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The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

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    The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

    Hi all,
    MadMummy, welcome!

    The good news: I'm off to my nephew's wedding this weekend.

    The sad news: our 15 year-old dog has late stage renal failure, a heart murmur, possible seizures. Her remaining days are few. Dogs are such good friends, but their livesa are too short. I almost had a bad news drink last night, but I poured my seltzer and resisted.
    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


      The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

      Sorry to hear about your dog Sunbeam, but good on you for not drinking over it. Have a great time at the wedding!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

        Good Morning my lovelies!!

        Vlad: I've had drinking dreams on occasion. Weird aren't they?
        Even weirder to feel guilty in your dream!
        Sun: I know; those panting happy faces.
        They have no clue, nor do they care,
        how short their time is going to be with us.
        They give us SO much.
        I'm sorry.
        MM: Keep at it; you'll get it squared away.
        It sounds like you are doing pretty well;
        just make drinking less more of a habit, and not such a strain.
        Everyone else: Good morning, when you finally wake up.
        I hope your days are full of joy.
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

          Good Morning Modders,
          Sunbeam, I'm so sorry about your dog. We've only had ours a short time and already she is part of my circle of loved ones. After 15 years, it must be a very close bond.

          Vlad, I have those drinking dreams sometimes, too. Recently I dreamt that my boss stopped by our house unexpectedly and found me drunk. I was trying to hard to hid it, but I was stumbling and slurring...What a huge relief to wake up!

          Hi MadMummy. I don't know your story, but I know I'm a MadMummy at times, too. How can anyone be a mum and not go a little mad?

          I was happy to wake up this morning and remember that I didn't drink anything last night. Now for the weekend challenge! It's always harder for me not to drink when Hubby's around...Not only because he'll have 2 or 3, but because of the tensions that sometimes arise between us. But, of course, drinking only makes it worse, so, I'm committed to not drinking tonight.

          Thanks for the "welcome backs" everyone. I'm glad to be here. Have a great day.
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

            Kid Shelleen;585344 wrote: Vlad: I've had drinking dreams on occasion. Wierd aren't they?
            Even weirder to feel guilty in your dream!
            I felt particularly guilty in this one, because I'd stolen some money off a church friend to buy some beer. :upset:

            Morning Sara! Again about drinking dreams - I felt very embarrassed about the dream about the giant vodka bottle I kept at work.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

              Hiya Squad,

              I have logged on 3 times today and each time not had a chance to post here... now I am running out of time but desperately wanted to post to say HI and BYE.
              We are leaving for our holiday and I am feeling as sick as a dog -- figures! But I WILL have fun, I WILL realx and I WILL miss you all.

              (((Sun))), I would be devestated if "my boy" was sick -- I am thinking of you:-)

              Have a fantastic weekend everyone -- I'll catch up with you on Tuesday.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                OK, so I will be drinking tonight, hubby has suggested we share a bottle of wine together after I get back from youth club. Hey, I didn't ask!!!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                  OK, Vlad...As long as it's not one of those super-sized bottles.

                  I'm feeling pretty confident about not drinking tonight. We're hosting a den meeting for the Cub Scouts. Believe it or not, all the dads drink beer after the official activities are done. If moms come, they usually have a glass of wine. Two moms are coming, but I don't think I'll offer wine. For one thing, I think it's kind of a weird occasion for drinking (not to mention a bad example for the scouts) and for another thing, if I pour it for them, it's going to be awfully tempting to me! So they can have a beer or join me for tea.
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                    Sunbeam, so sorry to hear about your doggie! I don't know what to say.
                    Sara, I am a bit surprised, on the other hand, maybe it is good to have alcohol included in life, not kept hidden like a dirty little secret. You know what I mean?
                    hey Eve, I have not posted on your other thread cuz I um, don't have anything great to say. Yet.
                    have a great weekend everyone, and enjoy your vacation, Deebee!


                      The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                      Hi Modders,
                      I have a few minutes before class, so I decided to check in.

                      Vlad - I hope you're feeling better. That sounds quite awful!. Take it easy. And enjoy that small bottle. I've got a small bottle for our sat. dinner on purpose. I used to buy the big one and drink it all.

                      And those drinking dreams... Yep. I've had those on numerious occasions and they completely suck! The guilt, the hiding . . . Oh.

                      Mad M - Cool - just one! Good for you. Keep it up.

                      Sun - I feel your pain with your dog. They are so special to us. You're in my thoughts.

                      Kid - You sound great and in control as usual. Is that just a guy thing or something?

                      Sara - keep the commitment. You can do it. And I agree wit the meeting tonight. Offer them a glass of soda or water.

                      Deebs - I hope you enjoy your holiday and feel better.

                      Hey Lila, girlfriend! Good to see you! Well, kind of...

                      Have a great weekend all. Off to class!
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                        Sarasmiles;585697 wrote: OK, Vlad...As long as it's not one of those super-sized bottles.
                        LOL! It was a 75ml bottle, about the equivalent of 6 drinks, so 3 drinks each.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                          joining in, not feeling very well

                          Hi all

                          I haven't been posting that much in this section because I have not been very successful in moderating, to be honest. I am having a once-a-week binge. There haven't been any bad consequences really, aside from occasional deep embarrassment and shame if anyone witnesses it. I am pretty sad about this and really want to change, but like Kid I don't see myself abstaining forever. I feel completely torn about this because I am not happy but I don't want to be abstinent. I am going to make a real effort to post more regularly and I am trying to figure out how to use Drink Tracker.



                            The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                            Stay close Nancy...and no more bingeing!

                            Drink Tracker will be a good place to start;
                            and then you need a plan.
                            It's late now; but tomorrow the Modders will get you back on track.
                            Read all the "Long Term Moderator" threads and posts.
                            There's no point in you reinventing the wheel.
                            Someone has likely been through what you are going through now.
                            I'm in and out tomorrow;
                            but PM me or one of us if you need anything, OK?
                            Good night,
                            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                            ~ Charles Spurgeon


                              The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                              hi Nancy
                              I totally know what you mean! Do you know what your triggers are? I suppose you know all this stuff, but it will be great to have you around.
                              anyways, as you know, I have been having a bumpy time of it, didn't want a lot of details out here in public,...I am more like a few glasses of wine a night, too many, I think. Last night I was AF, and that's good.
                              J-vo, hi - you sound good. Isn't it fun to go to class? I think so!


                                The Mod Squad Weekly Thread for March 30th

                                Another day on the front lines...

                                Doing a day at the ER; always interesting; often nerve wracking...
                                I hope you all have a pleasant day FOR me!

                                On subject:
                                I'm not going to count out loud anymore, although I'm doing Drink Tracker.
                                I'm going to change my frame of mind.
                                "I'm allowed to drink (I'm an adult); but I don't drink often..."
                                It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                                ~ Charles Spurgeon

