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Mod Squad March Thread

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    Mod Squad March Thread

    Congratulations to those who modded the social events this week. Yay!

    Sunbeam, I will so meet you if you come up this way in August. It will be a fun hen party, and all are welcome - even the honorary gentleman. BTW, I went to the big garden show in Toronto this weekend - hellebores were everywhere!

    So, I missed my second AF day this week, but going AF tonight. Plus, the drinking in general was down this week and I actually poured my last glass of wine down the sink last night. I was thinking of you guys as I did it.

    Take care, everyone.
    "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


      Mod Squad March Thread

      Im going AF tonight too. In fact, I plan to do so until Friday. Tomorrow my husband has a business dinner and that used to be a night for me to have a botle of wine (or more)and catch up on with friends on the phone. Since I started modding he has only been to one of those dinners and that was the night I ended up having abotle and feeling horrible abou it next day. That time my friend came of over and I said I was having only one drink and that did work. Im not doing that tomorrow night, I wont risk anything so im not having any drink thinking that I will stop!

      My girls are screaming.... I have to go.. Good night everyone!


        Mod Squad March Thread

        Hi everyone,

        My brother and wife visited this last week-end. We had an awesome time and the drinking was very moderate - no more than 2 in a night so it was all good and successful.

        Have been so busy entertaining and sightseeing with them that it's been hard to find time to come and read posts and say hello to my friends but all is well in my mod world.

        Will post soon I hope. Hubby just arrived home so have to run!!
        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          Mod Squad March Thread

          Hi Everyone!

          Eve, congrtualations for a weekend of moderate drinking even though you had visitors! Im happy you had a great time. I just saw my brothers two weeks ago for the wedding and I already miss them, I hate it when I dont know when will I see them again, usually we always have plans for next time we'll see each other, not this time. Hopefully i can visit one of them in may for memorial weekend, but im not sure yet.

          My husband is out on a business dinner and im enjoying watching TV an talking to my 3 year old. The little one is already sleeping. I had a great time with the two of them at a playdate, then I took them out for pizza, i loved it. Not very long ago I would just want to go home, get them to sleep early and enjoy some quite time with a botle of wine and the phone if I knew my husband wasnt going to be home, so im VERY happy tonight! I love my daughers sooooo much that I dont want them to grow up and not look up to me. Im very blessed with the beautiful family I have and I intend to do everything in my power so that they grow up thinking their mom loves them and they can ALWAYS count on me!

          Good night


            Mod Squad March Thread

            maia - i can so relate to the hubby being gone and that being MY night to have a few glasses of wine and watch TV after getting my son to bed early!

            last night, my husband was gone and i had already decided for it to be an AF night. But let me tell you, it was hard. I went back and forth all day about it, considered moving my AF day to another day so i could have my alone time with my wine. I wouldn't drink a bottle, but I'd have a couple. anyway, I am so glad I didn't give in. I decided I could enjoy the night without AL and spent the witching hours with my son at Target!


              Mod Squad March Thread

              Hi Gang,
              I'm here.
              I am reading but don't feel like posting much as I am not sticking to my goals and feel like I'm letting the team down. Silly, I know as I'm only letting myself down.
              Just wanted to say Hi
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Mod Squad March Thread

                deebee, sorry you are feeling down. just remember, this is not a competition and just because you don't meet your goal one day(or one week or month)doesn't mean that you cannot meet it the next day(or week or whatever).

                you have been going thru a tough time and you should go easy on yourself. I was told by my husband one time that i should imagine my sister or good friend being in my position and see how i would treat them. and give myself the break that i would give them.



                  Mod Squad March Thread

                  Wow! It's sometimes scary how much we have in common. My big "thing" is also a night at home without hubby and with my "precious" - a bunch of booze. It's why I've gone out the last two Tuesdays - that's his evening to spend with his kids, so I have to leave to break the habit. But last evening he was also out, and I didn't want to leave. So... predictable results...

                  I had maybe 6 drinks, more than the 3-4 I've been having lately, but less than the 8-plus-up-to-infinity of before. But still, I feel like an idiot. No - really. The stupid things I was thinking while I was drinking, the silly scenarios playing out in my dumb-ass head! I even had myself convinced that I was "doing well", actually "moderating". I was congratulating my jackass self on doing a good job! Then the headache and lethargy of today, crappy waste of time... How on earth did I manage, so recently, hungover basically all the time? Could people tell? Who was I fooling?

                  You know, I don't have a problem with social drinking at all. Never have. If I went out with my friends every night (most of them drink little, if at all) I'd drink way less than if left to my own devices.

                  DeeBee, you ain't lettin down the team. You is the team.
                  "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                    Mod Squad March Thread

                    gone alchohol free

                    Hi Long Term Mods,
                    I want to let you know that I have made decison to quit drinking any alchohol. I am committed to being AF the rest of my life. I attended four AA meetings this week and feel I have found my way to quit. I have tried to mod for many years but deep down I knew I would better off not drinking at all. AA is showing me how to do it and giving me wonderful support. I have been AF for nine days. Eighteen days AF last fall is longest time I have ever abstained in over forty years of drinking. I have a sponsor and support group in AA that will help me get through this. They all say that their lives are so much better now than when they drank and do not desire AL anymore. That is where I am going.

                    I will check LT Mods occasionally to let you know how I am doing. If you want you can send me personal email to which I will respond.

                    Best of luck to all of you and I wish you the best.


                      Mod Squad March Thread

                      Congratulations! I do believe that AF is the best choice for most. I'm just not ready to go there at this point. I do wish you well, and thank you for your contributions to this little group. Please do stay in touch.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Mod Squad March Thread

                        MG, I am so happy for you!
                        There is a weekly AA thread under "Monthly Abs" which I have found very interesting, you might enjoy posting there now?
                        Please don't be a stranger, pop in if you feel you can post here. I'll be sure to stay in touch via PM.

                        P.S. Hi Sun:-)

                        I'm off to a picnic concert at the Botanical Gardens....
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Mod Squad March Thread

                          MG, Congratulations. That is a very courageous decision you just made. It seems that you have really thought about it and are absolutely well informed and confident. I wish you well.

                          DeeBee, how are you? Im sorry you were feeling down the other day. Same to you Canadiangirl, I know that feeling well, waking up hangover and thinking what wsa the need for that!!!!

                          Im very happy for MG (please don’t get me wrong), but in less than a month Sara also decided to go AF, so it makes me wonder is it worth it? Am I just wasting my time and will I also end up making that decision? I’m just not ready to make that decision yet, and I don’t know if ever because I really do think that I can learn to moderate, but am I fooling myself?

                          Well, on a more positive note, I went out Friday with a group of friends and I was able to have the 3 drinks I had intended for the evening. I had one before dinner while we waited for our table, and then two with dinner. I was actually pretty ok with it, enjoyed dinner, had a great time and was fine when I got home and woke up next morning. I just wish it would always be this successful and this easy. Next Saturday I have another big wedding. I don’t know what my plan is just yet. Last wedding wasn’t successful for me, so I’m actually thinking about being AF for this one. It will be a long wedding with lots of temptation and pressure to continue drinking once I start….. What do you think?? Plus, Sunday is Easter, we have activities with the kids I don’t want to be hangover for that, they don’t deserve it!

                          Have a great day!


                            Mod Squad March Thread


                            We will miss you but support your decision to go AF.

                            I have to admit that I was a little surprised that you decided to make that change as I never thought you struggled with moderating like many do. You always sounded so strong and were definitely drinking at safe, moderate levels.

                            So many modders get so tired of the yo-yo life - modding well one week and then crashing the next only to mod well the following and so on and so on. Because you never posted that that was a part of your life I was taken by surprise but certainly respect your choice. Would just be interested for the sake/education of all moderators as to any event or info you wish to share that made you want to go AF when it seemed you were moderating so well. Usually the folks who choose to go AF after attempting to mod realize that they can't moderate and are scared of that next time when everything crashes because a night that was supposed to be drinking in moderation goes out of control and there are serious consequences.

                            I do know the AF lifestyle can be a great one as I did it for 7 years. If I could go back in time I never would have started again as life was just great without it. But being I did restart and I have a hubby now who drinks very moderately but enjoys a drink together here and there I am pleased that moderating is going ok for me. There have been times of course that I've not met my goals of no more than 7 in a week (and I recently posted I'd prefer to change that to 4-5) but haven't been successful with that amount this month with a birthday party for hubby, relatives in town, etc.

                            Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. I do envy your 1 on 1 support you will find in A.A. My friend who joined this last year goes to A.A. barbeques, etc. I remember being shocked years ago to discover there were non-alcoholic bars in the state I lived in!! It's a whole new world and adventure. Wishing you peace and happiness and thanks for being part of our group for the time you were here. Please lurk here and there and give us a shout!

                            ((( Hugs )))
                            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                            ~Jack Welsh~:h

                            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                              Mod Squad March Thread

                              Hi Gang,

                              Thanks for your kind words Maia. I think your decision to remain AF during the up and coming wedding is a sound decision. You will be a bundle of energy on Sunday morning for the kids instead of sluggish.

                              Hi Eve and all to come.

                              Nothing too exciting to report here. Had a wonderful time at the concert yesterday. The next 2 weeks are school holidays here so the daughter is going to go up to the farm and spend some time with my in-laws. I'm looking forward to some time out as we are starting to get on each other's nerves so a bit of time out will be appreciated... thank god for Grandparents!!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad March Thread

                                Maia;829584 wrote:

                                Next Saturday I have another big wedding. I don?t know what my plan is just yet. Last wedding wasn?t successful for me, so I?m actually thinking about being AF for this one. It will be a long wedding with lots of temptation and pressure to continue drinking once I start?..

                                I meant to respond to this but got so caught up with my thinking and responding to mg72.

                                Those long events are difficult. Through trial and error I have discovered what works best is to not have anything until the end of the event.

                                So, example: all evening class reunion? Ones coming up in Aug. I'll have an ice tea/lemonade (they call it an Arnold Palmer) or some fancy non-al drink (seltzer,cranberry juice,splash of grenadine). Will have a glass of wine when the meal is served and then one as a nightcap toward the end but won't start with AL. The other trick of course is not to start at all with AL - when we don't start it's not difficult to stop is it?

                                I actually had a crappy week-end of way over indulging for me but for some reason didn't go through all of the guilt/shame, etc. Didn't even question quitting completely because I didn't meet my mod goals yet again but it is so clear that it is difficult to quit once one starts drinking when one has problems and habits of overindulging here and there.

                                Heard a new quote that hit home: "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards." Vernon Sanders Law
                                Anyway, keep posting and remember we're all here for each other.

                                "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                                ~Jack Welsh~:h

                                God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

