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September Mod Squad

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    September Mod Squad

    Lila;1380792 wrote: LG - no sugar, that is amazing!! how about white flour and alcohol?
    V - do you like living in Vegas? I am just curious, I have been there, just at casinos, of course. I went with my ex - he gambled and I found the outlet malls.
    I was born and raised in Vegas... Met and married my husband in Vegas... Raised our amazing son in Vegas and found a wonderful career in Vegas I will never bash this town it has been very good to me and my family... That being said I hate the weather and landscape and lack of culture and history here and if I could I would move to San Diego!!!

    FYI people who live here rarely go to the strip unless it's for work!

    Thanks for asking and Congrats on the meds!
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


      September Mod Squad

      LibraryGirl;1380822 wrote: I've had no carbs, Lila, except for veggies (and wine on Fri and Sat. ). No pasta, no rice, no bread and no sugar. It's true that the less you eat it, the less you crave it.

      Congrats on successfully stopping your AD. I hope everything continues to go well.
      LG - I could NEVER give up my carbs!!! Glad its going well for u maybe you found what works for u..... Weight loss is sure to get BF to get off his game outta pure fear of loosing u cause u r looking so good!!!!
      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


        September Mod Squad

        Making chicken Fajitas for dinner.... LG that would be an awesome low carb meal to put the chicken, peppers and onion over your favorite greens dressed with some kinda creamy lime dressing.... Ok maybe I could do the low carb thing!
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          September Mod Squad

          Yes it would. Plus they make lots of low-carb tortillas.

          Feeling a slight headache and body aches...not been sleeping enough, I think. Hope I feel better tomorrow. Just wandering around the net, bored and restless.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            September Mod Squad

            LG- I have heard headaches are a side affect of LC.... Are there any recommended supplements to take while going LC?
            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


              September Mod Squad

              Hi all,
              Haven't had a chance to post as we are traveling and experiencing a 10 hour time change so with the jet lag and all, it's been a challenge to get here and check in on everyone. It's weird because we stay at hotels that offer executive lounges with free drinks and will be traveling to two other cities with inclusive packages for food and drinks. I always find that I do quite well moderating when the drinks are free flowing. Always interesting to pay attention to what works well in our mod lives and what we struggle with.

              LG, I liked Dave's examples of how he quiets his brain when it's overactive. I think the biggest trick is diversional activities and figuring out what else relieves stress besides drinking. I have a friend who runs a hypnotherapy business and she would totally tell you the CD's would work. If nothing else, it's a good alternative to fixing a drink...just put on the headset and relax to a soothing voice.

              Have a great day everyone. We're off to go sightseeing the city of Istanbul.
              "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

              ~Jack Welsh~:h

              God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                September Mod Squad

                Hi Lila, I'm on ADs too and I think I know what you mean by the brain flashes, if I've ever forgotten to take it, the next day I feel like i have the flu, and get this hissing noise in my head, and my vision kind of jumps like if I turn my head. Bloody awful stuff! I remember when I was put on it I said I didn't want to be put on anything addictive, and I was told it wasn't. About 12 months later my doc says they've done some research and it is addictive after all. Gah! Hang in there, you may just have to taper off it over a long time.

                LG, I couldn't eat like that, I just love my pasta too much, it's the best food in the world to me. I think I love my pasta as much as I've loved my al in the past. You're doing great though, I couldn't do it.

                Eve, you little jet setter you! I've been wondering why you've been so quiet and there you are flying off around the globe you lucky thing


                  September Mod Squad

                  Hi, All,

                  Been on the road and then had a Giants game to watch last night (the destroyed the Panthers!) so I haven't been on in a day or two. Hope everyone is doing well...

                  Eve, I've never been to that part of the world, what a great trip and experience! I'm curious if you, like me, feel that the custom Hypnotherapy CD's are cost prohibitive? I was going to get one or two with my music and the underlying messages subliminally hidden, but the guy that works with MWO wanted big $ for it. I was a little (ok a lot!) disappointed that I spent well over $100 to get a few more CD's that basically replicate what's on the one CD that came with my Extreme Starter Kit.

                  LG, thanks for the support in "that thread." I think everyone has chosen to move forward, but can't be sure as I'm using the ignore feature. Hoping to get a few minutes to read your DeMille review...

                  Autumn is in full force here, nights in the low 50's, days getting to low 70''s beautiful!

                  I'll check back later.

                  Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                  When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                    September Mod Squad

                    Hi All. Eve that is a good suggestion. I.e., the cds. It's something I might old bf used to listen to cds that he thought would make him successful and ambitious, lol. He said it worked, but he was kind of that type of person when I met him. Not sure if the cds did it or if he was already a go-getter. I've always thought that subliminal stuff was hokey, but I've got nothing to lose. I might become a convert! Stranger things...

                    dg, that's something I hear a lot when I tell anyone what I'm doing (LC), "I could never give up carbs". It is a sacrifice, I totally agree, but I get to eat real food and real fat, lol, and counting calories was not working for me at all. I have quite a bit I want to lose, and it's now or never. I will have to sacrifice one way or the other, so this is the path I'm taking right now. I am also looking at some other WOE's (ways of eating) that I've learned about since I started LC, and they may be an option in the future.

                    D, I agree that it's time to move on from negativity. I know you didn't set out to start a flame war, as it's sometimes called, but it's also very difficult to back down when you feel strongly about something. I know it is for me. Glad you're doing well and I wish Autumn would stick around here! It's hot right a taste of cool weather and back to hot days for the weekend, but not too bad.

                    Hope everyone is doing well! Whew, it takes a lot to respond to everyone sometimes, lol. Anyone I missed, sorry, loves you too!:h

                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      September Mod Squad

                      Just checking in another busy day at work been home an hour now and noticed hubby bought a bottle of rum.... He rarely does this and knows nothing about my problem with liquor. before I gave it up he would buy a bottle have a shot or two on a Friday night he'd pass out I'd drink half the bottle then get up early the next morning and replace what I drink and drink the rest of the replacement bottle very bad vicious cycle....

                      Have a horrid knot in my stomach..... Normally on a Friday I'd crack a beer as soon as I get home..... Have not yet because I know once I get a beer or two in me that bottle of rum will start calling for me...... Crap
                      And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                        September Mod Squad

                        Where r u squad? 6:48 here still drinking ice water and holding on!!!

                        What r the chances I fail at AF Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and succeed on a Friday?!?!
                        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                          September Mod Squad

                          Very good!!! The chances are... How did you hide your "problem" from dh? I can't imagine. I share everything, damned if I do, damned if I don't, lol.

                          I've had about 4 glasses of wine. I quit and am drinking diet pepsi. I feel sick. It didn't sit well with me and was not tempted to drink any more at ALL. ugh.

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            September Mod Squad

                            Just snuck shots from a hidden bottle..... Started to get real bad and noticble and one night after passing out after being crazy loaded I woke up at 3am and woke him and confessed but minimalized it and quit for a bit and when I started back up I didn't let it get that bad but close..... He wasn't very understanding which came as a shock because I supported him thru getting clean from a 15year METH addiction (long story) maybe I'll PM to u....
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              September Mod Squad

                              It is really the only thing I ever hid from him and I hope one day when I feel more free from it I will discuss it with him....
                              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                                September Mod Squad

                                I understand I think. I just have never been able to hide anything from someone I was involved with...other than another man:H:H Not funny but true.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

