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Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

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    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

    Hey, there, Eve! This feels like a great plan, the weekly check-in for goals, etc. Thanks for introducing it to us.

    I like your plan of no more than 6 drinks this week. For me, that would probably be two or three nights of a couple glasses of wine, and I like that idea. BUT, what I really need to work on is the sneaking. I don't end up drinking way too much... but it makes me feel badly about myself that I sneak behind my husband's back. Topping off the glass when he isn't looking, you know. Okay, that's just wrong.

    One thing I was working on with my life coach is trying to find a different way to get that same feeling of "Woohoo! It's Friday!" that we used to love in college. Some AF way to get the feeling that I can release control and get rid of stress and relax. My training doesn't fit the bill, because it is control driven.... I want some way to feel like I can just de-stress. Any ideas?


      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

      This is a good plan, it keeps people motivated or has the mind conditioned. There can be multitude of reasons why one doesn't want to consume a lot of Alchohol...for example, I didn't necessarily drink that much over the weekend, but as I have told you all before, my marina in the summer, we throw a lot of bbqs, with a lot of food and booze. So, I'm eating more than usual, and drinking a little more to, I'm not getting drunk, but do I need those excess calories? I almost wish I'd get a little buzz. So, I feel fine the next anxiety, loss of time, etc., but I'm simply not happy with my diet...I'll say to myself, "did I really need those last couple of beers?"

      So, here is my goal for the week, I'll leave the weekend out of it, no more the 7 drinks for the entire week. I'm sure I'll have some AL free nights, just not sure which ones, my social life has been quit active lately. I will revisit this toward the end of the week, and see if I want to set something up for the weekend.




        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

        Hey, I'm back!

        Hi, Eve and Stewarts, and anyone else who checks in...

        SO, as I noted in the Sept Mod Squad thread, I am feeling great today. And that is very very unusual for the first day of September for me. September has many bad memories... both my first husband and my father died in September, followed by 9/11, followed by more frightening things. September has bad juju for me. HOWEVER, today I feel great.

        On the other hand, I have not been very good about moderating recently. The death of my friend (and yes, his memorial is going to be next Friday, in SEPTEMBER) really put me in to a tailspin. My husband hasn't said anything about my drinking, but I know he watches and worries.

        I have decided to take all of September AF. My body needs a good cleanse, and I know that my soul will be better off if I am not trying to moderate... because I know it would be trying and failing to moderate. September just does that to me. I will post on this thread often, probably usually just talking to myself, but hope that by coming here I will find you all to be as supportive as you always have been. This isn't a permanent change for me... I still consider myself a modder, and will go back to modding in October. But for now, my body needs to cleanse so that my heart can heal. Now I'll go tell my husband. You guys were first to hear.


          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

          Hello ~ been doing pretty well. Main issue is the lack of sleep which gets tiring to hear, I know. Even though I watch my caffeine intake, I think it slips by me sometimes as in yesterday's lunch after Folds of Honor golf, had Diet Coke. So need to be more strict with caffeine AND I have spent hours researching about the benefits of oil pulling and have started that also (some people report greatly improved sleep). This is only my 2nd day so too soon to tell.

          My goal for Sept is to stick with 2 drinks when I drink. For about a week, it was 2 drinks, then wine with dinner. Have cut that out, now I decide if it's a drinking day, is it going to be 2 drinks or 2 glasses of wine or 1 drink and 1 glass of wine. To me that is moderating.

          Today I played golf with lady who I notice does not drink. Bit the bullet and inquired. For her it is food allergies and she discovered after cutting out processed food, sugar, etc. etc. and still drinking she still did not feel good. So she quit & has never looked back. Her dh cont'd until one night he had too much at their club up north, said that's it, I'm done, I no longer want to feel this way. Quit couple years ago. I just always find stories like that interesting.

          NNG - what a worthy goal you have set! Proud of you! And I hope your good feeling lasts and lasts.

          Anyone else feel like chiming in?

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

            Hi, all.
            Monday night I had probably the worst night's sleep (or non-sleep) in awhile, and for an insomniac, that's saying something. Lack of sleep brought on a day long headache yesterday.. or it could have been the persistent forest-fire smoke. In any case, yesterday was a stay-low day, spent most of the day sitting on the couch knitting.

            THM, what's an oil pull? I guess I could google it, but wanted to find out your own impressions.

            Goal is good, so far. No cravings, no temptations. But I will look forward to October for more reasons than one.


              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

              I know, I know some nights get pretty darn long. Last night for me was good, but then it was Tues, had 2 glasses of wine.

              NNG, can go right here under Holistic thread "the benefits of coconut oil". Lots of info on internet, of course. Over weekend I read the book Oil Pulling Therapy. It did convince me to also start taking Vit C, and I'm glad I have the book because I can never remember why I start taking something.

              Maybe coconut oil can help my memory ;.)

              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                Hey, TMH.... okay! This sounds kind of silly, which I like. (Hey, I'm the girl who suggested tapping... talk about silly!) and if it works, it is worth it. Plus, it'll be a good use for that huge jar of coconut oil I bought at Costco and wondered how I'd ever cook my way through it. I'll let you know how it goes!


                  Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                  Hi NNG, nothing wrong with saying that. :-)

                  So, I do have a weekly goal. I have a hockey game tonight, so I might have a beer or two after it, but after that, no AL until the weekend.



                    Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                    nonamegirl;1553994 wrote:
                    I hate to say this, but I am currently thinking "Only three more weeks to go."
                    Every morning when I wake up feeling totally great and energetic (because I didn't have any drinks the night before) there is a part of me that wishes I didn't have that mindset to...of "Oh, can't wait till it's Friday or Saturday to have a drink." There is such freedom in letting moderation go. But, I can't seem to let it go either. I totally get what you are saying.

                    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                    ~Jack Welsh~:h

                    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                      Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                      Hi, Eve.
                      So, here's my current plan... (just kidding in the long run) Plan a race every Saturday. That cuts down on my Friday imbibing! Tomorrow a half marathon, last Saturday a 10 mile training run, the weekend before that a short, fast race.

                      I still am looking for that wonderful, fun activity that says "Hey! IT"S FRIDAY!" to take the place of having a drink or two (or three.) At one time I asked if anyone could help me out with my desire for a good belly laugh every day - any good jokes out there?

                      Happy Friday, my dears. Take care of yourselves.:l:h:l


                        Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                        Ruby Tuesday Call

                        Hi, Everyone.
                        Anyone else interested in getting this started again? Let's do a roll call to see if anyone wants to throw out a goal for the week.

                        Ruby Tuesday goals for the week for this girl:
                        1.Take every other day off. That means today is a AF day for me.
                        2. Limit myself to two drinks on the days I do choose to imbibe.
                        3. Re-evaluate each Tuesday to keep myself honest.
                        4. Find the joy in each day!

                        :alf: :alf: :alf: :alf: :alf:


                          Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                          Well, here it is, Tuesday, and I am re-evaluating to keep myself honest, as I said. Unfortunately, the only two points from last week's post that I kept were the last two. I DID find the joy in each day (and what a wonderful world this is! Such a beautiful autumn!) and, I am checking in today.

                          I guess I am the only one using Ruby Tuesday, but that's okay. I need to use it to keep my work going on my goal. My new goal for this coming week is to DO BETTER. That's all. If I couldn't hold to last week's goals, I guess I need to take it in smaller chunks. At least I'm being honest with myself and with you, and using DrinkTracker. Steps in the right direction.


                            Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                            My goal, no AL until after the marathon...that will be two weeks...I am on day 2 :-)


                              Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                              My friend, I am so proud of you! Woohoo! Keep up the good work.


                                Ruby Tuesday weekly meeting

                                Hi ~ I am spending an inordinate amount of time on MWO and reading books about alcoholism. Something is really nagging at me. I need to make a change. Am going to think about it throughout the day and come back tonite because I notice it's easy to say stuff in the a.m. That changes come evening.

                                Perfect timing as far as weekend coming up. Race for Humanity. We are manning a water table at 7:30a Sat. There is a golf tourney on Sunday, and we get to monitor a Par 3 where a local car dealer is offering a car for Hole-in-One. Fun! Been invited to friends Sunday eve for Vikings/Packers game. That may be a challenge (not a big pro football fan). Need to put a plan in place.


                                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.

