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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Want to comment on the dropping by pub playing chauffeur. That absolutely flabbergasts me! Not judging, just cannot believe that would enter one's mind. Never worried about recycling noises (still don't), never care if anyone sees 2 cases of wine in Costco shopping cart. Granted, I come from MN where you cannot buy liquor in grocery stores so this is not the norm for me. But I would have worried about reputation if that thought had ever occurred to me. Did you go in a group? Maybe it's no different than my son-in-law having some beers in parking lot with the guys in between kids' hockey periods.

    Ah, well, back to cleaning!
    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      Blue, good to see you! Powerade hits the spot sometimes. I am really into the flavored Vitamin Water from Costco lately. What field are you looking to volunteer or work in?

      Yes, TMH, i have done that a few times. Ugh. There is a small neighborhood pub near our grocery store and close to the schools. It is very acceptable for anyone (including women) to drop in for a beer by themselves. That part doesn't really get me - its why I thought I NEEDED to do that while waiting to pick up a kid . . . why not go the grocery store like a normal person??!! Or read?? Or just go back home? I only live about a mile away. Not proud but yep, that's what I did. Nice. Don't miss that.

      How is your health now TMH? Are you feeling good today? I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your sister and mom so close. And then your diagnosis. That sounds really tough.

      Take care! AG


        Hi TMH - For me, yes, I did worry about being seen and reputation. A lot of times I would buy a little individual serving-size wine and drink it in the car - and I would be careful to avoid people I knew. Or if I went somewhere and sat at the bar I looked around first to see if anyone I knew was there and planned for what I would say if someone showed up. I agree AG - why didn't I just run errands like a normal person? I do that now! If I went home I'd just drink there lol! Usually if I didn't go home it was because of the distance.

        TMH - Sorry to hear about all you went through in your early 50s...sounds like a very difficult period but glad things got better. I hope Friday comes soon for you! Or maybe you can reschedule your appointment to a sooner day?

        Blue I always think that the AFers are coming from a good place; just trying to help people avoid dragging out the inevitable. I don't know if it truly needs to be 'inevitable' but certainly most, from experience, know that they've been here many times before and always wound up back in a bad place. So they believe it isn't really possible to moderate successfully. They shouldn't be judging and they probably are but like I said, I think it is more like they are saying 'I'm loving this freedom I now have, and I want everyone I know to have this same thing'. Kind of like religion. Or like people who went to AA and it worked for them so they push people that way. No single way is the right way for everyone but not everyone realizes that :happy2:


          Hi! Feeling a bit better. Taking my Super B complex vitamins and I get to start my shots this afternoon. Nurse was surprised I wanted to start sooner as she says it will take awhile to build up in my system. But, if i have to wait a week for next one, I have a golf tourney next week Thurs- Sat. Gosh, hope it warms up! Not liking this 52 deg.

          Anyone buying Powerball tickets? A person can dream.

          Have a great day! Fitbit just let me know need to recharge. Have to make my steps count!

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            Glad you're getting the shot today TMH!

            Yes, I am planning to get a few powerball tickets - I'm with you...a girl can dream!


              It's good to see all these positive attitudes here. A few years ago, I was really depressed about a lot of things and this site helped me. I wasn't getting falling down drunk, but when I drank I felt awfully depressed the next day. Things are going good. I've been trying to kick this cold, and, ironically, I noticed last night I had a craving for AL, which I will get into later. I had a long school weekend up in Westchester, NY they put us all in hotel rooms for that super long weekend, it goes from Thursday to Sunday. These weekends tend to be sh$% shows! It doesn't matter how old you are, you get people in a "school" environment and the youngin in them comes out. I did well though. First night, I had a few beers and was in bed by 12:30, some stayed up real late. Friday, I was really not feeling well (this cold, nothing to do with AL) so I didn't hang out long, I did have two beers and went to bed. Saturday night I had a hockey game. I brought my equipment with me from the City. People were shocked and I think impressed I was going to play a hockey game. They were all getting bombed. I told them I'd meet up with them because I'd be too jacked up to go to sleep. I got back around midinght, they had closed the bar down at the hotel and just ordered vans to go in Whiteplains ??? I got the texts, but I am saying to myself, "I do not want to go back to my room, shower, to only head to White Plains," it be very uneventful and it was. I heard the stories. Two fights almost broke out - people who go out single in the burbs tend to be the dregs of society, it's not like the City. Oh, then there was a strip club run... now, adding on from my other comment, you can only imagine how skanky strips clubs are there. Some people did not get to bed until 5:30am and it showed. We had to do this little presentations in the morning, nothing crazy. While the stories were pretty funny, I was so glad I did not go out and laid in bed, watched some TV and tried to get some sleep.

              SO last night, I had an event to go to and had a few beers. Then I had to meet some people about a ski trip coming up and had a few glasses of wine (?). I saw some more people, but I knew mixing the beer with the wine was probably a bad idea so I went home. Well... I ended up stopping at a bar and talking to some, well, skank. I even bought her a beer. I think most of you know now I have a lovely girlfriend who I will be marrying. It's not official yet, I got my ring guy working on it, but at our age I'm 40, she just turned 38, you want to get thing moving along. She also wants to have kids and prefers for me NOT to knock her up. She's pretty Catholic - although if that did happen to us, it was be a pleasant surprise for both of us, just not the ideal. Anyway, I know where this is going with this skank. I got saved in the most peculiar way. I went to put some songs on the jukebox. She (and she was pretty dunk) sits down with the young couple and starts yapping with them. I think they think its amusing, the guy gave me a funny smirk. I actually tried to get her away from them - this was a nice, young attractive couple, I thought being entertain by an older drunk woman would wear thin very quickly. She (the drunk), "Said, hold on I need to speak with them a little longer." She was pleasant (the drunk), she was aggressive or anything like that. I looked at the couple, the young lady was like, "it's ok." So I went back by the juke box to my beer. That's when I realize I'm pretty buzzed and what the hell am I doing here!? I broke my rule and went to grab some late night pizza and even got a beer with it, so now I know I am pretty buzzed, if I'm doing that; I had no dinner, so I was ok with it. I looked at my scale this morning and even lost weight.

              Anyway, the point of the story is, because of AL was the only reason why I was out. I was actually craving it, which I usually don't get. I think this cold I have has something to do with it, with my immune system down, etc. THe good news, I didn't anything stupid to jeopardize my future with my gf. I'll admit, I've been known to f#$ around a lot in the past (never when I was married), but until up to then... anyway, it made me realize I needed to vent a little on the site. I should do it more. I don't have an office anymore (the new corporate america) so I am in a cube. That is probably why I don't come on that much. I definitely feel a little "icky" today - between the wine, beer and cold.. but I'll be allright.

              Oh, B vitamins, they help you feel better. They can even be used to help some minor depression. Same thing with Vitamin A (and maybe D). It's actually why people feel so much better in the sun; and those places like up in Alaska, where it's dark for the entire winter, it's common for people to go through severe depressions because of it.

              All be well.




                Hi Stewarts - welcome back! This site has helped me a lot too. I'm so glad you didn't do anything to jeopardize a relationship you love. Funny how AL can sneak in like that and blow things up. Also, thanks for the tip on Vit B, I haven't tried that yet.

                TMH, how are you? Things going well? I hope it has warmed up for your golf game.

                Blue - what's going on? Having a good week?

                Frances, do you take any supplements or have anything you turn to? My latest has been ice cream. Oh boy. It is so worth it though. I would never eat it while drinking my vino so I'm really enjoying it.

                Stay warm and safe!! AG


                  Checking in - early morning waiting for the coffee to kick in!

                  Stewart - glad you didn't do anything you would regret! Also that you are thinking about what may have caused you to want to go out and drink - and what you can do to prevent's too bad you have a cube. I never really thought about the fact that I have an office and am able to check in during the day while I'm at work...I'm definitely lucky to have that! Maybe you could use a tablet or your phone during lunch or something?

                  TMH I hope the B vitamins are kicking in!

                  AG you seem to be doing great! I have turned to sweets a lot since I rarely drink now - mainly ice cream and cookies. I'm like you - I never had this stuff when I was drinking! I'd like to cut that down now. It's better than drinking but it's more than I want to be having. With the ice cream I get these skinny cow bars and just have one (pretty much every evening) so I keep the portion under control. But if my husband buys cookies, which is not uncommon, I will eat more than I should. And a lot of times work has things where they bring in lunch with desserts and I eat too much then too (like yesterday!). My diet hasn't been great lately and I never exercise so I'm feeling guilty about that. Something has to change - I could change my drinking so I'm sure I can do this - I just need to start!


                    Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                    Blue, good to see you! Powerade hits the spot sometimes. I am really into the flavored Vitamin Water from Costco lately. What field are you looking to volunteer or work in?

                    Yes, TMH, i have done that a few times. Ugh. There is a small neighborhood pub near our grocery store and close to the schools. It is very acceptable for anyone (including women) to drop in for a beer by themselves. That part doesn't really get me - its why I thought I NEEDED to do that while waiting to pick up a kid . . . why not go the grocery store like a normal person??!! Or read?? Or just go back home? I only live about a mile away. Not proud but yep, that's what I did. Nice. Don't miss that.

                    How is your health now TMH? Are you feeling good today? I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your sister and mom so close. And then your diagnosis. That sounds really tough.

                    Take care! AG
                    AG....I've been applying for retail and daycare and just about anything else. I don't really want to go back into retail cause I did it for about nine years....and they don't care if you have a life outside of work they will work you to death if you let them. My hubby is a mechanic and if he could get more hours at his job....I wouldn't have to go back to work. Our 30th Wedding Anniversary is in July and I was really just trying to make some extra cash so we can go on this cruise.

                    As far as volunteer work....I want to help the homeless in some kind of way.


                      Originally posted by frances View Post
                      Hi TMH - For me, yes, I did worry about being seen and reputation. A lot of times I would buy a little individual serving-size wine and drink it in the car - and I would be careful to avoid people I knew. Or if I went somewhere and sat at the bar I looked around first to see if anyone I knew was there and planned for what I would say if someone showed up. I agree AG - why didn't I just run errands like a normal person? I do that now! If I went home I'd just drink there lol! Usually if I didn't go home it was because of the distance.

                      TMH - Sorry to hear about all you went through in your early 50s...sounds like a very difficult period but glad things got better. I hope Friday comes soon for you! Or maybe you can reschedule your appointment to a sooner day?

                      Blue I always think that the AFers are coming from a good place; just trying to help people avoid dragging out the inevitable. I don't know if it truly needs to be 'inevitable' but certainly most, from experience, know that they've been here many times before and always wound up back in a bad place. So they believe it isn't really possible to moderate successfully. They shouldn't be judging and they probably are but like I said, I think it is more like they are saying 'I'm loving this freedom I now have, and I want everyone I know to have this same thing'. Kind of like religion. Or like people who went to AA and it worked for them so they push people that way. No single way is the right way for everyone but not everyone realizes that :happy2:

                      Frances....I see what you are saying and I'm sure some are really coming from a good place but then there's some that try to bully. If they are totally AF I don't know why they would post on a mod thread.
                      When I first came back to mwo...I didn't fit anywhere....I was posting in general discussion and was asked not to post about my drinking. I got really depressed and was just going to stop coming here....and as you know....that's when I started this thread.
                      Last edited by blue1; January 14, 2016, 05:52 PM.


                        Originally posted by ToMyHealth View Post
                        Hi! Feeling a bit better. Taking my Super B complex vitamins and I get to start my shots this afternoon. Nurse was surprised I wanted to start sooner as she says it will take awhile to build up in my system. But, if i have to wait a week for next one, I have a golf tourney next week Thurs- Sat. Gosh, hope it warms up! Not liking this 52 deg.

                        Anyone buying Powerball tickets? A person can dream.

                        Have a great day! Fitbit just let me know need to recharge. Have to make my steps count!


                        TMH.....glad you started your shots....and I hope it warms up for ya.
                        Yeah....we played the powerball.....but weren't the winners lol.....this time.


                          Originally posted by Stewarts View Post
                          It's good to see all these positive attitudes here. A few years ago, I was really depressed about a lot of things and this site helped me. I wasn't getting falling down drunk, but when I drank I felt awfully depressed the next day. Things are going good. I've been trying to kick this cold, and, ironically, I noticed last night I had a craving for AL, which I will get into later. I had a long school weekend up in Westchester, NY they put us all in hotel rooms for that super long weekend, it goes from Thursday to Sunday. These weekends tend to be sh$% shows! It doesn't matter how old you are, you get people in a "school" environment and the youngin in them comes out. I did well though. First night, I had a few beers and was in bed by 12:30, some stayed up real late. Friday, I was really not feeling well (this cold, nothing to do with AL) so I didn't hang out long, I did have two beers and went to bed. Saturday night I had a hockey game. I brought my equipment with me from the City. People were shocked and I think impressed I was going to play a hockey game. They were all getting bombed. I told them I'd meet up with them because I'd be too jacked up to go to sleep. I got back around midinght, they had closed the bar down at the hotel and just ordered vans to go in Whiteplains ??? I got the texts, but I am saying to myself, "I do not want to go back to my room, shower, to only head to White Plains," it be very uneventful and it was. I heard the stories. Two fights almost broke out - people who go out single in the burbs tend to be the dregs of society, it's not like the City. Oh, then there was a strip club run... now, adding on from my other comment, you can only imagine how skanky strips clubs are there. Some people did not get to bed until 5:30am and it showed. We had to do this little presentations in the morning, nothing crazy. While the stories were pretty funny, I was so glad I did not go out and laid in bed, watched some TV and tried to get some sleep.

                          SO last night, I had an event to go to and had a few beers. Then I had to meet some people about a ski trip coming up and had a few glasses of wine (?). I saw some more people, but I knew mixing the beer with the wine was probably a bad idea so I went home. Well... I ended up stopping at a bar and talking to some, well, skank. I even bought her a beer. I think most of you know now I have a lovely girlfriend who I will be marrying. It's not official yet, I got my ring guy working on it, but at our age I'm 40, she just turned 38, you want to get thing moving along. She also wants to have kids and prefers for me NOT to knock her up. She's pretty Catholic - although if that did happen to us, it was be a pleasant surprise for both of us, just not the ideal. Anyway, I know where this is going with this skank. I got saved in the most peculiar way. I went to put some songs on the jukebox. She (and she was pretty dunk) sits down with the young couple and starts yapping with them. I think they think its amusing, the guy gave me a funny smirk. I actually tried to get her away from them - this was a nice, young attractive couple, I thought being entertain by an older drunk woman would wear thin very quickly. She (the drunk), "Said, hold on I need to speak with them a little longer." She was pleasant (the drunk), she was aggressive or anything like that. I looked at the couple, the young lady was like, "it's ok." So I went back by the juke box to my beer. That's when I realize I'm pretty buzzed and what the hell am I doing here!? I broke my rule and went to grab some late night pizza and even got a beer with it, so now I know I am pretty buzzed, if I'm doing that; I had no dinner, so I was ok with it. I looked at my scale this morning and even lost weight.

                          Anyway, the point of the story is, because of AL was the only reason why I was out. I was actually craving it, which I usually don't get. I think this cold I have has something to do with it, with my immune system down, etc. THe good news, I didn't anything stupid to jeopardize my future with my gf. I'll admit, I've been known to f#$ around a lot in the past (never when I was married), but until up to then... anyway, it made me realize I needed to vent a little on the site. I should do it more. I don't have an office anymore (the new corporate america) so I am in a cube. That is probably why I don't come on that much. I definitely feel a little "icky" today - between the wine, beer and cold.. but I'll be allright.

                          Oh, B vitamins, they help you feel better. They can even be used to help some minor depression. Same thing with Vitamin A (and maybe D). It's actually why people feel so much better in the sun; and those places like up in Alaska, where it's dark for the entire winter, it's common for people to go through severe depressions because of it.

                          All be well.



                          Hi.....Stew....long time no see!
                          Glad you honored your future wifey....Good job!
                          Hope you are feeling better....and don't stay away so long....ok?


                            Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                            Hi Stewarts - welcome back! This site has helped me a lot too. I'm so glad you didn't do anything to jeopardize a relationship you love. Funny how AL can sneak in like that and blow things up. Also, thanks for the tip on Vit B, I haven't tried that yet.

                            TMH, how are you? Things going well? I hope it has warmed up for your golf game.

                            Blue - what's going on? Having a good week?

                            Frances, do you take any supplements or have anything you turn to? My latest has been ice cream. Oh boy. It is so worth it though. I would never eat it while drinking my vino so I'm really enjoying it.

                            Stay warm and safe!! AG

                   week is going pretty good....still haven't had any AF time though.
                            I already take some supplements....but I'm going to add B-complex.


                              Everybody have a successful Thursday!!!


                                Hi everyone. As to why I may have felt like drinking, I think when I said it was me being sick, I really meant that. I've been so uncomfortable with this cold, I haven't been able to run or work out or anything like that, I think it's the combination of feeling better and the all the pent up energy. As I think I think I said before, I only really drink when I go out. I don't see it at home and crack open beers, not even if a hockey game is on - unless I'm at a bar watching the hockey game. I took it easy last night, went to bed early, but I had a long day and I am beat. I am still at work. A friend is using my place for over the weekend when I am away. I want to make sure things are set up for him and his family.

                                With me, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some unconscious thing telling me do what you can until you get married... hahahaha.


