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Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

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    Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

    Hi Everyone,
    I still am grateful, for every AF day and those occasions when I share a refreshing beverage. I am especially grateful for every Sunday afternoon, which I used to waste by drinking way too much.

    Cassy, welcome!

    Not too much to share - a busy day at work, a quick snowshoe walk with a friend, a meeting at church, and reading a good book by the gas fireplace. Current book is Pillars of the Earth by Ken Fowlett. He thinks it is his best work.

    Lila, conservatories are nice bu not all that common. Some large garden centers have greenhouses attached, that remain open all winter. They are not busy, and don't mind at all if you walk through just th breathe the cool moist air. I love the smell of plants and good garden dirt. Hydroponic greenhouses are also becoming more common, which grow salad greens all winter. Call your local cooperative extension office to find out where these are located.

    I hope you all are staying warm. This area will be entering the deep freeze for a few days, starting tomorrow night. Bundle up!

    take care
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

      Happy Monday dear Modders,

      Dear Sara, I hope your depression doesn't last long. We New Englanders pride ourselves in our heartiness over these long winter months, but I know it can bring out the worst in us. I was just thinking today that it's only the 12th of January, and already I'm tired of winter. May have something more interesting weather-wise in a month or so, but who's counting? . . . and Zed!!! You sound so, well, terrific my friend. You've got life in balance and know when to party and when to be subdued. I'm taking a page out of your book - know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Sun, you sound totally solid and sure-footed in your approach to drinking/life and Lila, this is the challenge time of year for you (see earlier comments re: my time this winter). Hang on there my young friend - it's all worth it in the end!

      Has anyone heard from Peri or Deebs?? Where are our friends? If they need us, will we know? Kid, thanks so much for being a leader on this thread. We all (especially me) need a leader from time to time. I've got my Jesus class tomorrow night, so it may not be until Weds. that I check in.



        Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

        Well I am popping by to say hi and see how you all are. Definately going thru some difficult times in my life now but am staying AF- sticking to my 14 day commitment. 4 more to go then I will re-evaluate and see if AL will fit in at all. I know that I would not be dealingwell with all this icky stuff if I was drinking. Thank God for MWO!
        Miss you all- I will keep lurking about and checking in.
        Toughen up!


          Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

          St. John & to those who have difficult times with depression issues - sending positive thoughts your way.
          Kid-what you said was great and we need to continue mentioning what we're grateful for (Sunbeam started us on that course) and it does help. I'm grateful for a loving family and a dear friend that is my bff!
          With alcohol being a depressant I think one needs to always look at that issue. It certainly can be a cause of the blues. The weather also for those of you in dreary, cold climates. I'm originally from the cold midwest and I think I really got the blues over the weather like some are affected so I can totally relate.
          Take care my friends. I love to read positive books when I'm feeling blue or try to help others in some way to take my mind off of my troubles.
          Hope everyone hangs tough.
          St. John: A special message for you my friend:
          Pouvoir Dieu vous donne la paix d'esprit
          xxoo Eve11
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

            Hello all you wonderful peeps!

            Yes I have been AWOL and I'm sorry if you were concerned but I'm here and in great shape!!
            My computer got hit by lightening AGAIN so I am waiting for insurance to pay out and I should be getting a new one sometime today so in the meantime my connection is a bit erratic. I have also been staying away from the boards as I felt I needed a bit of a break -- a holiday from MWO as it is very addictive and I find myself on here for hours at a time.

            I have been having a wonderful time just relaxing, working in the garden, going to the beach to top up the tan and catching up on some reading.
            Life is good!!

            Off to catch up on everyone's news -- hope you are all well??
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

              Welcome back DeeBee!

              Welcome back! There certainly was concern for you on various parts of the site. You know how we like to keep our little family safe and together . I do totally understand your feeling of "addiction" or spending so much time with MWO online, though. Controlling our drinking was supposed to free up MORE hours in the day for us!
              Well, stick around long enough to say "Hi" to your friends today. Your presence was sorely missed.

              PS: I'm going to be DeeBee on my next holiday!
              DeeBee said:
              "I have been having a wonderful time just relaxing, working in the garden, going to the beach to top up the tan and catching up on some reading...Life is good! "
              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                Yay, Deebs is alive and well!

                I also spend too much time here. I think my postings will fall off on their own when the right time arrives.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                  I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
                  I can see all obstacles in my way
                  Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
                  It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
                  Sun-Shiny day.

                  I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
                  All of the bad feelings have disappeared
                  Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin' for
                  It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
                  Sun-Shiny day.

                  Look all around, there’s nothin' but blue skies
                  Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies

                  I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
                  I can see all obstacles in my way
                  Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
                  It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
                  Sun-Shiny day.

                  Or let's hope so anyway! I feel better today! And no, Kid, it's not rapid-cycling bipolar disorder...So don't even go there!:H

                  All together now...It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sun-shiny day...
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                    Can anyone tell me how to do a link? I want to share something from You tube. Sara
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                      Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

            [/video]]YouTube - I Can See Clearly Now

                      Thanks, One2...I think I did it!
                      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                        Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                        Great to see you DeeBee...and you sound wonderful. Yes, I am now a MWO addict too. The kids have been in school for 1 1/2 hours, and I've done nothing but read and post. I need it today, though...Keeping my spirits up. Off to clean the house a bit, now.
                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                          Deebs! Nice to see you back! I do know what you mean. Still, MWO was here when I was in a real quandary about what was becoming a habit that was scaring me a bit...on the whole, I think this site has helped me a lot.
                          Sunbeam, I know what you mean, when the right time comes, then there it is.
                          Sara, the days are getting longer. I can't wait to be outside a lot, ride my bike, go to the pool, maybe start a garden...
                          Have to cut this short, 'phone is ringing! check back later!


                            Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009


                            This morning I am grateful for the sharing on these boards. This thread especially -- the contentment, the honesty, the gratitude expressed.

                            My daughter, age 18, is staying w/ me now. She bounces between me and Dad. She graduated high school young so is taking a year to work before college. I love spoiling her -- making her coffee in a.m., doing her laundry, etc. Sometimes she even thanks me but I do it for my own enjoyment. Our relationship has evolved as she grows into a fascinating young woman and I grow into a post-divorce sane person. Ironically, I get more out of viewing Sara's parenting thread than I do the divorce thread, though it's nice to know threads both are there. I am so grateful I savored the parenting experience as my two grew and a little peek at that thread puts me right back there.

                            Kept busy yesterday, and drink units down to 7 -- only about 1 per hour. I want to get used to being at 4 or 5 a day til my Nalrexone gets here. I was around that amount for years and just suddenly shot up in the last couple of months, for no particular reason. So when I begin Sinclair, "drinking as usual" will be four not ten or more.

                            Zed, there was a day when I was content to sip a single malt. And the NZ sauvignon blancs are one reason I hope to learn moderation. Oh, and the only Riesling in the world I would ever drink, from a little Australian winery called Two Hands. The Riesling is called The Wolf. Bone dry, not a hint of sweetness, with a wonderful mineral finish.

                            (Sigh) I'm off to check the mail.


                              Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                              hi again, Modders
                              Lena, yes, isn't it nice just to love a teenage daughter? They are so fun! I just got highlights, and my daughter approves. My mom wasn't that much of a mom, I was on my own pretty much, so maybe this sounds a bit odd, but it is nice when people just enjoy each other...esp fun during a divorce, when you need that nice girl energy...
                              Things to be grateful for...I feel like I am slowly going back to that intuitive place where sometimes the course I am supposed to take just is there before me.
                              Things I am not so grateful is below zero here and I hate that!!!!!


                                Mod Squad's weekly thread for the week of Jan 12th, 2009

                                Lena, yes, sigh... indeed... we all 'get' that sigh... Cheers to you and so happy to see you back here with us.

                                Sara, I was worried about you but then I saw your new posts and I am happy to see you are holding your own and being a champ... good for you. Rock on... we're watching and being inspired by you.

                                Sun... keep praying for us. Thank you.

                                Kid, you are the man.

                                Eve. French. I deciphered a bit of that, but not all of it. I could take a guess... I studied French for 5 years... but I'd rather you just tell us what that was... God, thank you for Eve.

                                Lila... cheers girlfriend.

                                DEEBS. My dear, dear, dear Deebers. My sister from another mother. I missed you so much. I seems longer than it's been. But I was worried about you. Anyway I am glad to know that you were taking a well-deserved break... that's good. So long as you have been well... that's all I was concerned about. You are well, and we are all grateful.

                                Ok folks. It's late, late. What a long day I have had. Time for bed. Tomorrow is another day..

                                Good night, good day,

                                Had a single malt as a night cap tonight over some meaningful conversation with a friend...
                                Oh yes, also two Mojitos earlier this evening at the pub after work. My boss paid, how could I say no? Anyway, there is no time for guilt, I feel fine, and tomorrow is another day and I will be better, better... better still.

                                I will be better still tomorrow.


