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Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

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    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

    welcome Moo Farmer and Wine Lover!
    thanks Deebs for the good vibes! Nice to hear from Zed, I am glad he is doing well. Sounds like he moved?
    Sunbeam, honestly sometimes working out makes me more anxious, but I do more weights, and just 5 minutes of elliptical. Not too good, huh? I went to a metaphysical bookstore, had a reading done, and it really really calmed me down. I mean, I have had readings from not-so-good psychics that made me feel crazed even more, but this was great, and I do feel calm, faithful, centered, all that.
    Hi Vlad, good you are taking a vacation! We are going camping in a few days. Nature is so soothing too.
    I will tell you all if I get a job, I am trying to 'be here now' ha ha, not get all caught up in what ifs.
    My new theme is empowerment.


      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

      Yes, I took the picture at the Mountain Zoo, and Moo - I think that spelling might be right.
      I have a good picture of a penguin and a funny one of a turkey too.

      The Office Manager has ordered everyone to keep the windows shut and we have the air conditioning going. YES!!!

      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

        feeling sooo good

        :thanks: all for welcoming me, I look forward to joining in. On day 4 now AF and feeling on top of the world, lets hope it lasts, feeling very positive with all I am reading on various threads.

        Good Luck to all hope you are doing well and once again thanks to the welcoming committee.


        one hour at a time
        one hour at a time


          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

          Hi, All

          Just popping in to say hi.

          Deebs: things are settling in with my Mom. She gave me more space last night to just relax after work and the commute (65km each way, every day - grrrrrrrrr). Even a flooded kitched floor couldn't trip me up last night.

          I'm also involving her with chores & cooking - she seems to like it, makes her feel part of the family, and not just a guest.

          She's having a great time with the kids - Monopoly, Scrabble, puzzles, even teaching my daughter to knit (God forbid).

          So, even though she's still a trigger, I'm coping OK!!!

          Good luck to all - hope you have a great Thursday.

          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

            Morning Modders!

            Hope everyone is doing well. Well, a few days ago, my sister and I signed up for golf lessons! I haven't learned anything new in a very long time, and I'm really excited to be trying this. I'm pretty physically challenged when it comes to sports (I can watch my son play!) but this will not only be fun in rekindling a better relationship with my sister, I might actually be able to play on a "real" course someday! My son and husband also golf, so this could be a family adventure as well.

            Yesterday I had this fleeting craving for alcohol. It's summertime here, and I thought, wouldn't it be fun to have a few right now, in the middle of the day (feeling a little rebellious)!? Well, that didn't last very long because I kept busy the whole day. Last night while in bed, I tried to figure out why I had that craving. I realized after I'd been to the chiropractor, I passed a beer and wine store on the way home. I don't think I realized it as I was passing or was even conscious of the fact that I'd passed it. Oh well.

            Whatever happened to RJ? I was reading a post last week about her but now can't find where I was reading it. Anyone know?

            Vlad - love the pic! And I have to say, I would have felt very relieved if I hadn't thrown up in the tent too!

            Moofarmer - Welcome! And I have to say, AA is a great source of information and allows the ability to connect with people who have the same problem as you do. But don't let that person, for one minute, manipulate you or your ideas on how to control your drinking. To me, he sounds like a jerk. Someone that has all of those days under his belt like you do should be proud of that. Not be belittled. Take what you can from those meetings and leave the rest. I've heard that somewhere. Also, have you tried another location where you might meet some nicer people, or even a different time or day?

            Moo- Read your journal. Sounds like a lovely weekend with Mr. Moo. How romantic! I can't remember have champagne like that. I hope you have fewer frustrations today at work. Everything is easier without AL!

            Lila - a psychic! I've never tried that. I like the theme of "Empowerment." I'll join you on that road.

            Tip - I'm glad your visit with MD is going better than expected. Most times our anticipatory anxiety is worse than the actual situation. That was an excellent idea to keep her involved in family activities and duties.

            Winelover - welcome to you. Congrats on your 3 days AF!

            Deebs - I haven't smoked since June 19th. I quit differently than I had in the past. I went cold turkey, without the assistance of nicotine gum (which I would chew almost constantly). It did a number on my jaw! After a few days of anxious feelings, I was fine. It actually wasn't as hard as coming off of AL. Truely! I feel a sense of freedom from both the nicotine and AL. It feels so good. After I went driving golf balls with my sister last night, went to my son's game at 8 p.m. which was about half hour away. Back in the day, I would have been drunk about an hour after they left to go to the field (I missed a lot of games a few years back). I would have been passed out and in bed by the time they got back. But not last night! At 10:30 I was making eggs for my little sweetie!!

            Sun, Saint Jude, Ask, Eve, Peri, and all modders, have a great day.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

              Hey Modders...[

              Well its almighty hot here!!! I am supposed to wear a dark suit to work really, but the last day or so I could not have coped, so I have been cheating and wearing linen!! Hey ho.

              I am not sure where this week is going....apparently its Thursday night and I havent even noticed. On the upside, with the heat I have only eaten salads for dinner all week and have thus lost any weight I put on whilst away. Have also been doing a bit of extra exercise each evening on the old exercise bike. Only about 20 mins or so. But I would point out this is addition to the gym! LOL.

              WineLOVER you sound chirpy and seem to be doing really well...

              J-VO....once again glad to have you back and hear your news. MASSIVE congratulations on giving up smoking...that HUGE....well done. And GOLF? That sounds like fun. I have only played once in the raing and cold on a corporate day, many years ago, so I cant say my experience was good. That said, in the sun with a sister, sounds a laugh. Enjoy.

              VLAD=I must go to the Mountain Zoo soon. Its is supposed to be excellent. Did you enjoy it on the North Wales Coast??

              SUN=Yes very much back to the grind. The week has passed practically unnoticed, I have been that busy.

              Hellos to DEEBS -LILA- TIP-and other modders and lurkers - love Moo
              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                It was very wet on the North Wales Coast - not like the 35 degrees C it is here today!!!
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                  So much news to catch up on -- fantastic!!

                  J-Vo, I am so proud of you for quitting the twaks, I know how much you really wanted it. And you're playing golf!! Maybe you and Ask will get a round in sometime. Golf is such great exercise... all that walking... just watch out for the 19th hole:-0 The one thing that i have noticed since quitting is my lung capacity is now like a normal person's. When I was smoking, just carrying in the groceries from the car would have me out of breath.

                  Tip, is your Mum just visiting for the holidays or is she moving in permanently??? My FIL arrives tomorrow for a weekend visit. I love him dearly but after 2 days I am just itching for my own space.

                  Oh Tip, I must tell you -- I am so bloody upset! I went onto the gumtree website like you suggested to look for a bull dog pup for the daughter. There were 3 people whom I e-mailed asking for prices and more details. I got one reply from this old man who has recently lost his wife and the two pups belonged to her and he isin't able to look after them so wants to give them away to a good home for free. You should've seen the pics of these two -- they were too beautiful. So the daughter and I (with much excitement) e-mailed him back with our details and the sort of home enviroment that we have and asked him if we could come and see them in 2 weeks time when we are in Cape Town.
                  Weeeeeeeeellllllllll............. I got a reply last night from the "little ole man" and its a scam!!! He's from Cambodia and wants $250 to ship them! I am so bloody annoyed I am going to post an ad about him on gumtree when I get home!!

                  On a happier note, I am looking forward to going home tomorrow - this trip has just been fraught with difficulties and anxiety.... I was sorting out my cell phone earlier and really wasn't getting any joy from service provider, I looked up and saw a tobacconist and a bottle store right next to me -- it took every ounce of will power I possess not to go in there I tell you.

                  Anyhoo, enough bitching ..... how is everyone, 'eh?
                  I can't believe you are having such hot weather!
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                    Day 34, thanks for all your replies. I've read many of all your
                    prior posts. I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Will be a strange
                    4th of July without the usual strawberry daiquiris
                    and extra vodka sneaks. At least I'll remember what I did.


                      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                      Hello my friends old and new.

                      I had a great end of June in the modding world and then forget to put it on the drinktracker in time...drat! I must set up a reminder for myself at the end of every month.

                      So much going on with everyone - to our newbies: Welcome and glad you're here.

                      Moofarmer, I'm going to have to call you MooF so as to not get you confused with our beloved Moo. Moofarmer is a little too long for me to type I'm afraid so hopefully you'll be ok with my nickname for you. I (as most of us) know all about the sneaking drinking and hidden bottles. Sorry about some of the bad folks at your A.A. meeting but just remember meetings like that really vary. Lots of consistent folks for sure but people come and go. Maybe you'll meet a wonderful supportive one next time so I wouldn't give up on that either if you need additional support.

                      We're going to a big 4th of July party this year. It's the first time I thought of attending a big party without a lot of dread as I feel I have my modding under good control and know I will not drink too much and make a fool out of myself. Couldn't have said that same time last year so there's definitely progress that's been made.

                      Deebs: Knew you'd love the hammy. Sorry about the scam dog guy. It's sad because one gets their hopes up (especially children) so he's very, very naughty for doing that to you.
                      His karma will get him! They have a big scam here in the states telling people they've inherited money and then asking them to send a couple of hundred (for some reason-can't remember for what - bank and shipping costs...something goofy) and it's all a big hoax. I always feel sorry for the people foolish enough to buy it.

                      Vlad, always love to see you pop in and share how you're doing.

                      J-Vo: Glad you got over the daytime craving! Hope you love golf - great that hubby and son love it - it would be a good family bonding sport. Our family loves miniature golf.

                      Lila- The scent lavender is very calming. Buy some oil, put on a cotton ball and when anxious have it close to you where you can smell it. Also good for bathing.

                      To all the other Mod friends and lurkers who live in the USA, have a safe 4th of July.
                      Remember - don't drink and drive!!

                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                        Hi, All

                        WOW! Too much news to respond to everything!

                        Deebs: soory to hear about the dog scammer - he'll get his dues, though! Mom is only visitng for the school holidays, then she'll have to go back to DD. At least she's already picking up weight and visibly relaxing! Good luck on resisiting the AL and twak! Proud of you.

                        I hope everyone will have a great weekend!

                        And finally: just a word of thanks to everyone, from those who just said hi, to others who have given given me great advice and support since I joined. Even though I still have to achieve becoming AF, this has been the soberest two weeks I have had in 15 years. With the exception of Sunday two weeks ago, I have gone to bed sober each and every night - and it's been fantastic, despite my fears at first.

                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                          Glad to hear everyone is doing so well!

                          Lavender, that is a great idea. In fact, maybe next year I could even grow some!


                            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                            YAY TIP.....

                            ....That's so great to hear. I am delighted that things are going so well for you. A massive well done to you for all the hard work you have put in so far and sending lots of support for the next few weeks and the future in general. It is always a treat to hear that this site is helpful too. The plan is working!!! LOL

                            Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you as everyone else will too.

                            LOVE AND SUPPORT MOO
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                              4th JULY!

                              I am going away over the weekend, so wont have a chance to post. So, I wanted to wish all my American Buddies...a WONDERFUL INDEPENDENCE DAY....Hope the celebrations are great and moderate!.. Love to all ....MOO
                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."


                                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                                LILA - LAVENDER!

                                I am also a huge advocate of lavender, on the pillow, in the bath, anywhere really! Great suggestion by Eve.....
                                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                                but in what direction we are moving."

