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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    How are you still torturing yourself about this, what are you doing to keep digging into this? You should really stop, stop it all and catch your breath, get home and call your good sister for some support.

    I'm not yelling at you, I just feel so bad, I can imagine how much it hurts and wish you could stop reading the e-mails or texts or whatever it is that keeps getting worse, it's no good for you, nothing good can come of it, look where it has put you this far and could potentially do even more damage, especially if you start drinking liquor............

    Can you leave sick or something and go home and cry it out, have a good nap and call the good sis?
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      August Mod Squad

      I just keep remembering all that she said. She said her children hate me, and that the family just talks and talks about me (my brothers and sisters), that I had taken advantage of my father before he died, that she never wanted me to be a part of her xmas eve celebration every year and that I had been inviting myself and she didn't have the heart to tell me not to come, that all of my other siblings cannot stand to be around me, etc., etc., etc. THIS is what I came into work to read this morning in a text (I had left my phone at work accidentally). No, I'm not getting anything new, I just haven't gotten over it. I'm sorry that I'm bugging you about it. I won't speak about it again.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        August Mod Squad

        No no no, you are in no way bugging me.... My heart just breaks for you..... Those are some very deep and hurtful things, it's not just like u had an argument..... Family members are supposed to accept you and love you unconditionally. I would be crushed and be a pouring my heart out to all of u as well......

        I am shocked to hear myself say this but I think D is right and you have to cut them out of your life if you do not think this is fixable.... Or least for some time, maybe let some time pass and maybe one day you will be ready to reach out to them and start all over with them or atleast with your nieces and or nephews....

        How long has it been since your father passed? How old are your sisters kids?
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          August Mod Squad

          Hey LG I am sure it is close to quitten time again, hope you make it home ok and find some solace in your home and BF.... Check in with us................
          And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


            August Mod Squad

            Hi, ALL

            LG, I feel for you. V gives good advise, don't continue to read the emails, take their calls, or really have any interaction with them at all. It's like turning off the tv or changing channels. Nothing positive is coming from re-hashing the crap.

            At the same time I know it's easier said than done. I keep thinking about something I overheard my MIL say behind my back yesterday morning when she thought I had already left for work. It was hurtful, and I know she didn't mean to hurt me and was coming from her OCD, not from who she is. Yet I still keep hearing her comment. I tried to move on but was tempted to say something at dinner last night that would have let her know I heard her and didn't appreciate it. Instead, I'm just counting the hours until she goes home this Saturday. Not that I haven't appreciated her help, but I am anxious to have her go home!

            I know you're heading out the door soon, so do yourself a favor and stick to wine/beer rather than hit the hard licquor. You'll feel better for not getting smashed, and a whole lot less hungover, too! Drink some water before bed, either way.


            I know LG's day sucked, but I hope someone had a good day. Mine was not particularly good or bad, it just was....

            V, I went to college in New Orleans and worked my way through in restaurants. I have stories to tell, but the important part is that I learned to cook, love spicey foods, and only discovered Siracha sauce a couple of years ago! They make a paste that's great for marinating just about anything, too! The sauce goes well on fries, really does well in hash browns, and I like to use it to make a kick up the coctail sauce when serving shrimp or oysters. I know there's a few copycat products, but I like the real the clear bottle with the green cap! SRIRACHA HOT CHILI SAUCE from Huy Fong Foods! I would love to hear about the creamy sauce at the Thai restaurant. Wonder if I could re-create it!

            Catch up with y'all a little later. (Not bad for a Yankee, eh, LG?)

            Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
            When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


              August Mod Squad

              Well, I stayed about 30 minutes after work talking to a girlfriend and coworker. She has known me for over 20 years and knows my family, and was shocked. She told me that Kim, my sister, was totally in the wrong and obviously lashing out from something inside herself...jealousy, or something that is going on with her. I, of course, doubted myself and thought there must be some truth to what Kim is saying, I MUST be a terrible person for her to say these things about me, right? To hear another person say that they are on my side, and that no, it's not me it's HER, really helped.

              I am having a liquor drink. This is the first time I've drank liquor in 6 months, nearly. I hate to be a cliche and do what so many others have done at the first sign of trouble, but I didn't have the strength to just come home and sit here in misery. I don't plan to get obliterated as I said, but I am going to have a couple of drinks and relax as best as I can.

              Thank you again for listening, and I swear I'm not always this selfish, lol. You know this is uncharacteristic, right? If you read back over my posts, I don't usually dwell on things like this...but this is not something a person usually has to deal with, or at least I never do, until now. I have made a decision to cut her out of my life, and it's been a shocking decision that I never thought I'd make. I have to, in order to survive.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                August Mod Squad

                Not bad at all, D. LOL, I say ya'll a lot, and I try not to, but I can't think of an alternative. You all? You's? haha! I feel somewhat better, and I feel terrible about filling up this forum with my woes.

                V, I hope you finally got in touch with your sister. I'm not sure if you said so or not. I've been too wrapped up in my own drama, and I'm sorry.

                D, how are the beautiful baby boys? I hope all is well, and I know how you must be anxious for your MIL to leave. No matter how much we love our relatives, it's not the same sharing a living space for any length of time.

                All of my other peeps/moddies, I hope you are all doing great, and have a wonderful evening!!

                P.S. I've been asked this before, but in case anyone was wondering, I actually do work in a library.

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  August Mod Squad

                  Good evening modders:

                  D: if I had to choose my dream career it would be a chef.... I love to cook and I love to feed people..... I don't have any training though (formal training that is) or maybe a bartender... I have takin a lot of bartending classes,,,,, having noting to do with me liking to drink I find the art of mixing a good drink fascinating... I wish my hubby could cook.... He is working on being a better soux chef (ie honey get this, do this ) I saw a recipe online for a creamy Siracha sauce that just added Greek yogurt and lime juice to it sounds AWESOME

                  Sis and I and hubby and I are all good now

                  Working on booking my hubby n i's thanksgiving trip to Cabo!!!! FUN
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    August Mod Squad

                    Having a few light beers got soooo caught up in Cabo planning had no clue it was 8pm..... Hubby running out to get subway..... OOOPS o well I can slack a night right
                    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                      August Mod Squad

                      LG, what Dave said, we are here to listen.
                      V and Dave, yum, I like spicy food, too.
                      I am mad at myself. I drank too much. I am still waiting for the kudzu, I might call capalo.
                      I think I just do this out of stress, a way to escape.


                        August Mod Squad

                        Anyways, as soon as the kudzu gets here, I will go full force. Not sure I can do 30 days, but with encouragement, maybe!


                          August Mod Squad

                          Hi Lila. I drank too much last night too. I have a terrible hangover. I have not even made it in to work yet. If last night proved anything, it proved I can not drink liquor. I don't want to feel this way again.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            August Mod Squad

                            Good Morning Ladies, sorry you are suffering from the dreaded hangover..... I woke up not feeling to hot, only had a few beers last night then lots of water before bed... then decided to eat the other half of my subway right before bed..... I know better... Anyways a nice shower and relaxing drive into work and I feel fantastic now.

                            Anybody have anything exciting planned for the weekend? I have NOTHING and I am liking it that way right now..........

                            Gonna get to work....... HYDRATION Ladies, maybe some aspirin and a good shower!

                            Missing quite a few others around here lately as well, hope all is well with everyone, would love to hear from all of you.
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              August Mod Squad

                              Hello, All!

                              LG, glad you got some face to face support from someone you've known a long time. Sorry you're suffering the hangover this morning, but it sounds like you might be done with the hard stuff. If so, great lesson learned! :thumbs:

                              Lila, you'll be surprised how fast 30 days goes. I have the benefit of Naltrexone, which I think really helps, though my dosage has been half a pill (roughly 25 mg's, I think) for a couple of weeks and still am able to move on when I get a bit of a craving. 40 days today, I believe. Kudzu helps as well, but I'm not one to give testimony as I can't distinguish how much help the Kudzu is without stopping the Naltrexone.

                              V, you'll be happy to know I experimented with mixing in some Sriracha sauce to my hamburger before I grilled it last night. Didn't do much for me, I think I would have been better off waiting until it was done. I love the idea of the sauce, though and might have to try it.

                              Last night my MIL asked if I could make the shrimp and stuffed clams I made last summer at the cabin in NH. It's basically shrimp marinated in Sriracha then grilled (5 minutes or less to avoid over cooking) and becoming the stuffing for tacos. I'm going to do that for her tomorrow night as a going away dinner. :wings:

                              Today is my wife's birthday. After she went to bed (or so I thought) I went down to the car and brought up a big balloon and orchid I got her, and was going to surprise her by putting them in the babies room. She got out of bed and caught me, though, so the surprise was gone, but I did decorate the room with a happy birthday banner and two big bows above the crib, the balloon and orchid. She really loved it. I was going to make her a birthday dinner tonight, but she asked that I wait and go play cards, getting a break from my MIL (and vise versa!) and we'll celebrate on Saturday night. I also got her a book (and a copy for me too!) that she'll love. It's titled "Manifesting Change" and is written by one of the authors of "The Secret." It's my last attempt to read the same book at the same time (I'm not big on these types of books, but she is!) something I've tried to get us to do a few other times. I'm also giving her a framed picture from the OR of me holding the babies right next to her when they were minutes old. The frame says "Memories" on the top and on the bottom, in script it reads "Some moments we never forget because our lives are forever changed." Kind of glad I'm giving her these presents when we're alone!

                              We took the boys to the hospital and then the Pediatrician this morning. One had to have an ultrasound on his hips, which is standard for a twin that was breach. All was fine according to the tech. At the Pediatrician's office, it was just a weighing, but the doctor came in and told us they're doing great! They've gained TWO POUNDS in 16 days, which is way above expectations, but we're not surprised because they've quadrupled their intake in that time! Doctor said at this age there's no such thing as gaining too much weight too fast (they're now up to 7lbs 10 oz and 7lbs 6oz) and was pleased with their development. So there's joy in mudville! :danthin:

                              Hope everyone else is having a great day. Sorry this became the marathon post.

                              HEY LURKERS, CHIME IN! This thread can use all the participation we can get, don't be shy! :welcome:
                              Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                              When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                                August Mod Squad

                                Made it in to work. Thought about taking the entire day off, but there was nothing to eat in the house, or drink (unless I wanted to drink more liquor!! ugh!!), so I thought, reasonably, if I have to go out anyway, I may as well get ready and go to work. Bf was sleeping and oblivious to the entire ordeal, so I left him there. Before I left, I poured out almost an entire bottle of rum. I don't want the temptation around me, and I sure as hell don't want to feel like I did this morning again. On top of the hangover I felt some of the old anxiety coming back. Nearly had a panic attack. Yes, that's a lot of fun. Not!!!

                                Glad you're feeling great V. Nice to have someone chipper in here this morning. Hope you have a great day, and I will check back later.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

