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August Mod Squad

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    August Mod Squad

    I fell hard Tuesday, worst ever


    I apologize for not reading your posts, but I had an episode the other night. It resulted in a work/friend getting a text from me she didn't like (which wasn't that bad, she'll get over it and I even asked my therapist why she got so pissed, and when she explained it, it made sense, but I'll get to that later) and a long overly boozed night with, well, safe to say my girlfriend, who is married, but separated.

    I think I need t give some background for this to make sense. Over the last weekend, I told the woman I've been seeing that I'm starting to fell in love with her. She blushed, which is off, she's not a blusher and told me she kind of knew, that I was looking at her, touching her and holding her differently.

    Tuesday afternoon she asked me to meet her for "a drink" around 4:30, I was able to. She's also was supposed to make dinner for her now husband. They "trying to work things out" but that is not working. They are both in a sort of denial. Every time she's supposed to spend time with him, she blows it off to spend time with me. I also told her she needs to make a decision soon, for her own (and his) benefit, whether she stays with me or not. Well, this led to her drinking more and me staying with her. She blew off her dinner and called her friend who's a big partier. She then tells me how she he (her husband) hit her once and aI lost it. Oh, at some point during the night I got a message from this work/friend (different office) how she was glad my scenario was working out...I told this work friend that I'd for her to meet her, my girl, next time where up near her, this is important you'll see later.

    I'm going balistic about the hitting thing, she even says the "it was once and I deserved it, you know my smart mouth" My girlfriend is a touch chick, this is the last sort of thing I'd think I'd hear from her, I told her I ma going to take care of it. She is pleading for me not to. We get to her party friend's place, me begrdugingly, I even told her if he has any cocaine, I'm doing it, apparrently he's big into it, thankfully, he didn't. He had no booze she wanted so we went out to a bar. He only stayed with us for a drink, but she kept me out much later. At this point I see the text from my work friend, "well let me know the next time you're at....." I respond back, definitely, hopefully some drunk irish mcnasty attorney hasn't taken me out by then." My friend responds back, "if you talk like that, I'll stop talking to you." I respond, "grow up, my smokin' hot irish girlfrend even thinks its funny."

    So, my girlfriend has me out later than I want, and I am drinking, who knows how much by this point, but I remember not even being able to put a dent in the last pint she ordered me, I had enough.

    We then get back to my place, she starts having, well, it looks like a heart attack, but not, she has a heart disorder and this was apparently a type of attack can have, I
    m freaked! I'm asking if I should call 911, she said no, she just needed to lay down and have some water. At this point, I'm like what time is it? It's after 3am !?!?!? She's like suck it up, your girlfriend is sick, you can go in later....she's obviously a little disoriented between the attack the drinking. She then has to call her husband, and says she's staying at her party friends, he apparently knows the type of nights he brings out. We sleep. My alarm wakes up, I can't deal with anything. I see a text from my friend that simply says, "Stop it. I'm not doing this anymore." I respond back with, "X, I'm so sorry, I had to deal with a real disaster last night and it took me to a very dark place, I never should've involved you, I am so sorry." That's really all I could say.

    I figure I'll go in late, but I'm popping like 3-4 Xanax's, my gf goes home. I sleep the entire day! I mean all of Wendesday, I have never done anything like this in my life! I woke up once to a client call on my cell phone, I spoke to him, then went back to bed.

    My therapist session was this morning, I told her all this. She said the reason why my work friend got upset, we have some history, not dating, but flirting in the past that crossed the just "friends" lines, that she probably felt that I was comparing her to my gf, which I wasn't. I mean my friend has a bf. She said the "grow up" implies she doesn't have a sense s humor, and "my smoking hot irish gf" implies she's not attracttive. It was not my intent. My therapist said my apologetic text was perfect....give it a few days and call her, just let her know you appreciate her. If she's still pissed, she never was your friend gf even said she needs to lighten up. I'm happy she was a bf, I'd think she'd be happy I have a gf (and she knows the situtation and gave me some excellent advice!). OH just so you all know, I was the aggressor our "flirting days" so its not like my work/friend has a crush on me, if anything it was the other way around.

    So, I have like 8 million texts from my gf, she's worried, etc. I've been tempted to txt my work friend simply, "he hit her" so she understands my behavior, but I held off, like I said, I call her perhaps this weekend...I don't want to interefere with her work, maybe I'll call tonight, see how I feel.

    My gf says I'm beating myself up too much. My therapist even agreed with her. She said its not like you do this all the time, and your intentions were to protect "the damsel in distress" so to speak. You (meaning me) knew she was going down a bad path and didn't want her by herself, the hitting thing also was not sitting well, even if it was awhile ago.

    Needless to say, I didn't mod well..... I'm feeling better, although I don't know what the hell I got myself into. We were doing so well, no drama, I guess I knew this situation was going to get dicey at some point. OH, she didn't have to work the next day either...

    My therapist also said one day like this in an entire work career, is not the warning sign of a problem. You were overwhelmed. Your friend you sent the stupid text to should realize that as well.

    Anyway, I'm starting to feel less of a mess, but still feel very emotional. I'm very happy here at work. But I just needed my fellow modders, I feel so alone. I mean one the reasons I even feel like contacting my friend I pissed off is because I don't know who else to turn to, and perhaps a fellow woman would understand, but I think I need to leave her be for awhile... I apologized, I mentioned enough (disaster, dark place) and she's no angel either.

    Anyway, thank you for reading and any encouragement is appreciated.



      August Mod Squad

      Hi, J. I cannot believe that I'm the one that's about to say what I'm going to say, b/c I've had more vises than just about anyone I know and feel like I'm the tea kettle calling the pot black!

      It seems to me, reading your post, that the whole mess of a situation you find yourself in would be much easier to take on if you do it with a clear head. Take a couple of days away from everything...whether it takes 2, 3 or 4 days to feel truly clear headed...and then try to sort it all out. You have a girlfriend that's married and still not sure she's done with her hubby. A co-worker that has a BF, but the two of you flirt and there's some level of attraction. You're drinking and partying with blow and who knows what else. All of it adds up to potential for a really bad ending.

      I know nothing about you and won't pretend I do. I'm also 25 days alcohol free, B.F. D. I am no authority at all, I am just telling you what I see. I recently went through a situation that absolutely could have exploded into the worst possible outcome that instead became the best possible outcome due to me being stone cold sober (for once in my life) when it really mattered. Feel free to look for my thread entitled "God Laughs When you Make a Plan". I hope it motivates you.

      I also hope you understand, I'm not trying to be holier than thou, just telling you how I see it, take it or leave it.

      Good luck, either way, and keep us posted.
      D :fingers:
      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


        August Mod Squad

        Hey Stewarts,

        You definitely wont get judged here by this motley crew..........

        D gave some really good advice the best being take a few days to really clear your head

        I was surprised when you said you were not sure how this happened because it's not like you at all.... we all know where that comes from..... AL. Many of us have done terrible things while under the influence that we would NEVER do sober.

        Don't be a stranger here, keep checking in, stay strong and clear that head

        PS - Thanks for the lunchtime read, have a safe weekend
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          August Mod Squad

          Hey Modders Thanks! Keep it coming!

          Hey guys, thanks, I appreciate the support and do not feel judged at all. I probably should've added, I do not do blow. I can't remember the last time I did it, it was something I was into in my twenties. I was so upset hearing this about my gf, and worse, her defending it, that yes, your right, I threw caution into the wind. I definitely felt my mindset change.

          For what its worth, I've been modding extremely well up to this point, obviously. If I'm redundant, I apologize, but when I told my therapist I sent my friend the message, "I'm so sorry, I had some bad drama happen last night and it took me to a dark place, I should've never involved you, sorry." She said that was perfect. She just happened to send me a text at the wrong time. Also, my friend is no angel, she one time get SMASHED at a work event and yelled me for no apparent reason, in front of people, embrassing herself. I'm not trying to say I'm right, or two wrongs make a right, but what I did was vehemtely insult the estranged husband of my girlfriend, not my friend. Another friend of mine said it was messed up, that she (my friend) didn't write me back, that my response was very adult and understandable. I'm okay with it, really. D like you said, I need a few days to clear my head.

          V, what I think I said was "I don't do this", again, not insulted, I'm so happy you two posted, I wanted responses. What I mean is I have NEVER in my life blew off a day of work because of something like this, involving alcohol as well. I guess I should give you some of my background, so you better understand me.

          First, I don't drink every day nor do I even keep alcohol in my apartment for myself, there's hard liquor there, but that's for guests. Alcohol for me was always more of a social thing, so when I got divorced (about a year ago) and became reclusive, I didn't drink at all. I also don't drink when I'm depressed. If I get in trouble with alcohol, it's because I'm too "comfortable" for lack of a better word. And what it is, I get anxiety...I actually feel fine, not even drunk, even in control, but the next day I wake up with severe anxiety. I f I have like 2-3,4 depending on the time of the day, I'm fine.

          However, my modding has been going well. I rarely get drunk, and don't do embrassing things....making nasty comments about my gf estranged husband, to a friend, was probably the worst thing I've done since, I don't even know.

          So...blow is not a problem, I haven't done it or wanted to in years. Here is what scared me.....

          I wanted to leave, she wanted to meet up with her party friend (my gf does not do blow, its actually a deal breaker for her), I told her if we see X, then I'm doing a bump. Why? I don't know (and surprisingly didn't contest). Spite? Maybe? I was so livid about this wife battery thing. Anyway, its the first time in a very long time I have felt loss of control, felt not myself, felt like WTF just happened.....and a lot did happen, which I realize was out of my control. I feel like an idiot for being so irressponsible, I felt I was doing the right thing by staying with her, etc.

          My girlfriend says I'm too hard on myself, my therapist actually agrees. My therapist pointed out, its not like this is a common occurence with you, one is allowed a mess-up every few years or so, and this is the first time ever in my professional life of 15 years something like this ever happened....and when i was younger I used to do a hell of a lot more crazy sh@#.

          I'm starting to feel a lot better, actually I felt ok all day. A little tired. Again, I do appreciate the support and can really use you guys now. I hate admitting that, I'm the one usually giving advice, but its true, I feel a little alone in this.

          Oh, I'm supposed to be going out with her and her brother tomorrow ?!?!


            August Mod Squad

            Sorry outta sheer curiosity where the heck is her husband in all this, how are you able to go out with her and her brother without her husband knowing, how long has this relationship been going on?
            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


              August Mod Squad

              Excellent Question and the one good thing that came of this

              vlivengood;1359081 wrote: Sorry outta sheer curiosity where the heck is her husband in all this, how are you able to go out with her and her brother without her husband knowing, how long has this relationship been going on?
              Ha, V, excellent quesiton, here's the story. They are separated. They were/are in therapy and agreed to seperate, which included seeing other people, they both can. I knew this going in..make a long story short, her and I got attached, meaning, which was just "having fun" feelings starting developing, for both of us. Her husband stays with a friend, but some times he has to stay at the house. The also have this delusional that they may work it out. I say that because I went through and neither of them act like two people trying to work something out. I think Irish Catholic guilt is playing a number on both of them. There are no kids, thank god, I wouldn't have got involved if there were.

              The two of realized that they both need two seperate, permenant residences. A lot of you might be saying, "duh", but this is a little harder in a City like New York. My friend got served divorced papers by her husband and they are still living in the same house, they have a daughter involved, they both own the apartment, so it's going to be very messy. Housing in NYC is expensive, you also can't live in someone's basement or couch for the time being, unless you have an extremely wealthy friend that owns a townhouse. So, you can't stay in someone's basement, and staying on someone's couch is an extreme hinderance, almost impossible. Most people my age are married with kids, some apartments just one bathroom, I think you see what I mean...its not as unusual as it sounds.

              The husband, or estranged husband, knows she's been out. She hasn't dated anyone but me. He knew when she went away with me those weekends. I knew this was going to get dicey, just wasn't sure when. The one good thing that came out of this was they both agreed they need seperate residences if they really are to be separated....its not healthy for either of them.

              She's also only sleeping with me (trust me I know, don't ask, how just trust me).

              Anyway, I try to stick with drinking...but this is my romantic drama... did I ever think I'd be in a situation like, but crap happens.


                August Mod Squad

                Oh, we've been seeing each other for several months now. Also, to add, my friend that supposedly got "pissed" at me for saying politically incorrect crap about my gf's wife beating a@#, does know about the predicament. As a matter of fact, she, the other week, gave me the best advice, figure out what I wanted and she didn't like what my gf was having your cake and eating it too. She mad me look real hard as to why I was doing this, because I was spending all this time, and I did realize I was falling in love. I even told her a few days ago, and thank her so much for being a good friend and our counsel. The point I'm saying this, its not like she could've confused the statement to mean anything else than what it did.


                  August Mod Squad

                  Hey Stewarts. I'm tempted to ask, are you addicted to the drama of having a "messy" relationship? It seems like you have been in situations with women since you've been posting here that always seem to have some conundrum. Don't be offended by that question, please. I am just asking you to think about it. When you think about being involved with a nice, unattached "normal" woman does it seem boring?

                  I can understand the addiction. I think some of us here who are working on modding, and moving away from abusing AL, have felt the "pull" of conflict and drama. I might be wrong, but it seems to go hand in hand with our personalities.

                  "I like people too much or not at all."
                  Sylvia Plath


                    August Mod Squad

                    What to look forward to??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

                    Hey Modders,

                    It's almost 4pm and I am still at office could have left at 2 after my 8 hours but while my battle with the deciding whether or not to stop at the liquor store has gotten easier to come out on the winning end with every day that passes, I find myself missing having that something to look forward to after work, Im not that stupid to not see that it was ruining me and it is not the answer and it is pathetic that I got to where Liquor was something I looked forward to but just missing having something to look forward to.

                    I am good at filling the time after work with chores, tv, books, this site but I no longer look forward to quitten time?

                    Have a wonderful home, wonderful husband and a wonderful son who I love to be around but still can not explain or figure out why or what I am missing to not be excited to be going home???

                    I realize I am still very early on in this journey and maybe it will just pass, but I fear if I don't figure this out I may go back.

                    Any advice would be greatly appreciated................
                    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                      August Mod Squad

                      I dealt with that feeling too vliven. You'll get varying responses, and it all boils down to common sense. I never really did find anything I looked forward to as much, or more than AL, but I did get comfortable with not drinking and just doing the odds and ends of everyday life. I like having some wine in the evening on the weekends, and not drinking during the week gives me the opportunity to do that. I'm trying a pink Moscato wine tonight. It's delicious. I was looking for Barefoot Pink Moscato, but they didn't have it yet, so I bought Gallo.

                      Hope you are feeling better.:l

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        August Mod Squad

                        LG- thanks for the honesty and not just pumping me up with BS about how I need to appreciate the simple life and embrace the monotony.........

                        I am just truely scared of going back, I wrote that post before leaving the office and completely forgot I had to have the car home by 4:30 for my son to get to work and raced home like a maniac and made it by 4:31 - to be perfectly honest I just may have stopped today if I had the time, I have beer in the fridge but really I do not even think of beer or get affected by beer the way liquor has a hold of me or else I would have cracked one open by now to ease the craving.

                        I do however know that the old me would have allowed my self to get the car to my son late in order to stop or I would have made up some lie on why I needed the car later and therefore needed to take him into work instead of letting him take it (meaning accepting a miserable 1 hour round trip in hot Vegas rush hour traffic after a 10 hour work day just to get my drink on)

                        So progress has definitely been made

                        I'm not feeling real down and didn't have a bad day or anything just some feelings

                        Thanks for listening everyone.....
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          August Mod Squad

                          Hi all just posted the readers digest version if my life story on the avoiding temptation thread and was directed here, so hello
                          Cashy xxx
                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            August Mod Squad

                            Welcome Cash!!!!
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              August Mod Squad

                              Hello there and well done today - maybe your subconscious kept you at work for a reason - who knows how our minds work behind our backs
                              Cashy xx
                              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                                August Mod Squad

                                Should I re-post that stuff - my life 101 - here?
                                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

