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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    This is so wild...because me and my sister are the only two that have gone months sometimes without speaking and now we're the closest....God really does have a good sense of humor lol

    Comment sister is gone....she passed away this afternoon at 12:50....we were all there with. I have never seen someone pass away. They had her on the breathing machine....her daughter was going to have her taken off when her daughter got there...but she passed while she was still on it. I feel very very sad but I'm glad she's not suffering any more.


        Blue, I am SOOOO very sorry for the loss of your sister.:hug: Thinking of you and praying for you at this sad, sad time. Stick close to us...we'll be here for you.



          Hello Blue Sorry for your great loss because brother and sister's relationship is very pure and sensetive. May her soul rest in Peace. If you need us we all are here for you. God bless you and your family.


            So very sorry for your loss Blue. I'm glad you can find some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering. My prayers will be with you!


              Originally posted by frances View Post
              So very sorry for your loss Blue. I'm glad you can find some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering. My prayers will be with you!

              YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
              I have been drinking not moderating....but still not totally over doing it. That probably sounds bad but trust me I could really be doing a lot worse. I'm making sure I eat and I'm drinking water and powerade to stay hydrated and keep my system flushed.


                Good morning everyone! It's going to be a tough week for me. My mom had been having back pain and finally got an MRI and, unfortunately, she has cancer. Myeloma. She is such a positive person and overall very healthy and I know these things will help her get through this. We all (my brothers, mom, and I) go to the doctor tomorrow to find out more. I'm sure the next step will be referral to a specialist and then we'll learn more about the treatment. I have not read too much about it but it looks like there are effective treatments. No cure, but can be managed. Everyone's case is different, so I'm hoping and praying that she will fall into the 'it can be managed for years' category! I was shocked and cried a lot when she told me. I lost my dad 8 years ago to cancer and it was a matter of 4 weeks from diagnosis to him passing. He was very healthy up until then. But I'm trying to keep that out of my mind. Her case will be different!

                Still thinking of you blue - staying hydrated and eating are definitely two great things to do!


                  First of all, Blue, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your sister. I truly hope your days are starting to look a bit brighter.

                  And Frances, my goodness. Yes, it is scary. Will pray that the drs can come up with a treatment plan that will give your Mom many more years!
                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    Originally posted by frances View Post
                    Good morning everyone! It's going to be a tough week for me. My mom had been having back pain and finally got an MRI and, unfortunately, she has cancer. Myeloma. She is such a positive person and overall very healthy and I know these things will help her get through this. We all (my brothers, mom, and I) go to the doctor tomorrow to find out more. I'm sure the next step will be referral to a specialist and then we'll learn more about the treatment. I have not read too much about it but it looks like there are effective treatments. No cure, but can be managed. Everyone's case is different, so I'm hoping and praying that she will fall into the 'it can be managed for years' category! I was shocked and cried a lot when she told me. I lost my dad 8 years ago to cancer and it was a matter of 4 weeks from diagnosis to him passing. He was very healthy up until then. But I'm trying to keep that out of my mind. Her case will be different!

                    Still thinking of you blue - staying hydrated and eating are definitely two great things to do!

                    OMG Frances....I'm praying for you guys!!!! I'm believing with you too....that she is on the it can be managed list!


                      Originally posted by ToMyHealth View Post
                      First of all, Blue, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your sister. I truly hope your days are starting to look a bit brighter.

                      And Frances, my goodness. Yes, it is scary. Will pray that the drs can come up with a treatment plan that will give your Mom many more years!

                      Thank you TMH!


                        My sister's memorial service is Saturday. We are feeling quite nervous about her boyfriend...he keeps saying he can't live without her. He's been drunk since it happened and he's not really eating.

                        My niece talked to management this morning...and if he qualifies he can continue to live there....if not he has about 14 days from last Wednesday to vacate the premises....he has nowhere else to go. He has children but they live with their mom and her husband. He says he is going back to his country...
                        He just cries constantly.


                          That's a shame about your sister's boyfriend. It sounds like it's very hard for him. I wish I had advice - grief is hard and time does help.

                          I'm very anxious about my mom's situation. We have her oncologist appointment tomorrow and then lots more tests to get the final diagnosis. She's an inspiration to me and I can't stand the thought of her being sick. I need to start getting prepared mentally but I am also trying to stay optimistic. No drinking for me though. Two years ago I would have been drinking like crazy right now and every day. Not that I needed something like this to happen to drink back then, but it definitely would have had me hitting the bottle more than ever!


                            Hey Blue sorry for your loss, but you sound like you have a good perspective on it. As for the drinking, while we are trying to help each other not drink or moderate here, don't beat yourself up over it, it doesn't sound like you also doesn't sound like your in any danger from it..if it continues, well, then you may want to re-evaluate.

                            So, my gf and I decided to do a 30 day abstaining from AL. We were at event last night and we were drinking, nothing crazy, then I put her in a cab home. She then started texted me all this weird stuff... she was doubting our relationship, saying I was too spoiled, etc. It made me go to the bar and have two beers I didn't want to calm her down over the phone. She just turned 38, I'm 40, so I get it... women at this age have the the narrowing gap of wanting to start a family so time is overly precious, and perhaps it was on her mind... so I eventually convinced her that was what I want. I know this was all AL influenced. She texted me in the morning, sayying she was hungover, should've ate more, and apologized. I didn't think she drank that much, but apparently she did. Perhaps its good this happened when she got home. I told her it was ok, that she just had something on her mind and not to sweat it...and I genuinely meant that.

                            So today I asked her why don't we go 30 days with no AL. She agreed and seems very happy with this decision.



                              Stewart, 30 days AF sounds like a great idea. I bet you will be surprised how good you feel!

                              We found out my mom doesn't have multiple myeloma - it's metastatic lung cancer that is now in her spine. She never smoked her entire life, has always exercised, eats healthy, etc. - it's just so hard to accept. But we are moving forward. The biopsy still hasn't been done so that will happen early next week and then we expect that treatment will start and hopefully something to help her with the pain she's having. I lie awake and think about how she must be lying awake too, and scared. I am so hopeful that this can be successfully treated.


                                Hey guys....
                                This will be my first AF day since my sister passed.....I really need it!

                                Frances....hang in there....I'm praying for you and your mom.

                                Hey Stew!!! I'm glad things worked out with your girlfriend.

                                Have a successful day!!!

