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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    Lila, how well phrased..."some people confused not understanding you with not agreeing with you."

    Many years ago I read a book called "Love Is Letting Go of Fear," I think by Gerald Jampolsky, and since then whenever I can perceive the underlying fear in human behavior, I find it easier to respond in a loving fashion...thus leading to more of the warm fuzzies which make life smoother! Ff
    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


      August Mod Squad

      i have heard of that book...maybe i will stop at the library for it. i know i certainly respond emotionally, rather than rationally time and time again!


        August Mod Squad

        LG I went through the same answering posts about modding and felt the same way, and just came to the conclusion it wasn't worth the hassle. I think many people at the forums don't get that modding takes work, effort and change within ourselves and a lot of those who say it can't work perhaps don't understand that or what we here are trying to do. Don't let it get to you, and I think you're right that maybe the best thing is to invite people interested in modding over here, or just let them find their own way. :l I actually find that sunflower is one of the very few who answers without getting into the negative mod bashing. Oh and the comment about you having a modding agenda? gah, how stupid is that? anyone would think we're a cult over here trying to induct new members :H


          August Mod Squad

          LibraryGirl;1369316 wrote: Good morning. Seems like the contentious atmosphere that has existed since I started modding is still alive and well. I blame myself for engaging others who put out comments that are clearly intended to antagonize. Obviously, I have a problem with letting things just go, and am intent on winning arguments. That is a fault within myself. I apologize to all of you if I have given this forum a bad rep.
          No need to apologise at all LG there are people on this site that seem totally engrossed in thinking about alcohol 24/7. If AF works for people that's great - I frankly find that route harder as I obsess all the time - bit like a diet. It seems to me that modders are told repeatedly that we obsess all the time about AL - where the reality lies elsewhere as far as I can see. And don't mention depression or bipolar - according to some these are just excuses to drink rather than legitimate medical conditions ( I left here in 2008 after that delightful debate )! And there is a thing called self-medicating....just dont mention it too loudly i come here for support and encouragement and friendship when i know all my bipolar triggers are coming at once, and I come back here to get some perspective. This time I have see more than enough holier than thou stuff to make me not want to post about moderating - i am not here for a "philosophy". On the meds I take I usually find it difficult to drink much more than 2 glasses of wine maybe twice a week - I get a headache anyway and spend the majority of my time AF without realizing - but when triggers go off all at once I tend to overindulge, have more than I should. I'm not an alcoholic and I'm an occasional problem drinker. So according to some I should not be here - according to my husband as well who thinks its not where I should be because of feeling disinclined to talk freely...doesn't do me much good either.
          Don't apologise at all LG it was encouraging to see your other post. Unfortunately for us it's a battle that can't be won - so not much point in getting agitated you can't change the mind of a zealot.
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            August Mod Squad

            cash, that is why i love the LTM section. i always feel welcome and accepted.


              August Mod Squad

              And I just did a wicked post with the word bullshit in it on that thread LG - told em I'm out of there - will pop back in here when I can but gee this place (most of it) wears my patience thin...hypocrisy was never my favourite thing! They will probably all say I'm in denial etc...I don't care I've been nearly a month AF while my parent are slowly dying in hospital - so they can go shove what i very clearly see as their agenda......sorry, peace and happiness to all here in LTM...goodnight xxx
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                August Mod Squad

                Cash please don't leave because of some stupid comments from some hard @sses who can't see someone else's view on things. stick with us here at the modders section.

                I'm also sorry to hear about your parents, I haven't kept up with all the conversation so I must have missed it but you are doing amazing dealing with this, stay strong because I know it can't be easy. I'm going to give you a big hug :l and tell you take a breath and ignore the nonsense and the zealots.


                  August Mod Squad

                  Good Morning and Happy Monday my Mod Squad Buddies,

                  All went well with getting son off to school, didn't cry till I got home and sat in his room

                  Trying to catch up on the posts here, some interesting stuff, but I am swamped at work. will post and reply more later.

                  Hoping for an AF Day
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    August Mod Squad

                    drinkingal;1369395 wrote: Cash please don't leave because of some stupid comments from some hard @sses who can't see someone else's view on things. stick with us here at the modders section.

                    I'm also sorry to hear about your parents, I haven't kept up with all the conversation so I must have missed it but you are doing amazing dealing with this, stay strong because I know it can't be easy. I'm going to give you a big hug :l and tell you take a breath and ignore the nonsense and the zealots.
                    I will stick with you modders - it's a safe place and I feel calm posting here. It's just so disappointing not to be able to have any form of opinion other than theirs. Last time I was on here got run off for saying my drinking was because of my bipolar and not the other way round - according to some the mental health issue was just an excuse - I went back to bipolar forum then and got very upset at the time.
                    Talk soon bed time in oz.
                    Ps and thanks and LG you're a legend
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      August Mod Squad

                      Cashy I'm so glad you decided to stay.:l Last night I was close to making a deal with myself to not post here for a long time. Of course, I couldn't do that!:H I love ya'll too much.:l:l

                      I agree with the "thinking" here about depression and AL. While it's true that AL causes depression, it's also a chemical imbalance that could have existed before you drank, while you drank, and after you quit. There is one poster who seems determined to tell people that depression can be controlled with your own mind, and it's "up to you". I can't tell you how pissed off that makes me.

                      Welcome back V! Lol, sorry about the rant(s). Glad you made it back safe and sound, and that you got your son off to college safely. It's ok to tear up a little now. At least you were strong when you needed to be, for him.

                      Hope everyone is doing well. Hi dg, good to see you too.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        August Mod Squad

                        Hi Modders, I am trying to figure out if moderation is a good option for me. Can any of you share your stories of what brought you to choose moderation and how you have stuck with it long term?


                          August Mod Squad

                          hi all - i passed my test!!! modders, don't go anywhere!!!


                            August Mod Squad

                            Hi, All and sorry for the long time w/o posting!

                            Whew...caught up on this thread from Thursday, and have to say that I'm glad I missed the AF vs Moders battle. I'm sure LG would have rallied my support for the Mod Squad...

                            I'm still AF at least for the time being. That being said, I support our Rights to Moderate AND to talk freely about moderation. F them if they can't take a discussion about a drink!

                            Hope everyone is doing well. LILA WAY TO GO!

                            V how was the end of your trip?

                            LG, glad you're not leaving us.

                            DG (both of you!) sorry I missed you two dropping in, and hope I can see more of your posts.

                            I'll try to check in later.

                            Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                            When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                              August Mod Squad

                              Hi Getting Real,

                              Welcome to MWO!

                              My story is posted on the section of the forum where it says, Tell us youy story...the title, I think, is fatty liver now healed, or words to that effect. I included in my story the things which helped me the most.

                              there is tons of info on this site, and lots of support. I refer, almost every day, to the thread labelled Tool Box, which is located in the Long Term Abstainers section.

                              For me, moderation is always work, rather like constantly counting calories or needing to avoid gluten...but it has been worth it, as I have reversed my liver ailment.

                              Good luck with your journeyI. FF
                              . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                                August Mod Squad

                                oh, Lila, I am thrilled for you!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! FF
                                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

