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Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

    Happy Wednesday all ModSquadders!

    Haven't swallowed my ACT mouthwash just yet, but then it does pack a minty punch!! Where are we modders? I haven't joined Kid's pact because those sorts of things don't work for me. And one of the things I love about MWO is that we can tailor our personal program. That being said, I still think the hypno cd's, medication, supplements and our online connectedness work for most of us.

    The Christmas holiday period was very stressful for me, on all fronts. As many of you know, I work for a church and that is a time that is really over the top. Then, my MIL came for a 2-week visit and college daughter was home for 3+ weeks. When the balance of my life goes out of whack, I fall into old habits. Fortunately, I didn't go overboard on booze. A lot of my success over the holidays i attribute to this forum - all the little voices of Vlad, Deebee, Lila, Sun, WIP, and everyone else encouraging me to to stay on the high road. I'm so thankful to "know" all of you. By the way - where's our buddy Zed?



      Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009


      I think Zed is still visiting family. I'm not sure he has consistent internet access..Either that or he's drunk and living with a loose woman in a tent somewhere...:H
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

        Kid Shelleen;513402 wrote:
        Either that or he's drunk and living with a loose woman in a tent somewhere
        Haha - Kid, I do like your sense of humor. :-)

        Welcome, welcome LenaLeed. This is a great place to be and we welcome you with open arms.
        I will pact with you tonight. I still have a bottle of champagne from last week-end and a good excuse to have a glass - in laws for dinner - I will pact to not open that baby and be AF with you tonight!

        VeraB - So good to see an old familar name. Holidays can be so stressful - I totally relate.

        Sara - I relate to the "Is it ME?" You sound like a very compassionate, sweet person and a good mom to boot. I look forward to getting to know you better.

        Hi and hugs to everyone
        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

          KID- Yummy, I will be printing that recipe! Thanks.

          I never thought about the alcohol content of anything beside beer wine or booze. I honestly never would have thought about drinking mouthwash or what have you to catch a buzz...or never would I have been triggered by an alcohol pad (no offense Vlad, the smell of rubbing alcohol makes me nauses) hearing all of these stories is kinda scary. I guess this is a good thing..for me. IDK. I have taken a dose of robitussin.

          Sara- okay. You did 7 days AF :goodjob: :l babby crying talk tomorrow

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

            Our "PACT Rats"...

            Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
            * Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
            (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)
            Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

            *JAMMS: Started "the program" (and a 2 week AF/Modder MWO Program Starter thread!)
            ..2 weeks AF until Thursday Jan. 15th(at least) (good luck)
            *Kid: AF Friday, Saturday,Sunday

            *KW: Mon,Tues,Wed,Thursday

            *Sara,St J, and Sunbeam: 2 weeks AF starting Jan 2

            .. (Sara and St J are in the "Program" too)

            ANYONE ELSE??
            Feel free to join in
            with any ongoing pact
            (or start a new one)
            :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h


            Vera-b,Lila,Sunbeam,Kid,Jamms,Ask for Help,janie
            St John,KeepWalking, DeeBee,Sara,Periwinkle,Eve,
            Zed, One2many,(Cyclefan,Zeppie,Gyco,J-vo,WIP, and Tawnyfrog visit)
            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
            ~ Charles Spurgeon


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

              Mmmm, can I call you in the morning?


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                Sunbeam;513383 wrote: Hi Lenaleed,
                Welcome! Some of us have a 2 week pact that started on Jan 2. Does that help? I think you are really looking for people who drink daily, but waiting until 5 p.m. to start, is that right? Personally, I am just an occasional social drinker (less than weekly), and don't post until after I get home from work.
                Yes, exactly. I am a daily, hoping for mods on Nal (when it arrives from River), and for now I bargain w/ myself all day long that I will wait til 2,3,4,5 to take the first drink. The later in the day I start, the less I drink. Anyone for a pact to wait til 5?


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009


                  But don't say anything you don't want the MWO operator to hear!

                  It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                  ~ Charles Spurgeon


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                    Alas, no such luck Kid...

                    Hey guys, I hope you are all well.

                    I scanned through the holiday season discussions and see that you are all mostly doing fine. Very good to hear.

                    I am doing well too. Back in China, after what was nothing less than a Magical journey home..

                    Here's a BIG HALLO to my old friends in the Squad and a BIG HELLO to all the new folks!

                    Looking forward to getting to know you all in 2009.

                    We're moving swiftly towards the end of the year (huh??)... the Chinese year... and January 25th will be Chinese New Year... we finish the Year of the Rat... and enter the Year of the Ox.

                    May the Year of the Ox be a healthy one for us all! So, here's to the Ox.

                    I managed a Mod holiday season, and have been AF since Jan 1. Let's see what happens this year. Feeling healthy and like I have come through a dark storm that lasted a very long time... can see the light finally. Finally.

                    My best to you all,



                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                      ZED! WELCOME BACK!
                      There are several of us here who are AF for the first couple of weeks in Jan, at least. Care to join us? I hope I won't offend you if I suggest that a little more AF time could be a better balance in your life.

                      I'm just happy to see you back, and sharing in our journey.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                        Good Morning!

                        I knew that post about the loose woman and the tent would draw you out! Good to have you back; all these girls are TOO MUCH for me!!
                        Sunbeam up and shining; good, good...
                        I just fixed HHG some eggs with cheese, honied toast, and fried potatoes for breakfast then it's off to school (better breakfast equals better grades). I might go back to bed and grab a few Zs after she's locked down in the system (big creaky steel door slamming shut pictured here)Lazydog will just have to hold his bladder for an hour or two.
                        More with you lovely people later...
                        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                        ~ Charles Spurgeon


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                          Thanks Sun. Good to be back and it's really nice to see you doing so well still. I am up for it. AF for the next couple of weeks, yes, and then for Chinese New Year, I am off to Germany to see my better half, so I can't promise I won't have a glass or two of wine over dinner when I meet her in Dusseldorf on the 23rd... but in any case I am going to behave most respectably through my time there (12 days) and for that matter, for the rest of the year, if I have any say in the matter.

                          I am exercising again, eating healthy and smaller quantities and generally feeling good. It's early days yet obviously, but I have a good feeling about this year, particularly in terms of AL. I might just have tamed the beast. I still do crave (physically) a glass of wine every now and then, but mentally it's just one big NO these days... I am enjoying the kick/ the 'high' of thinking of myself getting fitter and fitter. Maybe some sort of early mid-life crisis, but for now it's working to my advantage so I'm going with it!

                          Kid, yes thanks for smoking me out with that drunk with a loose woman in a tent comment. The only thing that offended me slightly about that was that you thought I'd be with just one woman in a tent! Loose women... a whole harem. The way I see it, if one's going to stay drunk and living in a tent, might as well do it in style. Go all the way... dancing women at sunset in the desert... dates... wine... a bedouin band playing its songs, a fleet of camels relaxing after a long day's walking... me with my flowing robes sitting there enjoying the spectacle, being fed grapes... the whole deal. Why not, hey?.


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                            Welcome back, zed. I've been over with the AF army as I'm doing a 2 week abfest. Always good to check in with the squad.
                            Hi Kid, Sun and nice to "meet" you lenaleed.
                            Blessings to you all..............
                            Toughen up!


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                              Forgive me, Sahib...

                              I forgot...QUALITY! QUALITY! QUALITY!!
                              When I said "tent", I pictured a little more squalor..I should have known you would be living it up!!
                              Good for you, Zed!

                              And I'm hearing this word "exercise" WAY too much. I guess I'm going to have to investigate, and see what all the flap is about..
                              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread for January 5, 2009

                                Hey Zed buddy! You're b a a a a c k!! Welcome.
                                I actually had a patient's wife hire a belly dancer who danced and fed her husband grapes while he was in the hospital. He was a VERY happy man that day!
                                AF since Jan?? VERY good!! It is so amazing and great how one feels AF. Sleep better, wake up energized and ready to tackle the world. Saw a show one time where a guy was listing all of his accomplishments since he quit drinking that year. Funny how when we have the buzz we have all of these aspirations but then are too *lazy, hung-over-de-motivated* the next day to follow through.
                                I still am with Kid enjoying the 2 and I'm through (here and there) but I'm really into doing less and less as well.
                                Good morning all my mod squad buddies. Have a beautiful day! I'm doing a fun shopping spree with MIL and then YIKES getting permanent eyeliner!! Hope I don't puff up too much. Have bad allergies and the underliner rubs off constantly so this is the solution. Pray for me St. John!!
                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

