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July Modders

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    July Modders

    Morning all,

    Bean How are you today? I know those days really well!Life can be so hard... I use to drink myself stupid in the evenings just to drown my thoughts. But we both know that it doesnt solve anything. Just remember the baby steps. x

    TMH- I drink so much coffee that I can feel the effects. Unless it's expresso. I read somewhere that drinking coffee will help you train better and burn extra calories before a workout. So silly me is doing so. 112LBS? That sounds really low? I am currently 116 and a healthy BMI but ideally I would love to be 112. I am only 5ft 1 though so it doesnt look thin.
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      July Modders


      Bean - new day, eh? I just came back from eastern Canada. My daughter married a Canadian and has been there 19 yrs. I woke up happy this a.m.; so hoping you did too or at least with seeing your friends later you will feel better. Reflection time can be good or like you identified, can blow things out of proportion. Be kind to yourself. :l

      Rebirth - Well, yest I got into some bad junk food (left over from car trip) and gained 2.4#. I'm 5'4" & very small boned. It's cooled off here, AC off, windows open, and I am going to go for an outdoor run. Tonite's pizza won't be bad for me if I stick to the Veggie DeLite and I'm not fond of DQ cakes - but hey, it's not about me.

      Lila - still in a good place my friend?
      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


        July Modders

        hi Modders
        Day Three was yesterday!!! RIght now I am just waking up with my coffee so I am interested to see how my day goes, energy and all. Plus mood.
        NewDay, really too bad you can't go a little longer, you are doing so seems a little early in the game to try modding, but three days really is great!
        TMH, my juicer doesn't seem as powerful...then my neighbor said the fresh squeezed carrot juice at Costco is really the same price as juicing. Maybe I will get that. Carrots must be pretty hard on juicers.
        I know, the heat has been dangerous! But I think it is back to normal now. You sound like you are getting as much gs time until you move! But I am sure it is a very short flight back "home."
        Bean, sorry you are feeling bad, but you do sound self aware and reflective. You might want to try 5 htp, or other amino acids. THey really help with mood. I don't mean to go on and on about books I am reading, (this comes from The Mood Cure, and the Diet Cure by Julia Ross) but I really think the aminos I have been taking might have really kicked in and gotten rid of my cravings. The theory is that we eat sugar or drink alcohol to boost our depleted serotonin levels, but if we boost them in a good way with amino acids, we won't crave that stuff. Well, if that helps. Certainly I understand getting into being isolated, and company does cheer a person up, even introverts like me. I hope today is more positive for you!
        Rebirth, I love coffee! THat is one addiction I am not giving up! It has a lot of health benefits, too! I can't wait until I get to where you are, focusing more and more on how my body is, something that I really have not been willing to look at for so long!
        Have a good morning Modders, will check back later!


          July Modders

          one more thing - after I wrote all that, finished my coffee, I realized I feel REALLY GOOD!! And have energy. I have hypothyroid, so that is always an issue for me.
          I have read over and over on these boards that one doesn't realize what a depressant alcohol is until you stop for a few days, and it is true.
          Maybe I will even clean and organize my house later on :-)


            July Modders

            Well I made it. Day 4 AF. Last night was rough, because I was so bored, and really wanted to drink. I didn't crave it, I just wanted it. Though why I think drinking will help with the boredom is crazy, it doesn't change anything, in just delays it, and then I wake up in the middle of the night feeling worse than being bored. I am mad at myself for drinking and then spend hours berating myself for doing it.
            I have been trying for almost 6 years to break this habit. Originally it was just when I was with family or friends partying, maybe one or two times a month, but now it is every week. And sometimes it gets out of hand twice a week.
            Bean- I really understand what you are saying. Even though I am married, I feel very alone. I love my husband, but he travels a lot, and then when he is home, most of the time he is tired and just wants some down time. But I am bored from being home and think oh, I will have a drink and that will liven things up. Really need to change my mindset. It doesn't help. I just need to keep repeating that.
            Tonight I am going out with a girlfriend, and we are meeting at a bar. So, I am going to try to see if I can do it. No more than 4 drinks! And then the weekend comes, so it will be a challenge.
            And to Rebirth and ToMyHealth- all I can say is Wow! I am 5'3" and I weigh way more than you guys do and yet you are still trying to lose weight. You are awesome!! Good Luck. I need to get back to working out. I am hoping to on Friday, but there is no way I will ever weigh that little. But I know what you mean, by every pound makes a difference.


              July Modders

              I'm back- had a good 3+ mile Walk/Run, 1/2 hr strength training and stretch. Having an iced coffee now.

              Rebirth - I know, maybe 112 is too low as I have a hard time getting or at least staying there. That's why when I was researching that Dukan Diet it just blows me off. I was at 112 last fall/winter, fit into Sz 2 and those are the clothes waiting for me in FL and this is exactly where they won't fit :bum: I realize there are many women half my age that wished they were my size. It doesn't just happen, takes work.

              And Lila you are back!! Back to a good life! Good job completing Day 4 and yeah for the energy!

              Newday - we do waste a lot of time over AL, don't we? I even was thinking about it on my walk, am participating in a charity golf tournament tomorrow and dh warned me there's a lot of drinking. I told him to go ahead and have fun; I'll drive. So why did it pop in my head? Let it go, right? Made my decision. Will you feel ok tomorrow having 4? I'm still kind of new at this moderating thing but one thing I've discovered is when I do drink I'm best off stopping at 3 (sure that's weight related). It's good that you have a ceiling in mind.
              The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                July Modders

                Hi all

                Pleased to say I am feeling better this morning after a good sleep. The next few months are going to be hugely transitional for me - finished school yesterday, moving house for a month end of August (and have yet to find a new place to go), plan on moving back to the UK in October, will have to say goodbye to the 'sort of' boyfriend which I think will be liberating but am dreading at the same time, I have some financial worries at the moment, scared of setting up my own business when I get home, where will I live? etc etc Guess it's not surprising I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately!

                I am reminded time and time again that I easily end up feeling this way when my hopes and expectations don't align with what actually IS. Not that we shouldn't have hopes and expectations but there are certain things and especially people that we can't change (and shouldn't try to) and all we can do is work on ourselves. It's really quite simple when I see it that way!! Duh.

                Hi to everyone - TMH, NDN, Lila. Glad you all seem to be doing pretty well this week.

                NDN - just wanted to say that I was doing a lot of reading on the mods posts the last few days. Something that came up was about how it's actually only the first 2 drinks that have the effect (calming, enlivening, relaxing etc) that we seek, the 3rd is sort of the threshold and after that any AL just brings all the negative effects that we DON'T want. I thought that was interesting. I'm not trying to give you advice as I am totally new to the modding thing too and figuring out my own limits but I have set a limit of 3 with an absolute max of 4 and I think the 4th one could very well be the one where I lose control. We shall see....

                Have a great day all.


                  July Modders

                  Bean, glad you are feeling better! I hope all goes well, I know transitions can be exhilerating and scary.
                  NewDay, are you sure you don't want to go a few more days? We are both on the same days for AF, and I really am starting to feel great. But whatever works for you!
                  TMH, wow! you and Rebirth leave me in the dust! I can't wait to get in better shape, too! The girls and I are going to see HP8 movie, and later I will do my bike ride, which is something.


                    July Modders

                    Hey all,

                    Everyone sounds so much more upbeat today. Glad to hear!

                    Bean - Was interesting what you said about the three/four limit. You are definitely right in saying that more than three does bring on the negative effects of AL. Whenever I have my limit of four, I never suffer from a hangover but I am very tired. However, this number still works for me as I have had an enjoyable evening and still able to function normally the next day.
                    You are absolutely right in saying that everyone is different and it really does depend on the measurements and what type of AL one drinks too. We got to figure that one out individually.It also depends on your mood as well.
                    Sometimes I have to stop myself from over drinking and other times I have absolutely no desire to drink my third or fourth. and I dont drink them. It's odd.

                    What business are you planning to open? You have alot ahead of you! I like your spirit!

                    TMH- You are really fit and healthy! I have issues running as I have a pain under my heel. Think it comes from over exercising? I may need to get an insole...

                    Lila- Great going with the AF! Will you be drinking this weekend? I usually have a couple after work on friday but I may join you and not do so...

                    Newday- Tune in and let us know how it went with the Gf.

                    Managed a very feeble 30 minute workout but it still felt good. Did really well with my diet this week so far so i am really pleased with myself. Tomorrow is friday so I may/maynot have my usually two glasses. See how I feel tomorrow..
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      July Modders

                      Good morning Newday, TMH, Lila and Bean!

                      I have lost another half a pound! Yeehaw! Exercise works! Have a good day all.x
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        July Modders

                        Hi Everyone!

                        Bean- thanks for the posting about the first two drinks. It makes a lot of sense. If only I could ensure that happens, as while my brain understands it, the alcohol keeps telling me to drink. Part of my problem is that I have developed such a high alcohol tolerance that I don't really feel anything when I drink, so I keep drinking, searching for the buzz. Just like an addict. It is terrible. But, I am definitely going to keep reminding myself that I only need 2 drinks.

                        Lila- I should have checked in before I went out, as your support was great and I might have had second thoughts and not drank.

                        But, it is okay. I had fun with my girlfriend. Only 2 glasses of wine. But, then I went home and had 3 more. But, I drank a lot of water, and as I mentioned my tolerance is pretty high, so I don't really feel that bad in the morning. I know it is not the same as feeling feeling clear headed. I don't usually feel that good in the morning as I am not a morning person, and don't sleep well, I never have.

                        But, I am ready to keep going and get back on track. My husband is gone this weekend, so the goal will be to not drink and try to get 6 days AF, as my goal is to not drink during the week, and only drink Thurs-Sat. And to only have 3 drinks max.

                        Rebirth- congrats on losing the half a pound!

                        Thank you all for caring. It is so hard to talk about this with my friends, so it is nice to have a safe place to share. :thanks:


                          July Modders

                          Rebirth, that is great!
                          New day, I know what you mean. About a week ago, I had 4 drinks and barely felt it. Drinking lots of water is a good idea, though.
                          This is Day 5. Yesterday, I really, really wanted a drink. Today I did a little bit. I am not sure what to do here, go a month? I am too embarrassed to order Responsible Drinking, and certainly can't buy it from a real store! Today I am tired, not sure why. I took my daughter to the zoo and it was really hot, maybe that is it. Or my body is adjusting??
                          Modders, hope you are all having a great Friday evening!


                            July Modders

                            Good day. Doing fine here. Feel good after only 2 beers yest playing golf. This was an afternoon-evening event but because dh always likes to get there early it was more like an all day event! Gone 11 hrs, had lunch & dinner there.

                            Lila - sure it was the heat yest as we were exhausted when we got home too.

                            Rebirth - yeah for you, you'll take it all off in no time!

                            Bean - lots on your plate. You remind me of my sd as she just moved back to the midwest from VT. No job except 'nanny' for new niece, no place to live. Family is happy she's back, and I'm sure things will work out fine for her AND YOU. Scary, I'm sure. We're moving too. Will be here one more week, on the road by Sunday the 31st. Difference is for us it's a planned move into retirement, well semi-retirement for dh but I've retired 2X now and don't plan to do it again. That is partly the reason for becoming a part of MWO - have already witnessed the slippery slope that can happen living in a retirement community where it's like vacation everyday! Want to get a good handle on things as know we will get plenty of visitors during the winter and I can't be entertaining as in drinking every night. Sorry, didn't mean to go on and on.

                            NDH - you did well! Glad you have a nice time out with gf.

                            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                              July Modders

                              I never thought of that, being retired as an excuse to drink a lot. It makes sense. I mean, it just sounds like a dream, retiring to sunny Florida!
                              Today is my day 6, I think. I am tired, when I got home I just felt so tired. I went swimming with a friend, maybe that is my this part of detoxing? maybe I am worrying, a person can be tired sometimes...


                                July Modders

                                ...and day seven! Not as tired, but I would like to be more energetic. I ordered a Coconut Diet book, I forgot what it is called. Something detoxing would be good right now, since I have time for myself...
                                how is everyone? hope everyone is having a great weekend!

