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Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

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    Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the info on the supplements, i'll try them and let you know how it goes. Thanks. Sara your plan for valentines sounds great, last week I got excited about the pinic idea, bought a nice picnic basket online which I should be getting soon and i cant wait to use it with my husband and the kids when the weather gets better! I actually feel bad saying that, its been in the 60s here in Miami and we are all complainig about how cold it is...... I guess we are just not used to it!

    I also have plans for valentines, and i am planning on having wine that night. No more than two glasses though, Im scared but optimistc that i'll be able to do it!

    Eve and vlad, I will follow your advice. most of my drinking was at home, so when I start my modding face, which apparenty will be on Saturday (we are celebrating valentines saturday) , I think it will be a good idea to keep my drinking out of the house. It was just easier for us to sit outside and have some drinks after the kids were asleep but that is probably something I should change!!!

    Another AF night and it feels great!

    Good night everyone


      Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

      Hi Squad,
      I really wanted a drink tonight! This happens every month. A few days before my period my mood starts to get unpleasant...It's been three days of PMS building and by late today I was very irritable. I really wanted to just smooth that mood away with wine. But I used every tool in the box...Thought through so much good advice I've gotten here, thought of all of you and how good it would feel to tell you I didn't give in. This is definitely not the kind of drinking I can allow myself. I know it will only make things worse.

      So now it's after 10 and I made it through. I'm not exactly cheerful, but I am glad I didn't cave.

      Maia, perhaps we'll both have two glasses on Sunday and then report back. Hot cocoa is a good idea though, Eve...It would be a treat, since I don't allow myself much sugar, and it would eliminate the whole problem of "must have more" vampire feelings.

      I'm not deciding for sure tonight...Just glad I made it through today.

      Take care everyone.
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

        Me too!


        I'm glad you made it through today too. I normally never crave drinks on weekday nights but I really wanted a glass of wine tonight as well. Good thing we weren't together LOL!!

        Anyway, I popped an L-Glut, took the dog for a walk with hubby and am now drinking herbal tea. Thought about you all tonight too and it helped keep me strong.

        United we stand...cause we don't want to fall!

        Night all,
        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

          hi ladies...i wanted a drink last night too, not bad, but considered it even though my plan was AF. my hubby had some drinks which kinda made me mad. he doesn't drink every night, but of course, this week since i was trying AF, he seemed to drink more!
          anyway. i did 3 af days in a row. yay! i have left thurs and fri up for decision.
          my inlaws arrive today, so we'll see saturday i will do af again, and part of me wants to just keep going now instead of drinking thurs and fri and then stopping on saturday. you know what i mean?

          anyway, i have felt fine. haven't slept well, but i never do.
          until today. this morning i have a headache and feel kind of nauseas. i don't think it's af related though, do you? i mean, it's been since sunday that i had any alcohol, and then it was 1.5 beers.

          anyway, hope i'm not getting sick...

          take care..and keep up the good work.


            Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

            How annoying! I've written out the same post three times now only for it to disappear again!

            Well done on your "tricycle" Letgo! The book I am busy reading is all about how we can create a new habit in just 4 days so one more AF day for you and you have a new habit:-)

            Vladster!! Great plan. I like it. This will certainly test me as the hubby and brother have been cracking open their first beer mid afternoon whilst "on leave" but I'm just going to have to deal with it as they aren't going to stop drinking anytime soon.

            I am VERY proud of myself for sticking to my exercise plan for going on two weeks now and in fact this morning I even broke into a run LOL! Unfortunately it also happened to be just as hubby with a bakkie load of workers was driving past which had him in a fit of giggles!!!

            Sun, I haven't got much news about my garden I'm afraid. Ever since we did the alterations the garden has looked more like a dump site than a garden but we are slowly getting there. The other problem is the lady who used to bring in a team of buys to cut the grass and maintain the garden got cancer and hasn't been well enough to do the job so it's been a one man show for the last couple of months.

            Hi to all -- hope everyone is meeting their goals and living the mod life:-)

            (I'm off for a swim)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

              Sara, I just loved your poem -- as a mom I could relate to it so well.
              I agree with Eve, go and register yourself and get credited for it -- you are so talented!!
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                Sun, how are you feeling??
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                  Hi Everybody,
                  Deebs, I'm close to being back in good health. I went back to work yesterday, though I was still dragging. Today was much better. I lost another pound, for a total of 13 in recent months. Feels soooo goood to be back into my size 8 pants instead of 10. I'm sorry your garden is having to take a back seat. With everything going on in your business, plus what you just posted, it may be what you have to live with right now.

                  Vlad, so glad to see you back here! I'm in! There is always wine in my house, my husband buys it and has a glass or two daily, but I simply cannot start drinking at home. At a restaurant I'm OK, I can have a glass or two there and that's not a problem. By the time I get home the urge for more has passed. I only plan to drink at home if we have guests. For me, this isn't just for Lent, it's for good. I'm tired of the struggle.

                  LetGo, you're doing great, keep it up. I'm so sorry your brain worries about all these little things. Hang tough, we are here for you. We are very good listeners, and I hope it helps just to talk about headaches or whatever symptoms you have from various sources, for assurance that it is nothing to be concerned about.

                  Sara, I imagine today is day 11, good for you. Your progress is so wonderful.

                  Eve, I'm thinking of you as I go on vacation next week to Florida. We don't stay in places with those open bars, so I'm glad for that. My plan is to have no more than two drinks with dinner on any day, maybe I'll only want one or none some days. That's four nights, not too much for a person on vacation. I'm hoping our plane is able to take off, they are talking about another big East Coast storm on Monday. We aren't on the coast, but a lot of the planes go through those cities, so the cancellations really mess up the schedule everywhere in the northeast.

                  Maia, glad you are still posting here and doing well. We tend to overlook Valentines day because we go on vacation at this time every year, and we will be eating out every night. I did get my husband a nice card and some chocolates, and he will probably reciprocate.

                  Jolie, I hope you are digging out OK. We still didn't get much snow from the last system, maybe 4 inches. We live in the Great Lakes region, and usually get lots of snow, but not in recent weeks. Snowfall this year has just been about average.
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                    Hi Everyone,
                    DeeBee congrats on all the exercise! I bet Hubby was actually proud to see you out running, no? You are inspiring! I made it to all the classes I intended to go to this week, and had some good walks with the dog, so I feel on track, too. By the way, I hate that "vanishing post" syndrome! Usually I get it back by logging in again when that message "you are not logged in" comes up. But sometimes it's just gone. Hate that.

                    Letgo, you sound like you're doing great with drinking less. Remember, your body is happy to be free of alcohol...It's not protesting, it's celebrating!! The symptoms you describe are not withdrawal. Picture your body as getting stronger and more pure and healthier all the time. So maybe you have a's still getting healthier in a more important way.

                    I've seen that in some of your posts you say you have OCD. Are you serious about that, or just using it as an expression to say "I worry too much" the way so many people these days seem to say "I have OCD". Do you mind telling us if there are other issues you have OCD with? If it is truly troubling you, there are therapists and also meds that are very
                    helpful for OCD. My sister takes Celexa for her anxiety. I think her anxiety verged on OCD before that. She was always terribly, overly, irrationally worried about her health and that of her kids. On Celexa, she's much more calm and relaxed, and not obsessive. It's just a thought.

                    Sunbeam, I envy you heading to warmer climes. Your moderate drinking plan sounds good.

                    I felt a strong urge for a drink again tonight. I'm tracking my mood in a journal, noting how much worse it gets for several days before my period. I met with a nurse who suggested going on the pill, both to minimize cramping and heavy bleeding (also problems of mine) and to ease the PMS. I'm wary of taking the pill after all these years, but I think I may try it. The other possibility is an anti-depressant (like Celexa) just for the week leading up to menstruation. I've researched and tried so many "natural" remedies, and have not found any that have helped much with this. This month I am working hard at dealing with the mood, and not drinking to combat it. But life would be easier if I didn't have to go through this every month. Tonight I resisted by continually reminding myself of how much I like to wake up and think "I didn't drink last night", and also by reminding myself that I do not want to drink when I'm in a bad mood! It's ironic that that's when I most want to drink, and also when it is most damaging to do so. Has anyone else had intense irritability with PMS?

                    Anyway, now it's after 8, Hubby's putting the boys to bed and I've already told him I want to rent a movie tonight and have a fire in our bedroom fireplace tonight. I'm going to focus on these things I enjoy...

                    Take good care everyone. Eve
                    , I love that "United we stand, cause we don't want to fall!"
                    Particularly apt for those of us who have, quite literally, fallen, on occasion. But never again, right???
                    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                      Mod Squad Febuary Thread!


                      Im sad today. I drank.I had 5 drinks. As I write I feel sad. So sad. Im crying. Good night


                        Mod Squad Febuary Thread!


                        I know you were upset last night - we all have setbacks - just pick yourself up and start again! Coming back here will help. Was there something that triggered you to start drinking? We are all here for you - please tell us what happened - we are good listeners. Hugs to you and hope to hear from you later.
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                          Good Morning Maia and the rest of the Squad!

                          Maia, sweetie, Jolie is right. We all have setbacks. When I first started coming here I had them fairly often..Not so much anymore, but it's been a long time. Take extra good care of yourself today. Get those supps we've talked about, or at least take a good multivitamin and drink a lot of water. Treat yourself as if you are healing, because you are. Stay AF today and you will feel so much better tomorrow, and better still the next day.

                          I have to get the kids to school but will check back later.
                          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                            Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                            Sunbeam;804360 wrote: For me, this isn't just for Lent, it's for good. I'm tired of the struggle.

                            It is my intention that it won't only be for Lent - just a good place to start!

                            vlad;803761 wrote:
                            Simple really, I intend not to buy alcohol to drink in the house ever again.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                              ((( Maia)))
                              Today is a new day - learn from your mistakes yesterday and make a different decision today.

                              I went into work this morning at the new factory which is a bit of a drag as I now have to travel 3 times a week. When I say "travel'" what I really mean is that I have to spend 30 min in traffic instead of 10 LOL! Anyway on Fridays we only work half day so on my way home I decided to stop off at the municipality pool to do some lengths as it was just too hot to run this morning. Just to explain to you that this is an Olympic size pool that I went to and I saw a notice up saying that the pool had been closed earlier due to a gala so it's a pretty busy one too.
                              So half way across whilst wallowing I couldn't believe my eyes!! I was swimming with a mommy goose and her baby CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??
                              A couple of minutes later daddy goose flew in and landed right next to me too!
                              I'm still slightly gob-smacked -- who would have thought LOL!!

                              Anyway I'm all hot and bother again so I'm off to shower -- can't comprehend you guys having blizzards and snow.

                              Pleased to hear you are feeling better Sun:-)
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad Febuary Thread!

                                You always have the best stories to share about animals...monkeys in the back yard, geese in the pool. I swear I'm going to come and visit you someday and check out all of those critters.

                                Good for YOU! Those last 10 lbs or so are ALWAYS so hard for people who are not extremely overweight but just can't shake those 10-15 extra pounds. So glad you are in a size smaller!! Yeah!!! I know how that feels and it's great.

                                You are NOT alone!! There's was a point in time when I was modding so well and looking like I really had the mod thing down. Then I decided to have "a glass of wine" at my house one night while I watched t.v. That became two and then know the drill. By the time the evening was done I had finished off the whole bottle. 5 glasses gives me a horrible hangover and it's just plain not healthy for my organs, skin or mind. It taught me after trial and error of doing that repeatedly that I can not drink at home alone. Hubby is such a mild drinker and I would be open to sharing a bottle with him if we had a Friday or Saturday night dinner at home. But for me to open a bottle to have a glass while I relax with a bath, watch t.v. or cook? Can't happen anymore because I know I can't put myself in that situation as I've shown myself too many times I can't stop at one or two.

                                Glad you're posting and you're sounding in strong mod form.

                                To Jolie, LettingGo and all of our newer posters - have a safe and happy week-end.

                                Yes my friend. I have stumbled and fallen one time too many and never want to be like
                                that again.

                                To all my mod squad friends and lurkers. Go see Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridge's Acadamy Award winning (I hope!) performance as a chronic alcoholic. To see all that he has lost in his life due to his affliction is heartbreaking. There are a couple of scenes with him stumbling around and boy...sadly...could I relate. more!!

                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

