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Mod Squad August Thread!

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    Mod Squad August Thread!

    Book club was actually great thank J-Vo. I made sure that I got there a little bit late so everyone already had their drinks in hand and were so busy yakking they didn't notice me with my soda water. Another of the girls is doing a hectic 2 week detox, she's a dancer and trying to fall pregnant and was also not drinking so we kinda sat together and sipped on our drinks whilst comparing notes.

    I must say that we really have some lovely books at the moment. I'm reading one called "why is God laughing" by Deepak Chopra which reminds me to let go of my ego and just be me.

    How is everyone else doing?

    P.S. Moo, I hope you got there safe and sound!!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Mod Squad August Thread!

      Hugs to my MWO friends

      No time to read the posts and get caught up but Moo did catch yours about MIL and my prayers and thoughts are with you and Mr. Moo.

      I am staying within my limits for no more than 7 drinks per week. Did it the first week and plan to do it this second (even while on vacation). Adam12 decided to have a rare 2nd drink last night which made it too tempting to not have my second but I told myself I will just have to be AF one night or only 1 a night to make my goal and I plan on doing it.

      Gotta run.
      Hugs to all.
      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


        Mod Squad August Thread!

        A quick one here - Thanks for bumping your story Sunbeam. There are lots of words of wisdom there for all of us. Moo - I'm really sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. My father died last year after a rather horrible last few months. This is part of life and adulthood, but it's still sad, sad, sad. But - a drink won't help bring them back to health (or life in my case).

        Love to all,


          Mod Squad August Thread!

          DG and others, I am glad you enjoyed my story. It tells what works for me, and some of the path I followed to get here.

          J-vo, are you making through the week OK? I am still here with you.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Mod Squad August Thread!

            Morning friends,

            Sun, I was doing well, but Tuesday went out with a girlfriend had not seen in months and had two glasses of wine. I feel guilty, and I'm sorry I broke the pact. I also don't feel strong as I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow for a week with my husband's family. I know there will be drinking going on. I only pray that I can control myself and enjoy the days. I've got my plan in my head of how my days and nights will go, and I'll be as strong as I can.

            Today we have to get packed and ready to go. I will not have internet access, but will be working hard toward my vacation goals. I'll talk to you all when I get back, hopefully with a good report.

            I've also been reading the baclofen thread the past several days. Since I'm not meeting my goals as I'd like to, I'm going to try this medicine. I've read extensively on this, and hope that it'll help me in my quest for more moderate drinking, or I should say less frequent drinking. I don't know if this is my way out, but I'm ready to take the plunge and try. This past year has been better, but I'm ready for the next step, and I think I need more support with medication. I want to live a fuller life, more healthy, and I'm willing to try this.

            Hope everyone has a good week, and I'll check in when I get back. God Bless!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Mod Squad August Thread!

              Hiya Modders:-)

              I've had quite a day I tell you!
              I reversed over a lump of concrete which was attached to a pole so doubly damaged my poor car when the f*$#ing pole bounced back and hit my boot!! My bumper was hanging off and lying against the wheel. DH has provisionally put it back together for me but will do a better job (hopefully) on the weekend.

              The strange thing is I didn't get worked up about it at all! Even thought I had a hectic day planned and clients to see I just called everyone and calmly told them I would see them on Tuesday (Monday is a public holiday) so I'm quite chuffed with myself.

              Then my BF popped in for lunch and I was busy showing her daughter the baby hamsters only to spot Sam (the Dad) EATING one of them ewwwwwwwww!! I nearly threw up!!
              The daugher is pretty peeved with Sam and he's been banished to a shoe box for now. I feel terrible for her, she's taken the remains, wrapped it up and put it in the box, written and letter to the baby and is now busy burying it at the bottom of the garden.
              We bought a couple of trays of iceland poppies to plant there:-)

              Anyhoo, I've been having stinking thinking all afternoon. So I must go and keep myself busy.

              Love and hugs to all.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad August Thread!

                Oh no! Maybe the male hamsters have a tendancy to do that.

                Sucks boo to stinking thinking.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Mod Squad August Thread!

                  Ewww, the baby hamster story was terribly sad. You'd better google about hamster behavior DeeBee.
                  I've had hamsters that have fought to the point that they one has killed the other so we eventually ended up as a 1 hamster only family. Not sure of your plans to keep babies, etc. but sounds like some hamster research is needed. So sorry!

                  I continue doing a lot of my own research on drinking and have recently started making some real changes in my own life. I didn't like seeing the pattern of not meeting modding goals for too many times in the past month or two so have really gotten on the band wagon to taken this really seriously for myself.

                  Was at an art festival today and my friend was going to buy his mother a margarita and wanted to know if I wanted one. Would have said yes in a heartbeat last month and gone over my limit with the "I'm on vacation" excuse but instead talked myself out of it by reminding myself that a drink in the afternoon would just make me want to take a nap. We all came back to our place where the fridge was stocked with wine (gifts for the employees) and an extra one or two so would have opened a bottle and talked everyone into having a glass...if it had been last month. But it was only 4:30 and we were going out to dinner at 7 and I didn't want to go over my limit.
                  So, enjoyed one fine glass of wine with a seafood dinner and met my goal. Very proud of myself and this is my new plan and be serious about really working my program. No more complacency for me.
                  Hugs all.
                  "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                  ~Jack Welsh~:h

                  God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                    Mod Squad August Thread!

                    Hi folks just a quick fly by. Hello to everyone.
                    Deebee yuk is right, sad for your daughter too. Well done on not getting wound up about the car, it wouldnt have done any good at all. Hope the stinking thinkin is gone by the time you read this.
                    Eve11 a big well done on your decision not to take that next drink and where it would have lead to, that used to be me down to a T. Well folks I have achieved my first goal, Day 90 AF has arrived and I am really chuffed with myself. So at some time in the future I will try a drink and see how that goes, my intention is to mod very gently and not too often. I will keep you guys posted and thanks again for your support.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Mod Squad August Thread!

                      Hi Everybody,
                      Deebs, I have a notion in my head that wildlife parents eat their offspring when they are defective in some way. So maybe that baby hamster wasn't healthy. Still pretty yucky, but maybe that thought gives some comfort.

                      KTAB, congrats on 90 days, a significant milestone. I think it is more about how much one has learned than the specific amount of time, but I know you have read and posted here at MWO a lot, and you are getting ready to implement your own mods plan. I picked the no more than weekly time frame because that's how long it takes alcohol to get out of your body. It made a huge difference for me. When I have a drink, I want to relax with people, food and conversation, not just relieve stress. I HAVE to use other strategies for the stress, or I will end up drinking more often. I never want to drink again just to satisfy a craving. There, I got that sermon off! You will find your own path. And now I know that people in Ireland also get chuffed - I thought it was just in South Africa. Wonder who else gets chuffed?

                      Eve, good for you for getting serious during your vacation time! It is funny how we continue to look for excuses to drink, even though we know we should stick to limits. I had a couple of drinks four days in a row during my last vacation. It took me right back to that feeling "I want a drink" for no particular reason, just to relax from daily stress. That simply is not how I want to live my life any more. When I have a day off, I want to accomplish things, not spend the afternoon and evening "relaxing" with wine. I can relax just fine with a good book and flavored seltzer in my wine glass. Then in an hour or two I can get going again, get something else accomplished. I feel much more satisfied with my life this way. OK, another sermon done.

                      J-vo, I'm sorry you didn't meet your goal, but I know you feel you are continuing to move forward. I will pact again with you anytime!
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad August Thread!

                        Yes, congrats KTAB on your 90 days!

                        Well I didn't meet my goal at all. In fact I drank over 12 units just last night. Add up the rest of my units for the week and it comes to nearly 33. My goal was to have only 14. I knew I was doomed when I withdrew my set limit of money from the cash machine not realising I had more in my purse. So of course, I drank until all the money was gone. And guess what, I woke up with a hangover.

                        Decided I really need to take this more seriously and not with the attitude of 'Oh I'll just bob along and see what happens...'

                        Also found an interesting site this morning and signed up: Down Your Drink - Are you drinking too much?
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Mod Squad August Thread!

                          Back on Track and Proud

                          Well FINALLY ...
                          I've registered my first week of meeting my goal of 4 AF days in a several months. I need to keep this up. I feel proud and better physically too, even though I wasn't drinking to excess I do feel better with fewer drinking days. It takes discipline, but I have to have that discipline. I have 6 lbs I've gained back from the extra drinking (and the ice cream and treats that seem like a good idea after 2 glasses of wine lol) so that is a motivator too, as I have some straight skirts I've been unable to wear because they are too tight in the thighs.

                          SO I'm writing this all down for me and to say it out loud to you so I will keep it up.

                          I know many of us are "at that point" of recommitting, so I'm just saying . . . I'm IN.
                          Love to all.



                            Mod Squad August Thread!

                            Hi Ask - I'm in for these next 3 days AF. I need it.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              Mod Squad August Thread!

                              Ask For Help;688432 wrote: SO I'm writing this all down for me and to say it out loud to you so I will keep it up.

                              I know many of us are "at that point" of recommitting, so I'm just saying . . . I'm IN.
                              Good for you!

                              I needed to recommit too and am proud to say I've met my goal of only 7 drinks per week this week too.

                              It's hard on vacation as Adam 12 (who drinks 1-4 drinks per week) truly enjoys daily drinking (1-2 each day) when on vacation. So for me who usually likes 2 when I drink - it's way over my limit when the week comes to an end and I've had 14 (double the amount that's recommended). So, my baby step was only 1 and a sporadic 2 if I didn't drink daily while on vacation and my adult step is to get out of the daily drinking when on vacation and give myself a break a day or two (even if Adam12 has his daily drink). That ones a tough one but it's my new long range goal.

                              Ask, I know what you mean about the sweets after drinking wine. Wine is sugar and then our body craves more carbs so icecream helps that wine craving and yes, it's easy for the pounds to come on. Another reason for not drinking daily.

                              Everyone sounds good - working hard at their individual programs.

                              Big hugs to all. Back home for a while. Londons calling end of Sept. though. Moo, if you make a drive into London to see MIL p.m. me and let's meet.
                              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                              ~Jack Welsh~:h

                              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                                Mod Squad August Thread!

                                That's great Ask and Eve! I failed meeting mine. But here's to the next 3 days AF.
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

