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The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

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    The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

    Always Question Authority;607924 wrote:
    I don't know what else to do... so "Goodbye" for now!!
    ~Kid Shelleen~
    Hopefully this is temporary

    We really value you and your input. I'm pretty sure I read the exchange between you and the other member and if I were a board moderator I wouldn't have banned either of you (the exchange just wasn't that bad)...although she was very insensitive to another member and you tactfully gave her your 2 cents worth!

    Love you. Hope you're back soon.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

      I spoke with my sister over the weekend. She was telling me of her neighbor's mom (the mom is only 55 years old) and she was in the hospital with bleeding varices resulting from damaged liver and heavy drinking. It's really sad. But it's also something we need to keep in the back of our minds (maybe the front) to try and make it the occasional drinks and mostly AF time. I know I'd be in the same place as this women given me a bit more time. My aun'ts boyfriend also went through the same thing, also from drink. He was sick a long time, and actually, to me, will never have his health back. Oh, and my FIL, of course, died from liver disease, also resulting from years of drinking. Plenty to think about and remember why we need to take long breaks from AL.

      Miss you Kid.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

        Thanks guys!

        I'll miss you too, til I get back.
        Thanks for the PMs, and the support...
        Don't say anything to make the forum moderators pissed at the Mod Squad.
        I'd like to think I helped the Modders step up to a new level of credibility and presence.
        Keep up the threads!
        Bump up the important Modder info!
        You are a BEAUTIFUL bunch.
        I will miss you until I figure out how to come back full time...
        Maybe they'll miss this and my new name will be,
        "Always Question Authority" Ha Ha!
        I love it...


          The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

          j-vo;607954 wrote:
          He was sick a long time, and actually, to me, will never have his health back. Oh, and my FIL, of course, died from liver disease, also resulting from years of drinking. Plenty to think about and remember why we need to take long breaks from AL.
          Medically speaking our bodies cells actually harden to protect themselves from the toxic irritation of AL but after several years of heavy drinking tolerance reverses and cells start breaking down and can't handle as much AL. Then they can't retain essential nutrients either and they eventually stop functioning altogether. That's when the organs start to shut down in severe alcoholics. I see them in my hospital more times than I'd like to say.

          Yes, I agree with Kid. Modding is the good life...but only if you can moderate responsibly.

          Even as a modder or one considering modding if you find yourself drinking too much, too often and out of control then you may want to take a look at the AF life and not the mod one.

          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

            Just stay as AQA for now Kid - we know it's you.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

              See ya!

              Maybe they'll miss it if I don't stay on too long...
              Later (I hope)


                The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                I'm thinking your name isn't exactly subtle. But I would miss you dearly if you really stay away. You are a positive force here on this thread, and have helped bring the modders to another level.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                  Holey Moley

                  What's going on here?

                  We got us a bunch of short modders? Sorry folks I'm almost 5'7

                  Kid's banned? S**T. Just when it seemed like folks were ready to start pacting again! Anybody else know how to do those fancy fonts saying stick a needle in your eye .. . ?

                  DeeBee's flippin her hair? and Delta's pickin' her guitar? and Jude's quit her job and we got us some new folks on the thread here. Well just blink an eye and isn't everybody up to something new!

                  Everyone sounds intent on their progress: I love how folks support each other on this thread.

                  I'm sorry to hear that Kid may be banned???? : Kid you are a treasure we need on this thread. Any chance you could STOP being provocative out there on the other threads (lol)? I too have my authority issues, but I tend to live and let live on this site, get what I need and stay out of the drama of the rest. . . the drama makes me want to drink ... not good for me.

                  Looking forward to a day off althought there is serious (and costly) dentistry involved. We're in a cold rainy spell (blech!) so I'm glad I scheduled a hair cut to top off the day so at least I'll look pretty by days end. We have Mothers Day on Sunday . .. no expectations. except breakfast in bed . . . flowers? from my 14 year old. . . ha ha ha.

                  Hope everyone has a good week. Keep up the good spirits!!



                    The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                    Yesterday I had to travel to just outside of Johannesburg to an area called Magailiesburg and on my way back the GPS took me a different route and I crossed over the most beautiful dam wall and into a tunnel in the mountain -- I think I was driving with my mouth open and tounge hanging out cause it was just so unexpected and too wonderful!! I called hubby straight away to tell him we just have to go there for a holiday someday!
                    Then I drove past the Union Buildings where they have set up a stage and what-not for the presidential inaugaration this weekend and got goosies from listening to that -- so all in all, it was an interesting day yesterday.
                    Today I head home again - yay! I love my own bed and my special pillow. I just don't sleep the same in strange beds lol.

                    AQA, I don't understand what you said to upset the moderators, I can only assume the offensive post has been deleted as I can't find anything.
                    You have always been a gentleman and a friend to us here on the Mod Squad, but I haven't seen you extending the same courtesy on other threads so my suggestion is to stick with us, we definetly bring out the best in you:-)

                    Vladster, good job on being AF last night - one down!! I was just itching to have a glass of wine last night but one of my rules are to never drink alone so I decided not. I would've been too easy to order just one glass whilst waiting for my food last night but I know myself and I know that if I start that now that now then eventually I will slip back to where I was a year ago.

                    Ask, Dentist and a haircut, not that is one hell of a combination lol!! I hope it's not too painful - the dentist of course. We also celebrate Mothers Day this Sunday so my sister and I are taking my Mum for a treatment at the Spa on Saturday. It's a pity that my MIL live so far away as she'd love to spend the day with us. Last year all us kids travelled the 4 hours to surprise her on Mothers' day as she was down in the dumps, well she was so shocked and overwhelmed to see us she wouldn't stop crying lol I am very lucky my MIL is the best.

                    Eve, it is scary to think about the damage that we have done to our bodies by abusing AL. I can only hope that I've stopped in the nick of time, whilst I am still young enough to reverse any damage done. Do you have any suggestions for other suppliments that can help -- like the Milk Thistle protects the liver -- any other supps that you can think of?

                    Well now I have totally run out of time and need to dash to pack my bags and check out so I'll catch you all later.
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                      Hi guys, can't believe that Kid has been banned will miss his laid back lyrical posts about getting breakfast etc.

                      Vlad well done on that big fat zero, the first one is always the hardest for me.

                      Luv to all Bx


                        The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                        DeeBee;608201 wrote:
                        Eve, it is scary to think about the damage that we have done to our bodies by abusing AL. I can only hope that I've stopped in the nick of time, whilst I am still young enough to reverse any damage done. Do you have any suggestions for other suppliments that can help -- like the Milk Thistle protects the liver -- any other supps that you can think of?
                        I'll start a thread soon on the General Board about fatty liver and how alcoholics get it.

                        A liver flush is never a bad idea to cleanse your liver. Flush with 2-3 days of drinking apple juice (fresh fruits and vegetables are ok in addition to the apple juice) before starting the flush. You can search on-line to purchase a flush or buy one at your local health food store.

                        Why drinking apple juice before the flush works: The malic acid found in the apple juice dissolves and softens gallstones, which makes for a successful Liver Flush. Fresh apple juice made from organic apples is best.

                        Vitamins to cleanse liver: B vitamins, niacin, (you're right - milk thistle is great), vitamin C, Selenium, Betacarotene, Vitamin E and even the amino acid Sam-E aids liver health along with depression.

                        Vegetables that are good for the liver: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts.
                        If you have a juicer, juicing a combo of these is a good idea.

                        It's a goofy thing when you research how alcohol is broken down and you really realize that it's a poison that your poor liver is trying to break down to get out of your system.
                        For a healthy liver one should drink no more than one drink per hour. If you consume more than this, your system becomes saturated, and the additional alcohol will accumulate in the blood and body tissues until it can be metabolized.

                        Here's to AF and if not that then to VERY healthy modding!
                        Edit: Addendum:
                        Please be sure to check with your family doctor first before purchasing a liver flush as he'll know your whole medical history. We can buy lots of things on-line without our docs anymore...there's good and bad to be safe!
                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                          Eve, when you talk about the liver flush -- do you mean that I must ONLY have apple juice, no solids for 2 to 3 days??
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                            The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                            DeeBee;608434 wrote: Eve, when you talk about the liver flush -- do you mean that I must ONLY have apple juice, no solids for 2 to 3 days??
                            Instructions may be different for the type of flush program you end up on. Eat normally for the pre-flush along with the apple juice as recommended.

                            One flush calls for this diet the day of the flush: Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.

                            Google liver flush and you will find all of the info you need, probably how to even order a liver flush.

                            Please be sure to check with your family doctor first before purchasing a liver flush as he'll know your whole medical history. We can buy lots of things on-line without our docs anymore...there's good and bad to be safe!

                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                              The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                              Good stuff, Eve...

                              I wonder if the modders need an ongoing "health thread"
                              where we could keep stuff like this?
                              Whatever the amount, Modders will be drinking; and drinking is poisonous...
                              On going cleansing is important.
                              BTW; nothing I have found says that Milk Thistle doesn't work.
                              I take Milk Thistle and Magnesium every day as a small part of my supplement regimen.
                              ~Kid ~

                              Oh, and GOOD MORNING all you beautiful Modders in Modland!!!


                                The Mod Squad Week of 5/4/09

                                Happy Hump Day!

                                Still questioning, I'm looking forward to the upcoming creative names you come up with. I see above was your very first post. Nice to meet ya!

                                Eve, thanks for all that good info. I'm doing a colon cleanse, and maybe next month I can do this liver flush. I'll be looking it up to get info. on it. And I'll get back on my milk thistle. Thanks!

                                Hi Ask! Good to see you.

                                Deebee - it must have been beautiful scenery yesterday. Good thing you didn't wreck your car!

                                Vlad - How about day two tonight? You can! (I think I can, I think I can . . .)

                                After getting adjusted this morning by my chiropractor, I asked him about hormone imbalance. He's recently gotten another degree in this area. He's going to be doing some testing on me to check out my levels and to see whether or not I need to make some adjustments or add supplements to balance myself out. Ya know, usually I'm just a bitch, but lately at that time of the month, I'm an F***ing bitch. Sorry. It's that time.

                                Hi Sun, Madmummy, Sara, and all modders have a super day.
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

