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Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

    Breakfast, again, with the honey haired girl....

    Up bright and early to be with HHG while she gets ready for school.
    I know I've talked about it before, and made it sound "homey"; but it really is.
    Here in the states there is occasional but ongoing debate about "stay at home mothers"
    and whether they help or hurt the fight of "feminism" that began in the late '60s.
    One camp sees it as a step backwards. They think women won the "right" to work outside of the home
    and that this should be maintained.
    I, however, think women staying home again means the battle has been won for them,
    and all of us.
    Maybe in a different decade or century, I couldn't, as a male make the choice to do the things I do.
    It's all about choices now and what works best for the family
    and the members of that family.
    I LOVE waking up before the sun comes up and fixing my girl breakfast. It's such a little thing, but I get to do it with love and appreciation.
    I've mastered her grits and cheese so that they almost never boil over in the microwave.
    I made her a little bowl of bluberries with whipped cream,
    a glass of milk,
    some brown nutty wheat bread ,
    with lots of butter and honey,
    I have coffee and she talks about whether or not she can remember her dreams from last night.
    We talk about what's coming up in school today.
    How much of her bed did the dog occupy (he loves her warm electric blanket)?....
    We talk about everything;
    and nothing;
    but it's chance that I have ,by choice; a moment I've created that will echo down through the years and through her life:
    "when Dad would get up every morning and make me breakfast"...

    PS: And Cat ,who does work outside the home,
    gets what she considers the luxury of staying in bed.
    We all have choices
    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
    ~ Charles Spurgeon


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

      Great post Kid. We do all have choices ... sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a rut but really I have chosen to be here and I can choose to get out.

      Eve, your bottle of red should last the week if its in the fridge. Otherwise use it for cooking.

      DM, you are sounding fantastic. How wonderful that hubby spoilt you for Valentines. i can understand the mental whipping you are giving yourself but I think as long as we learn from these mistakes and don't repeat them then we will still be on track.

      Vera, you are such a great Mum and so supportive. I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel. How easy it is to resort to AL when stressed or in my case to light a fag -- it has left me very confused, raw and downright bitchy trying to deal with my daughter without some form of stimulant/relaxant.

      Lena, thanks for sharing the poem with us -- I have copied it (hope you don't mind) and e-mailed it to the daughter.

      Cycle, you really are aproaching moderation is such a productive (don't know if that's the right word )and positive manner. I must also fill in my DT for this month, don't know why I haven't... it's just the height of laziness (or so my Mum would tell me)

      Vladster, have you posted pics.... oh goodie, I am off to peruse.

      Hello Sun, Ask, TF and St Jude and any one else lurking.

      Right, well here I sit in the B&B -- oh did I tell you that my room doesn't even have TV!! Can you believe!!! It isin't bothering me as I am verrrrry busy catching up on MWO and just now will listen to some guided meditation.

      As far as the non-smoking goes, I quite like the fact that I am not getting my knickers in a knot because I have to go downstairs to smoke, or be treated like a total lepper because I am hanging out of the window stealing a quick puff (saw the guy next door do that this morning and the aunty gave him the beady eye LOL).

      Tonight I am trying my damndest to be healthy so I am having a smoked chicken salad on rye, a bunch of grapes, a 100% pure blueberry juice and a large bottle of water.
      (I have hidden a packet of chuckle somewhere in my bag, but don't tell, k)

      Seriously I am putting on so much weight since I've stopped smoking.... this has to stop before it gets outa hand.

      Thanks enought rambling from me.... sweet dreams!!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

        Damn, damn, damn.... I forgot to say

        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

          Hi from Florida

          Hi all:
          Nice to read how everyone is doing. Welcome Sunshine.
          DeeBee's traveling. . .
          Kids' cooking breakfast (and having quality time w/ HHG: I agree that is a treasure)
          and I appreciate the stories about the tough teens. Love the poem Lena.
          Hi to Vera, Delta, Cycle, Within and anybody else I might have missed!

          l'm enjoying a 10 day break from my 14 y/o altho I have to admit I miss her a tiny bit; she has called homesick twice and now she's worried that she's missing all the fun in Florida w/ my folks.

          Weather is warm and sunny here. Had an upset w/ my Mom last night over health issues/decisions that she feels "the kids" interefered with. She has early Alzheimers, but is still driving, playing tennis, cooking etc. She and I get along very well, last night she was blaming BIG TIME and I was UPSET! (drank a few extra glasses of wine too). I kind of panicked and thought "who can I call?". Wish I'd thought to come into chat.

          Will need to work this out respectfully, sigh. Wasn't expecting this. Oh well, things were better today, so I could just avoid? but feel I should deal with it.

          Will keep in touch. Need to remember I have good friends here.



            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

            Hiya Squad,

            Not too much time this morning to chat. I forgot to take my Zyban until late yesterday so I couldn't sleep last night, when I did manage to fall asleep the electricity went off and so did the fan so the mozzies came out in full force to dive bomb me whilst I took cover under my pidly sheet -- needless to say I woke up very late and very groggy this morning.

            I've got a couple of stores to see this morning then i'm dropping the rental off and the in-laws are picking me up to go to a game farm for the weekend. I'm quite excited really. So I'll catch up with all on Monday.... Have a great weekend.

            (((((Ask))))), always better to deal with it head on.... I'm thinking of you.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

              Hi Everybody,
              I'm back in town, had a good little vacation in Vegas. Saw Penn and Teller, and a Cirque de Solei show, Mistique(?). Excellent entertainment, not cheap but worth the money. Drinking very moderately comes easily to me now, though I've still got this headcold, which made me want to drink even less. We shared a botttle of wine for just one meal, had one drink (with an umbrella!) another meal. We used to have a bottle of wine with dinner every night on vacation. When we went to Florida two years ago, we polished off two bottles the afternoon/evening before returning home. Yuck! I'm glad that is history. The excess wine definitely limited our ability to enjoy available activities in various locations, on various vacations.

              Ask, it is good to hear from you, still working things out. It seems you aren't ready to give up Drink Tracker if you still have occasional struggles. At least you now know how bad it is, and it is easier to solve a problem if you can see it. Just my thought, of course, but we are all here to help each other. I think this can occasionally include offering suggestions, though in the end we each find our own path.

              Sunshine, WELCOME! This thread is already the sunniest in town, now even brighter.

              Deebs, your goals are great. New resolve to polish the edges, it sounds like.

              Delta Moon, I thought of you while eating lunch at some chain restaurant with the word Blues in it. Trouble was, the music playing was definitely rock & roll, not bluesy at all. They didn't change it when my husband commented on it to our waiter. It sounds like your husband is being successful, and you are too in spite of imperfections.

              Vlad, I bet it would be fun to visit Finland for something different. But I also look forward to getting away from the cold weather in the winter. Now back at home, the wind chill is 0o F. We get these strong winds off the great lakes, Erie and Ontario. There is not much snow, but BRRR! I guess I'm staying in today.

              Within, do you log in and out, or check the "remember me" box? I have that box checked, and have never been timed out while I'm posting.

              Kid, I love the breakfast story. I still want to find that limerick for you. But I'm not sure how to explain to my husband why I want this book of bawdy poems, to share with some guy online.... Limericks are much more his taste than mine, little boy humor as I call it.

              Vera, always glad to see your posts, though in a way sorry when you need us. When will we all ever learn to avoid using alcohol to get through difficult moments? Posting here is a good strategy toward this end.

              Take care, all. I love you!
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                So it snowed here this winter, finally.

                There is a draught, they wanted rain... but it snowed.

                Here's a couple of pics to share, at the Gr. Wall, an hour away from my home.

                Alles klar! Z


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                  Hi gang,
                  Funny how when one is not drinking they have a life! Have been so busy with getting re-organized (moving furn. etc. now that grandpa is no longer with us and grandma has gone back home) and trying to stay on top of sympathy cards, etc. that's it's been hard to come here.
                  However, maintained my AF status through Thursday as I wanted and want to pact no more than 2 this week-end.
                  Take care everyone and will be in touch here and there when I find the time.
                  "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                  ~Jack Welsh~:h

                  God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                    PACT list

                    P.A.C.T (Promissary Alcohol Controlling Tool)

                    Cross my heart,and hope to die; Stick a needle in my eye.."
                    *Phrase uttered by children after making a promise to indicate the depth of their sincerity: the speaker is so committed to the action just agreed to that they offer self-inflicted pain and a death wish as proof of their seriousness.
                    (Must be accompanied by a gesture of drawing a imaginary "X" across the speaker's own heart, or else it doesn't count.)

                    Mod Pacts INVITATIONS:

                    *Eve: Keeping to 2 drinks/day this weekend
                    *Cyle: Ongoing Sunday thru Thursday(yes?)

                    * Delta Moon and KW: ALL of Lent?? (Gettin' ready)

                    *Kid : Thursday 2/19 until
                    Sunday 2/22
                    *Sara: ODAT? Let's commit! (no,ODAT is OK)

                    *Within and Sunshine_gg: "The next 20 days"

                    ANYONE ELSE??

                    Feel free to join in
                    with any ongoing pact
                    (or start a new one)

                    :you've :h "crossed your heart" :h
                    It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                    ~ Charles Spurgeon


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                      Happy Friday MODderoos. We've had an incredibly busy week at work, with me having to molly coddle the designers who tested my good nature and diplomacy skills to the max. Four months ago I would have been handling these stressers in a much different way. I would have been defensive and resentful. Now I am capable of better analyzing the problem and providing a workable solution for all concerned, even if that is to say, "Sorry, this is the best that we can do."

                      I'm completely off the Topamax now. Tuesday night I was getting ready for bed and I thought to myself "Hey, I didn't think about having a drink when I got home from work tonight." I feel like I've turned a corner with my alcohol addiction. I remain ever vigilant, but it is nice to no longer fight it everyday.

                      The Tour of California is going on this week. I was so disappointed that I was not able to schedule some time off work to go watch first hand. I've never seen a live Professional Bike Race and California is only a five hour drive. Well, we have been watching the days events each night on television which is probably a better venue anyhow, no crowds to contend with and it's certainly less expensive! Oh well, another time. When the opportunity comes up, I enter contests that offer an all expense paid trip to the Tour de France. Maybe someday I'll win! :H

                      Even when I don't post everyday I do read everyday. It is always good to hear how everyone is doing on the Mod Squad.

                      DeeBee, who is watching the monkeys while you are gone? I hope your weekend with the in-laws is fabulous.
                      within, only you know what is best for you, but I'd still encourage you to try 30 days AF. It can be very liberating in the long run.
                      Vlad I loved the pictures of your vacation. It sounded like the very best of times, glad you were able to get away.
                      vera-b and lenaleed, I had teenage sons, don't really envy you those daughter problems; with sons you get an entirely different set!
                      hi sunshine, it's good to see you down here keeping us modders in line. (No farting allowed in the Mod Squad thread.) :H
                      eve, I had a half bottle of wine last two months in the fridge when I was AF, it tasted fine when I got back to it.
                      Delta Moon I like reading your honest posts. You can be our guitar hero.
                      Ask your Florida trip sounds nice this time of year, except for family discord of course. I'm doing an excursion to the midwest to see family at the end of March. The internet there sucks to hopefully my coping skills will be good enough to manage.
                      Sunbeam I love Vegas. I lived there for a few years back in the '80's, when it was a much smaller town. Now I only go when we have a trade show, but the entertainment there can't be beat.
                      Zed no fair deleting posts! We want to know what is going on in your world.
                      Kid, your week sounds nice. Breakfast with your daughter must bring you a great deal of joy. I love cheese grits but have never had them for breakfast. Thanks for getting me on the PACT list, you have mine just right.

                      Strength and progress to all. xo Beth
                      vegan zombies want your grains


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                        Come back, zed we all miss you! :hug:
                        Toughen up!


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                          TGIF Mod Squad!

                          Hey Modders,
                          Happy Friday to you all. Some of us will be doing the Weekend Challenge, pacting to stay AF on two or three of (sometimes) the mosting tempting days of the week.
                          I'm in;
                          weekends are good for me to stay AF.
                          My week gets off to a better start that way.
                          Cycle: Good luck off the Topamax. I don't trust some of those meds long term, but certainly we must do what we must do to kick-start our sobriety.
                          Eve: I have you back on the list for 2 drinks. It's a good line to hold.
                          Sunbeam: I'll bet vacation was MUCH more fun not having to drag yourself out of the haze of the last bottle with every new day. Good for you; it sounds fun.
                          DB: What's happening at the game farm? How long are you there?
                          Ask: Yes don't forget us when you need to talk. Have you had luck with the "chat"? You can also PM anyone that is awake.
                          What DID happen to Zed's post? There's a rumor that his link actually went to some compromising photos of his (somebody's?) girlfriend.
                          I'm not confirming ANYTHING! All I can say is "Way to go,Zed!!"
                          "Everyone else" A big "Hi!"
                          It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                          ~ Charles Spurgeon


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                            hello folks.

                            Kid & Cyclefan, alas, nothing as exciting as compromising photos of ex girlfriends or even present ones actually what was happening there was I was experimenting with how to paste photos INTO my post. I wanted to send you guys some photos of Beijing yesterday. We had snow. It was pretty. BUT what happened was that my experiments were not working out quite right, it was late last night here, and I think I finally figured it out, I had a post up, but it was not of all the photos I wanted to paste... so... I gave up, deleted what I had up there and decided I'd continue this morning. Seems like you guys caught it for the few seconds it was up... there were a few versions, coz I was trying out some tricks, then deleting, then re-uploading..

                            I am well guys. Life's been a bit busy but all well. Work is going well since I got back from my trip to Germany and everything is actually great. Spring is coming (the snow is expected to melt this weekend and people are saying that that's the last cold wave we're going to have here) so I am rather happy about that. Rather.

                            Have been lurking and keeping up with posts, but not posting much here myself.

                            Nothing big to report on. the last week or two, it's just been work, coming home, cooking a bit, going to the gym, trying to get to bed. I did polish off 2 bottles of wine since I was last on here... in approx. 4 sittings. So not bad. Half a bottle (i.e. 2 or so biggish glasses) each time. That's fine for me. Definitely modding by the Definition of Zed. Other than that I have not been going 'out' much at all. So that's helping me stem the tide of debauchery.

                            Hope all's well folks. Let me try with those photos once more. There must be an easier way. I've been pasting links which means that I have to upload the photos from my computer to the internet in order to do... complicated. Maybe I'm missing something.

                            Kid, if i recall correctly you have pasted photos into your posts. Ever done any from your desktop? If so what's the secret?



                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                              Today being Saturday I spent the morning cleaning my apartment and doing laundry. All done and feel good about that! Actually got my sh*t together.

                              I went out on my electric scooter to the Indian grocery store - the only one in Beijing. Picked up a bunch of good stuff and masalas and spices and herbs. I'm ready to cook up a storm (a Monsoon!) this evening. Can't wait.

                              I also walked around the corner to the pirated DVD store (this is China!) where I picked up seasons 3, 4 & 5 of "The Wire." Very happy about that acquisition. Seen seasons 1 & 2 a while ago and didn't even know that these were out as yet. I don't have HBO here. Ha.

                              Also got Vicky Christina Barcelona - the Woody Allen flick with Pene Cruz. I do love her. She's been winning awards for her role I hear.

                              Music - picked up a Yo-Yo Ma record, some of his solo performances. That's going to be nice to listen to at work.

                              Reading - outside on the street was a stall selling English books (printed here on the cheap). There were a bunch of the usual business books (how to be Rich, China's economic miracles, all that sort of usual stuff.) I found a copy of Jack Kerouac's On The Road tucked away in the corner. I picked it up. I read it a LONG time ago, while I was in college.

                              Time to read it again. My reading list gets longer and longer, but hey, since when was that a problem?

                              Deebs, tomorrow I am having lunch with my South African friends Lindsay & Mark. They have invited me to their home. Lindsay's a great cook, so it should be good fare. Will let you know how it goes.. I'm always happy to be fed.

                              I'm working out, feeling good. How's the exercise routine of the rest of you coming along in the year of the Ox? Hope to hear some success stories.

                              Ok, ciao you lot, zed


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread 16 Feb

                                You know how we miss your breath of whatever it is you bring here. You make us all swoon. Even Kid. So glad to hear from you.

                                Eve, it would be fun to link up in Vegas. You too, Cyclefan. All are invited actually. My husband would think I'm nuts.

                                take care, all
                                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

