... and it seems that maybe my efforts really did 'converge' with the end of the old year.. and I am feeling confident about this new beginning. 10 days down, and I am still going strong. Amazing. Of course I should say that for the last 48 hours I have been a little under the weather... coughing a bit and a bit of a cold... maybe from travelling and coming back here to this icy cold place after 2 weeks in the Tropics... and maybe that's turned my "cravings/ appetite" off for the last 2 days... I don't know, but I feel good and feel as if I can do this. All I want to get my energy back for is so I can go back to the treadmill. Maybe the thought of meeting my better half in another 2 weeks, and the fact that I want to be fit and healthy and looking as good as I can (which means no AL) is helping me along...

      Lila, where are you? "Come and enter Zed's tent my dear... I have ze special theengs for you in ze tent..."

      Hey you know, I saw something on TV that said that sticking a needle into one's eye is not all at painful. Apparently the eye has no nerves or something like that. Which is why they can perform certain eye operations without an anaesthetic... not sure if what I say was total hogwash, and I for one am not willing to test the theory... but go figure. Kid, we might need to find a new deterrent for the Pacting folks...

      Eve11... what the...? As a man... this permanent eye-liner, eye-tattoo stuff is beyond all means of comprehension. A statement that I'm sure Kid will agree to... Why would... hm... 8 on 10... ahhhhh. Of course us men have no threshold for physical pain at all. Thank the lord it's you ladies who deal with childbirth. There'd be a lot fewer kids running around on if we had to pop them out. Basically we're a bunch of sissies. But we're proud of our sissyhood. And don't be calling us sissies to our faces now... we have HUGE egos. Hairy sissies with egos. That's the male human species. But you know what, we suffer enough in other ways... so give us a break!!! Geeez...



        Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

        Popping in for my weekly visit, I just want to compliment you all on your ongoing intelligent and fun thread. Well done!


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

          Now wait a minute!

          NOBODY insults my friends and gets away with it...Oh, you said compliment; never mind. :H
          Hi, Tawny,
          We look forward to your visits!! See ya next week!!:h
          It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
          ~ Charles Spurgeon


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

            Welcome Back Zed and Hi to everyone else!

            Kid: Sign me up for and AF Saturday. I've had more drinking days this week than usual, but smaller amounts, so I'm within my weekly limits. But definitely AF Saturday: going to the theater with a friend.

            Everyone sounds good. Nice to see Vlad and Lila posting. Still looking for Ducky & J-vo.

            You are all dear to me.



              Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

              Thanks Ask!


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                You're welcome...Ask what?

                Ask what?
                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                ~ Charles Spurgeon


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                  Oh, never mind...

                  I'm having a stroke...:H
                  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                  ~ Charles Spurgeon


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                    Take it easy kiddo.


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                      Weekend Pax...

                      P.A.C.T (Promissary Alcohol Controlling Tool)

                      Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
                      *Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                      (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)
                      Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

                      *JAMMS: Started "the program" (and a 2 week AF/Modder MWO Program Starter thread!)
                      ..2 weeks AF until Thursday Jan. 15th(at least) (good luck)
                      *Kid: AF Friday, Saturday,Sunday

                      *Zed: The month of January!!
                      *KW: Mon,Tues,Wed,Thursday(howdja do?)(congrats)

                      *St J, and Sunbeam: 2 weeks AF starting Jan 2

                      .. ( St J is in the "Program" too)

                      *Eve: Friday


                      *Kid: Thursday,Friday,saturday,Sunday

                      ANYONE ELSE??
                      Feel free to join in
                      with any ongoing pact
                      (or start a new one)
                      :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h
                      We might forego the needle part (Sara keeps hurting herself, and we suspect she's starting to like it!)


                      Vera-b,Lila,Sunbeam,Kid,Jamms,Ask for Help,janie
                      St John,KeepWalking, DeeBee,Sara,Periwinkle,Eve,
                      Zed, One2many,(Cyclefan,Zeppie,Gyco,J-vo,WIP, and Tawnyfrog visit)
                      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                      ~ Charles Spurgeon


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                        Kid Shelleen;515502 wrote: Ask what?
                        Who's on first?
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                          I SO much need a pat on the back! It's Friday night and hubby came home wanting to take us for a drink to a VERY prestigious resort bar for MIL last night staying with us. I told him he could take MIL but I wasn't up to it tonight!! They ended up watching a game but I was perfectly fine to have them go without me. I mean a pact is a pact, a deal is a deal and I've had enough eye trauma lately! LOL

                          Zed, yeah the eye thing seems weird. I kept meeting women who'd had it done and they all raved about it (except for the pain of the procedure itself). My eyeliner rubs off constantly because I'm allergy prone so I'm going to love it.

                          Fun reading the banter earlier - great group we have here.

                          Ask, J-VO still lurks but she won't mind me telling you this as she's shared it with the board but she's having questions if modding is the way she should go and is considering going AF. That's why I started a thread on the generals asking AFers who tried to mod "when did you throw in the towel?". Check the thread out. I've gotten some great responses.
                          An AF night for me. G'night all!

                          It was a little hard but then again it wasn't
                          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                          ~Jack Welsh~:h

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                            Nice one Eve! :wow3: Yes that fancy resort isn't going anywhere and there will be another time when you can take Hubby up on the offer... when you feel you really want/ deserve an evening out on the posh, and deserve that sip of something quality. Well done. Pat on your back! Pat, pat, pat. You ROCK! (hey I'm going to check your thread out)

                            Ok, I just had a nice Saturday brunch - an omelette with onions, bell peppers and ham, a big side order of greens garnished with vinaigrette, and a glass of fresh lemonade.

                            Now it's time for my afternoon siesta. Oooh yeah.


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009


                              Definitely a pat on the back for you!
                              Feeling good this morning, I'll bet!
                              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                                A pat on the back from me, too, Eve...I am very impressed. Well done! Should I ever again have the opportunity to go out for a drink at a fancy resort, I will think of you as I sip my wine! There is very little going out, let alone to someplace fabulous, in my life... :upset:

                                Zed, you sound if somethoing has really clicked for you.

                                Sunbeam, it must be great to feel that 2 weeks AF is easy for you now. You are an inspiration!

                                Ask, good luck on the pact, and good for you for signing up.

                                As for me, I would like to respectfully request that I be officially removed from the pact. Sorry for the trouble Kid. As I said once before, guilt and anxiety and perfectionism are things I'm trying to let go of. It was a mistake for me to say I'd do 2 weeks...It's really making me feel pressured...and that doesn't help me to not drink, at least at this point. I am realizing that it's the same feeling I had when I was at SMART...That if I had a glass or two of wine I would have to "confess" and feel miserable about it. I start debating about whether or not I should lie...So silly, but true. I think it sets me up for negative feelings I don't want. I want to choose to have AF days because it feels good, and not because I feel I'll let someone else down if I have a drink...My fear of letting others down is too much a part of my life and psyche as is. So, I'd like to try taking it one day at a time. Besides, although I could type without my vision, I don't have the technolgy to read all your posts without it. So, call it what you will...Massive failure, or change of heart. I'm out.

                                That said, yes, I had a glass of wine last night, after my husband came home. That felt fine, but then I had another, and I got so tired...and kind of groggy...And I missed the clarity and energy I have through the evening when I don't drink, or have only one. I was alseep by 10:00 (not my usual midnight) and although that's not really a bad thing, it was certainly alcohol related.

                                I have to work today...Already did my Pilates, and now I must shower and get to work. I'll check in later. Have a great day, my friends. Sara
                                "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

