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Mod Squad October Thread

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    Mod Squad October Thread

    Hi Eve and everyone

    Yes, a plan is is when I dont have one, things may go wrong. I folllowed my plan to the letter last night and had a successful mod night. I had 2-2.5 glasses of wine, one of them was topped up, but not by very much, so I have cheated a little and put 2 in DT! But I am so pleased with my results at the moment generally in terms of what I do drink when I drink And indeed that mostly I dont drink and dont mind.

    I am a little dissapointed because, I feel a little under the weather today. I dont mean fully blown hangover by ANY means, just a little bit of a headache and a bit tired and listless. It could be just that I feel this way today, but I cant help but associate it with AL. It's not really that I feel that bad, it is just that on that amount of AL I would not expect to feel anything much at all....I drank a little more last weekend and was fine. Its weird, but I still find it therefore leaves me feeling JUST A LITTLE dissapointed, with myself, even though in modding terms things have NEVER been better. It could just be a mood I have today and a feeling I have today, but not sure.

    I suspect that it might be the sulphers in wine that mainly disagee with me and that the less one drinks, the harder the body takes it???

    In any event, I am on for an AF weekend next weekend, just because I need to challenge myself to that again and because I have a lot to do chores wise next weekend and dont want to feel under the weather at all. So I will do a run of 13 days AF and then consider what is next thereafter....

    Sorry to waffle.....I hope everyone else has had a good weekend and things are going well on the modding front..

    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
    but in what direction we are moving."


      Mod Squad October Thread

      You aren't waffling at all, just posting the results of your most recent plan, your feelings about it, what your next step will be. Perfectly organized, like a lawyer or something!
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        Mod Squad October Thread

        Thanks SUNBEAM that really made me smile...x
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Mod Squad October Thread

          Me Again!

          Just popping in to say good morning modders and have a great week. I personally am AF now until 30th October at least. What is everyone elses current plan??

          Love to all modders, lurkers and newbies...Moo
          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
          but in what direction we are moving."


            Mod Squad October Thread

            newbie reporting in

            Good morning friends,
            I completed my second week on MWO and am pleased with my behavior. Before MWO I was averaging 13-15 drinks a week, week one on MWO I had 9 drinks and week two I had 3 drinks. A true success was on Saturday night. I came home tired and worn out from long day of teacher trainings. I decided to have a gin and tonic, got the buzz and wanted a second. I took your advice to have a glass of water in between drinks and never had the second one. The urge decreased while I sipped the water. That is a win for me as I cannot remember stopping at one before Saturday night. This week will be more challenging. We had dinner party last night and Thursday I have out of town friend coming in for a week. He enjoys drinking so I need to have my plan to stay moderate. Any suggestions from any or all of you?

            I want to do 30 days AL free. After my friend leaves town I will start mine. I like your suggestion that it will allow to see where I am and what my life without AL will be. So far I love waking up fresh, clear headed, and motivated with stable emotions. My date to start looks like the 27th of this month.


              Mod Squad October Thread

              Hiya friends,
              Forgive me for not reading before posting but I'm short for time today but wanted to check in and say hi.
              Today is DH's birthday so it's pretty busy with friends and family as well as meeting work commitments.... I'll post more tomorrow.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad October Thread

                Hi Everybody,
                Deebs, I heard your voice across the big pond!

                MG72, I'm glad to see your post. I promise that your 30 days AF will be a learning experience. My suggestion was in response to your comment on how great you felt on those AF days, so now you sound even more ready to go down that road. I hope that you keep posting on this thread, because moderation is your goal, but you may want to consider also posting with a monthly AF group. A new group forms each month, at the beginning of the month, under General Discussion, usually with a clever name. This month Octsober is the monthly group. I had probably gone close to 35 years since experiencing a month AF. Wow, you got down to just 3 glasses over last week! That is a real victory. It is good to plan ahead for a start date.

                Moo, I am planning next weekend to be AF, and maybe well beyond that, maybe until Thanksgiving. My plan is to have something to drink only if we decide to eat out, which we don't do all that often. At this point I have thinking about drinking narrowed down to just Saturday evening, and I want to kill the notion in my brain that having a drink is a given on a Saturday. My brain rarely thinks about drinking on a Friday or Sunday, and I want the same to become true on Saturday. Pledging to go for an extended AF time would not do that for me, though I may end up doing extended AF time on a week-by-week basis. If I didn't want to keep my options open, I wouldn't be hanging out with this group.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Mod Squad October Thread

                  Hi Everybody...
                  I'm sorry I've been MIA for while,... busy summer & a lot going on.
                  It's so crazy here, it goes from fast pace "hit the ground runnin' tourist season, to "dead of winter" overnight...

                  I've been on an emotional rollercoaster latley. Just found out my Dad has Parkinsons. It's the type that doesn't respond to medication. We've known something was going on for a while, ... just haven't been sure what.
                  I still think there's more involved...
                  He's had a few TIA's (mini strokes) they're hard to detect.

                  In any case, I apologize for not being more available recently..
                  I know everybody has issues.

                  "Thanks God for our friends, for without them life would be all ends..."
                  Love you ALL
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Mod Squad October Thread

                    Hi Judie

                    Sorry to hear about your dad. My mum has Parkinson's and has had several TIA's too. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk
                    Minnie x

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending - make yours a happy every after :l

                    Sober since 4 November :fingers:


                      Mod Squad October Thread

                      My MIL has Parkinson's. She did very well on meds for several years. Now, the disease is taking its toll. Dementia is often part of the symptoms, and can be difficult to distinguish from those mini-strokes.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad October Thread

                        Hi Judie, it's good to hear from you -- love the avatar
                        I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, I don't know much about Parkinson's but I do know how worrying and emotionally draining it is to have Dad with poor health. Hang in there, I'm thinking of you!
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Mod Squad October Thread


                          Just sending love and support. I too know very little about the illness, but can only imagine how hard it must be. We are all here for you if you need Moo
                          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                          but in what direction we are moving."


                            Mod Squad October Thread

                            I am sorry to learn of your father's disease.

                            I am taking your advice and will begin 30 days AL free starting today. I will get on montly abstinece thread. I will also order books "easyway" and "dry" as suggested by group. I am also going to get on newbies nest thread.

                            Good health and happiness to all


                              Mod Squad October Thread

                              Hiya fellow modders

                              I woke up to the most glorius sunny day only for it to become overcast again this afternoon -- oh well.
                              My Mum has been nagging to take all of us to Ushaka Marine World this weekend. This involves lots of scary rides landing into small pools of water whilst recieving a wedgie -- The one ride is called "torpedo" OMG can you just imagine! I feel too old for this sort of thing but can't bring myself to say no.

                              Other than that, nothing too exciting to report from my little world -- I have accomplished alot at work this week and the orders are starting to finally roll in.

                              MG, that's fantastic news -- going without AL for 30 days will be a wonderful growth period for you. Keep us posted and remember we are rooting for you.

                              Happy Hump Day all.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad October Thread

                                Judie , So sorry to hear about your Dads illness , you and your family are in my prayers .
                                Non Drinker 9/09
                                Non Smoker 6/09
                                Tennis Anyone ?

