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Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

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    Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

    Lenaleed! Here's a present!!!

    Give this to anyone who says you are not welcome on these threads..
    Tell them it's from Kid Shelleen and I've got bigger sizes if they need them..
    They'll know where I want them to put it :moon:; and I'm sure someone has told them what an oversized one they are by now!!:H
    All are welcome here!

    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
    ~ Charles Spurgeon


      Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

      Lena, I dont post on here but I am an avid reader and love this thread, along with many others...I really am so sad to read that you feel you have to leave these boards. Everyones contribution is welcome. We all have a common goal and that is to control our drinking, the different ways that we do this are helpful to each and every one of us...I am so sorry that you feel you need to leave...please reconsider?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

        lenaleed;539913 wrote:
        I've been stunned by the hostile posts and pm's flying around about the Sinclair Method. Those of us using it have been made to understand in no uncertain terms that we have no place on this site. We learned about the method and found each other on these boards and it certainly was not our intention to cause trouble.
        Hi Lenaleed

        I for one have been following your threads with much interest. I haven't commented on the threads themselves because I didn't find it my place to pop in and say "Rah Rah". However I find your informal research interesting. Curious if you have been PM'd or contacted by anyone from MWO who claims to be a moderator, or from RJ herself, asking you to stop posting about what you are doing? Have any of your threads been locked?

        Just curious.
        vegan zombies want your grains


          Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

          I'm in the dark because I've personally never come across anyone posting negative about the "Sinclair.
          There are other methods as we know...AA, SMART (which I had never heard of) Rational Recovery, etc.
          I'm just always curious to hear about them because any new info can be good info. Sorry you've come across others who don't feel the same way but don't let them discourage you!
          Cycle Fan : Welcome! I have a blog that tells you about me. Click on the right upper side of my name when I post and you can read a little about me. My biggest reason to rejoin (started for a few mos and quit her for a year and a half) was the realization that modding doesn't work well for me without support. So...I'm b-a-c-k and happy.
          Sad news for those who know me. FIL passed away yesterday so I am going back to the very cold for the funeral. Kid-if you live in SD pm me and we'll visit although I tend to think you're farther east.
          So COLD I come!!
          Have done very well with the modding despite all of the stressors lately.
          Have to run but will stay in touch buddies.
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

            lenaleed;539913 wrote:
            I've been stunned by the hostile posts and pm's flying around about the Sinclair Method. Those of us using it have been made to understand in no uncertain terms that we have no place on this site. We learned about the method and found each other on these boards and it certainly was not our intention to cause trouble.
            Lena, I'm not a modder, but want to join your other friends here in urging you to stay. Was just getting to know you on the "book" thread, and hope you won't let any negativity get to you. I'm intrigued with what y'all are doing, and can't see any reason you shouldn't be part of this community, and I absolutely believe RJ would support you! This seems to me to be exactly the kind of thing that she is interested in!

            Sometimes things are a bit rough around the edges here... I have had a grow a somewhat tougher skin to survive here, myself. Just try not to let any nay-sayers get to you, too much.


              Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

              a newbie ventures out of the nest...

              I am still new to this place and thought I would take a look around the joint. How is life for you modders? I want to join you. I want to be mod. I know/hope I have it in me. As I posted earlier today..somewhere... I think I have to really start to remember the things I love to do...and then get myself to do them. It sounds easy but I seem to have forgotten. The things I love to do got replaced with the wine I love to drink and the tv I love to watch. I know there is more to life....I love life...I just have temporarily forgotten. I'm sure it's somewhere in the bowels of my brain matter...sloshing around in red wine.
              a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                Hi within, I posted in your thread up in the welcome section. There is not a whole lot of activity down here in the Long Term Mod section, mostly we get together to say "hey" to one another once a day or so. The real value here (I think) is to read through some of the older threads, and get some insight on what moderate drinking means to people. There is no one size fits all definition.

                Right now, if you are still drinking, or still working a plan, you may find more daily ongoing support up in the Just Starting Out section. The My Way Out book recommends that you abstain from alcohol for at least 30 days before you try moderating. This is not a hard and fast "rule", but is one that I personally think has a lot of value.

                Feel free to post here, everyone is welcome and best of luck to you meeting your goals.
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                  Eve, I am so sorry to hear about your FIL. My thoughts are with you and your family -- HUGS.

                  Lena, I know nothing about the Sinclair method but I have been following the thread with interest... the more we learn, the more decisions we have, right. I think that you are doing a fantastic job and are approaching your journey with respect and courage -- I support you in what ever method you choose.

                  Hi Wip, Starts and Oney.... it's alway great when you guys pop in to say hi and show support.

                  WELCOME WITHIN!!!
                  Have you read the book MWO yet? It has a mine of info on how the program works, what supps to use and the different options on medicines, should you wish to go that route. Cycle had a great suggestion to go back and read some of our old threads, and see what our goals and plans are.
                  Don't be afraid to jump in and ask for help.

                  DM, i see you lurking -- I have been thinking of you and just wanted to say HI!!

                  Vladster, I imagine you are on a jet plane off to Finland (very exotic) and I'm gonna miss you -- can't wait to hear what it was like.

                  Hi Kid, Lila, Zed, Cycle and anyone I have forgotten. Can you believe it is weekend again.
                  The sun is shining so I am going to finish up here shortly and then sit in the garden and write up my Vows for Tricycle 90 day challenge -- go and check out Wips' thread for more detail.

                  Have a great weekend everyone.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                    Weekend PACT...

                    Weekend PACTs
                    P.A.C.T (Promissary Alcohol Controlling Tool)

                    Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
                    *Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                    (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)

                    Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

                    *Eve: Promising TWO DRINKS come Hell or high water!!

                    * Delta Moon: Saturday(2/7) thru Friday (2/13)

                    ANYONE ELSE??

                    Feel free to join in
                    with any ongoing pact
                    (or start a new one)

                    :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h
                    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                    ~ Charles Spurgeon


                      Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                      Hey all- I am just kind of 'flatlining' it- just existing and trying to get the spark back. I miss you all - welcome Cyclefan and Within. To all my buds- thanks for being here for me. Eve- my prayers are with you and your family.
                      I will pact for the week- Today Sat. thru next Fri. Thanks Kid for the prompting.
                      It is beautiful here today so I must head out the door and soak it in- God is good!
                      Toughen up!


                        Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                        thanks for the welcome

                        the book is in the mail. Sound familiar?
                        I needed to just start.
                        I started this all in my mind and then found the website and then found the book. So here I am acting all mod and all.
                        I am going to use the drink tracker tool. Anyone find that useful?
                        My own pact is stop at one or two. So far I feel like my old self. My goal is to resume the activities I used to have time and energy for.
                        Whats it like for any of you as modders? I'd love to hear your stories.
                        a ship in the harbor is a safe ship...but ships were not built for harbors.....


                          Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                          Hi Within,
                          Many here believe you should go AF for 30 days or more before you try to drink moderately, to break the cycle and learn new habits. Learning to drink moderately is more difficult than going AF, in my experience. You can read my fuller story under Tell Us Your Story, title of My Own Path. There are many different stories here. Have you read through the numerous past threads under this Long Term Moderation section?
                          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                            Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                            HI all and welcome Within!

                            Just checking in to report an EXCELLENT week. Completely met my goals this week. So 4 AF days/3 mod days and total of 8 drinks for the week = success.

                            I also started w/ my massages (2009 goal) so I can expand my range of exercise and not get my back all out of whack AND went on a coffee date with a internet guy that I LIKED!! so it was a productive week, considering I didn;t feel very well and had plumbing problems and spent HOURS working lice nits out of my 14 year old daughters long tresses.

                            I finally feel better physically today and the sun is out, so I'm off to get some fresh air. Just wanted to check in.

                            Judie: Almost jumped out of my chair to see you here! Have missed you so sweetie. Please visit often.... love ya!
                            Cyclefan: welcome downunderhere!
                            Delta: I think this is huge news that you are going to try to work it out with hubby. You have all my support.
                            Eve: belated condolences about your FIL.
                            SaraS.Thinking about you everyday.
                            Leena: I find the Sinclair thread v. interesting. Ignore the critics.
                            Sunbeam: I'm kind of glad you can't stay away. I'd miss you too much :-)
                            Hi to Walking, DeeBee,Vlad Zed. and anyone else I missed.
                            Kid I never got my Christmas card . .. but you sound wonderful!

                            Love to all.



                              Mod Sqaud's Weekly Thread for the Week of February 2, 2009

                              zed's walking, to this place of retreat

                              Liebe fruende, alles gute! (German.) It's almost Spring in Peking... it's a been a lovely Sunday and I am headed for a long walk. Here's a poem by the Chinese Tang Dynasty (8th & 9th centuries) poet, Yao Ho.

                              A small something for you, before I head for the door... Be well

                              To this place of retreat,
                              the world does not follow;
                              but many old ailments
                              heal here.

                              I polish words
                              of old poems;
                              view mountains,
                              and sleep outside my hut.

                              Colored clouds
                              cross the setting sun;
                              cicadas ring
                              in the leaves of trees.

                              With this
                              my heart again knows happiness;
                              and who would have thought it,
                              without wine or money?


