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Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

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    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

    hey all, posting from my pda here. got on ok last night despite the drama having already kicked off before we'd even got there. i had 4 beers, after driving 100 miles. now for today...
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

      Mein Gott! Eve11,
      Your quote is almost the precise thought that motivated my sobriety.
      Long Road
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
      Eleanor Roosevelt


        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

        hi lg! my pda died, but i remembered i can access the internet from my phone and its easier to use.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

          Long Road;674336 wrote: Mein Gott! Eve11,
          Your quote is almost the precise thought that motivated my sobriety.
          Mein Gott auch Long Road. Welcome to our safe haven here on the long term mod board.

          Just curious which quote you liked as I have two of them. So true if we don't control our destinies someone else will. I love that one! But it's a day by day process - one step at a time so that's a good one too. Which one motivated your sobritety?

          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

            Morning modders,

            So it's 17 but that still doesn't mean much to me. Is that celcius? We speak of temperatures in farenheit, and I can't quite seem to do the math to figure out what 17 is. I can't seem to wrap my brain around this. CAN YOU SEE YOUR BREATH DEEBS? If you can, then it's cold. If not, then it's a mild winter for you. Where Eve is, it's 115 degrees farenheit. That's flippin' hot! Sorry, I'm still confused!

            Eve, thank you for being so understanding. Gosh, I know we all go through these down times, but I truely see myself in more ups than downs. The summer is extremely difficult to eat right, and stay on a more moderate schedule of drinking because of all the outings, picnics, vacations . . . That's why I'm kind of ready to go back to work (kind of) because that will put me on a more strict schedule. I'll be getting up at the same time, going to bed early, eating more normally . . . I think this school year I will see a major difference in myself from the past. I hope your next vaca. goes better for you Eve.

            Vlad - 4 beers - I would consider that success! It's not 4 vodkas. Big difference. Even 4 glasses of wine would be much worse. Good for you gal.

            I'm on my way out the door to walk my 2 miles. Have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday to see how everyone's weekend went. I hope we're successful and come back feeling great and healthy!

            Bundle up Deebs!!!!!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

              I must admit Eve11. I'm a slightly militant Soberist and as such believe that all of us are responsible for the recognition and control of this disease. Jack Welsh's statement is both personal and political. All people in any stage of this affliction can benefit from his words
              Long Road
              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
              Eleanor Roosevelt


                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                Hello Modders...

                J-Vo...thats a great positive attitude. I hope you will be the best you can be this school year. The summer is a harder time with things going on. Just do your best all the time, its little triumps that lead to great achievements!

                DEEBS I hope you had a lovely time at the party.

                VLAD - yes I agree, well done on the four beers...heres to tonight!

                Hiya LONGROAD AND EVE....

                I have had a nice day....I did some cardiowork and some Yoga this morning and have been pottering around doing chores.....will be off out to the party in a couple of HERES TO AN AF SATURDAY AT A PARTY!!!!

                Love to all Moo
                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                but in what direction we are moving."


                  Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                  thanks for the support guys, i set 4 as my max for weekend days. heading off to a barbecue in 20 mins. there better be no more drama.
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                    Long time no see

                    Hi All:

                    I've been away too long. Can't catch up on everything but have tried to read through posts for the last two weeks at least. Lots of good thoughts and support.

                    This is the end of week 2 of the 3 weeks my daughter is away on a bicycling trip so the homefront has been quiet. I was away myself last week hiking in the mountains which was fun but challenging physically - yowsa! I've been trying to have fun, take care of myself, catch up, relax, read , refinance my mortgage, etc etc. altogether more than one can cram into a brief period.

                    I can relate to J-vo and Eve about the ups and downs of modding. When things were very upsetting and tense earlier this summer I did give myself permission to have wine more frequently than 3x/week as long as I didn't overdo it.

                    Now I too am finding it hard to recommit to my AF days. I recognize the "I want more" feeling. The days I am successful in keeping it to two drinks I find that waiting it out and drinking water between drinks are strategies that work for me. If I'm cooking or entertaining and thus not concentrating on "going slow" but rather topping my glass off, that's when I get to 3 or 4 and am not happy with myself.

                    I still find being "out" with others and having to pay for drinks is an excellent "brake" for me as the cost of a drink and knowing I have to drive home guarantees I'll limit to two.

                    I wonder if restarting some pacts would be helpful. I know it would help me on those evenings I have nothing planned and the decision whether to drink is optional If I'd committed to you guys not to that would make a difference to me.

                    I can't do the cool "Kid" fonts and the stick a needle in your eye stuff, but maybe it's a thought worth revisiting?




                      Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                      Ask for Help,
                      So great to see you here! I'm glad you are doing OK, which is what you are telling us.
                      I think the pacts were a great thing, bringing the conversation back to control of alcohol. It is important to connect about other things, but the alcohol is why we hare here together.
                      I will pact with anyone almost anytime, but most of the time I don't drink so maybe that's not as useful. I am AF for the rest of July, and others are talking about or doing various amounts of AF time on their own schedules. So I'm not really sure how I can help make this happen.
                      In spite of the rainy days, I have been enjoying the long bike rides that are a halmark of my summer. I hope you have too.

                      J-Vo, I think I just need to keep saying to you that all progress counts, and I am proud that you keep posting and hanging in here.

                      Vlad and Moo, have fun!
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                        i'm back, no drama and had some fun on a trampoline!
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                          Recheck "Moderating is so subjective" thread

                          Hi gang,
                          I added some new info on the "Moderating is so subjective thread" to help jumpstart me back to more successful modding. Hopes it helps you my friends as well.

                          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                          ~Jack Welsh~:h

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                            Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                            Rain got me down

                            Hi Sun:

                            I'm glad you're getting your biking in. I have NOT. I usually start riding my bike to work in June but I won't ride in the rain because it's not safe so June was OUT. July has had more opportunity but still a fair amt of rain and some inertia on my part. I really felt the lack of conditioning on my mountain climbing and I see it in the extra 5 lbs of weight I am carrying around my midriff. Gotta get going!



                              Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                              Hiya Modders,

                              Nope J-Vo, I can't see my breath LOL!! And yes, that was in celcius. Our summers get pretty hot but don't go over 38C.

                              Ask, it's wonderful to hear from you -- I was wondering if your daughter is back yet... so you still have another week on your own?

                              I hope everyone else is having a wonderfully sober weekend. I'm afraid I can't say the same :-(

                              I'm dead keen on pacting with anyone who want's to -- I gotto get this monkey off my back!!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad - July Thread!!!

                                vlad is hurting. not from al. from the trampoline!!! all the muscles in my back are aching.
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

