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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
    Hi all -
    Blue, I'm so sorry you are not sleeping. What's up with that? Do you sleep when you have AL? Do you wake up rested? I slept when downing a bottle or two a night but never woke up rested!! I know that many people (myself included) have or had trouble sleeping the first week they go AL free so maybe that's it? If that's the case it gets better. I take melatonin. It seems to help. I'm probably due for a doctors visit though to check on if there are any side effects, etc. For me though it really works. Hang in there! I do not operate well on little sleep, I turn into a MONSTER!

    Hey Frances, I think all that hype over stocking up on the wine for the big snow is a bunch of @#$%. I used to live in a major NE city for years and the paranoia the media created over snow was ridiculous. And that was before Facebook, I can't imagine what it is like now with everyone chiming in on the noise and how "perfect" their snow-in is going to be. Holy moley, who cares. What really happens is all the AL companies and liquor stores just make more money.

    Well, you certainly aren't boring virtually : ) What if you guys did something new? I forgot how old your kids are . . . I so get your dilemma though. My husband is an introvert and, well, I am not. Hence the boredom trigger for me as he is always happy staying home. But now that AL is out of the house I have to come up with other things. Tonight I took a music lesson (i'm learning keyboard) and then did a yoga class that I'd never done before. Things I would never ever do if I was drinking a bottle or two a night. It was fun. Then I had chocolate ice cream : )

    Whew! Forgive me for rambling on and on. Have a great rest of your night all!! AG

    AG.....yeah I sleep good when I drink and wake up rested as long as I don't over do it. It's when I don't drink that I have trouble sleeping. When I first started getting some AF days in I was using melatonin but when I ran out I just didn't buy anymore....but it worked pretty good.


      So....I see we have some musicians on board lol
      I'm a singer/songwriter. Although I haven't written anything recently. But I do sing still....not as much as I used to but I do sing a bit around the house and when I go to my brother/friend's house for karaoke. My hubby plays keys....and my oldest brother plays the trombone.

      Well I'll talk to you guys later.....hope everybody has a successful day.


        Hey all - that's fun that we're all musically inclined! I love music and it has always been a part of my life. My parents and both my brothers are also musicians. Right now I play handbells at my church so at least I get to do something - but I do miss playing guitar and keys. Maybe I'll get back into it one of these days.

        Hope everyone is doing well - I just went back to the office today after the big snow storm. It was good to get out of the house! I've been reviewing finances and dreaming of getting the kids to college and done and then getting geared up for retirement. It's a long way off but time sure has a way of flying by!


          Time is FLYING by . . . so true Frances. At least this last month and a half where I have made SIGNIFICANT changes in my daily weekday routine (not always every weekend or vacation time but even that has been cut way down) I feel like I am able to focus on the little things so much better. I think that AL turned me somewhat manic! I'd charge around the house, starting random projects, certainly not always finishing them and many times not even remembering what I started! Don't miss that. Then I'd wake up feeling groggy and unproductive until it was 5pm and time to do it all over again. UGH.

          This is so much better. I've started several things that I've always wanted to do (the music being one) and I'm DOING IT. Did yoga again today.

          Frances, I too am starting to panic (just a little, maybe its the wrong word) on what I will do when my oldest leaves in two years. Yes, I overthink but that is me. And knowing my little homebody, he may just want to stay here and commute to college. So finding new interests that work for me has been helping that anxiety just a bit.

          Blue, sing us a song to kick off the weekend!! Take care - AG


            I LOVE the get-it-done attitude AG! I need to get more of that going on in my life. I think about things so much but I always have trouble converting that into doing. It's a significant problem for me. I know I can change that - just look what I've been able to do with alcohol! But it takes discipline and I just haven't been able to get it yet. I think I'd be a lot happier if I were doing those things that I want to do, whether it's cleaning/organizing, or getting together with friends, or volunteering. All of these things I think about all of the time. Jeez....I've gotta Just Do It!


              Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
              Time is FLYING by . . . so true Frances. At least this last month and a half where I have made SIGNIFICANT changes in my daily weekday routine (not always every weekend or vacation time but even that has been cut way down) I feel like I am able to focus on the little things so much better. I think that AL turned me somewhat manic! I'd charge around the house, starting random projects, certainly not always finishing them and many times not even remembering what I started! Don't miss that. Then I'd wake up feeling groggy and unproductive until it was 5pm and time to do it all over again. UGH.

              This is so much better. I've started several things that I've always wanted to do (the music being one) and I'm DOING IT. Did yoga again today.

              Frances, I too am starting to panic (just a little, maybe its the wrong word) on what I will do when my oldest leaves in two years. Yes, I overthink but that is me. And knowing my little homebody, he may just want to stay here and commute to college. So finding new interests that work for me has been helping that anxiety just a bit.

              Blue, sing us a song to kick off the weekend!! Take care - AG

              As soon as I figure out how to I will AG! lol


       far back as I can remember I've always had trouble finishing what I start....and I've had some pretty good starts.....hmmmmm????


                  Happy Saturday! Blue, same problem but sometimes I don't even get started

                  I'm doing better these past few days. Finally put those shelves up in the hallway that I've been meaning to do for ages. And cleaned off the top of the dresser that's been piled high with stuff. Yeah! I think I want to do the kitchen drawers and cabinets next. If I keep this up I will be surprised and happy. That's the 'around the house' stuff I fret about...I also want to start doing more socially. I'm fairly introverted so that part is harder for me. Unfortunately, I'm not very happy just being by myself like most introverts - but I'm frequently shy and insecure in groups until I get really comfortable. Ugh. I feel like I'm still a kid sometimes that way. I'm sure that's part of the reason I drank so much.

                  Hope everyone is feeling and doing well today! I am running some things out to donate to Goodwill and then have a fundraiser event to go to. Have a good one!


                    Happy Saturday all! Frances you are inspiring me to tackle some house projects today!! Funny, those stress me out too. There is always that list in my head.

                    We have one son at a weekend campout and one son home this weekend. We are taking him out to dinner tonight to celebrate him. He has been working so hard at being 15, just got his drivers permit, had an awesome semester at school, keeping up in his musical endeavors. We are really proud of him.

                    I NEED TO GET SOME STEPS IN TODAY!! Enjoy - AG


                      Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed your time with your son AG -taking him out to dinner was such a nice idea! My productive weekend is over - worked a long day yesterday but this evening I'll be home earlier - will try to do at least one productive thing every evening during the week when I'm home. I like that goal - it will make me feel better about my weeks - so many days always fly by and the same old 'to-dos' not getting done.

                      The weather has been quite a bit warmer lately. I'd love it if we didn't get any more temps below freezing. One big snow is enough for me!

                      Hope everyone's doing OK out there!


                        Hey guys! Sounds like y'all had a good productive weekend. My hubby is on vacation until next Monday.....we've been chillin watching movies eating good (he's been doing all the cooking....and he can really cook)!!!
                        I've been pretty good with not over doing it...,I really took it easy yesterday....didn't sleep well at all last night....was up until about 5am.....back up around 8:30. Plus these allergies are acting up like crazy....having to take the benadryl throughout the day and at night....and I'm back to using my inhaler all throughout too. I'm afraid of having another severe asthma I'm being quite vigilant.
               did the dinner go with your son?

                        Hope everybody is having a successful day!


                          Hi all - Blue, that post made me hungry!! Seen any good movies lately?? We watched "Meet the Patels" on Netflix last Saturday. It started out a little weird but we both ended up really enjoying it at the end. Its a documentary so you have to like that style. I thought it was funny.

                          Saturday dinner went well! It is always fun to focus on one kid at a time. He ate so much he toppled over in the booth. At least we got him full for a little while.

                          I had a few beers with a girlfriend on Friday early evening then none since. I was REALLY DOWN on Sunday, I'm not sure why. Just hit me like a ton of bricks and nothing was helping. My hubby was out of town for about 6 hours so maybe I was reacting to that? Wanted that wine? Anyway, I powered through it but it was tough. I'm not sure if the Friday night consumption was a factor or not, but I felt fine on Saturday and wasn't feeling down at all . . . you'd think it would be the next day if it was related?? What I was down about was not AL but the stuff my visits to my therapist is stirring up. More relationship with spouse stuff. If the down feeling keeps up, I may have to try to get 30 days in. Longest stretch I've done is 14 in a row in December. Ah . . . I am still just trying to figure this stuff out. So much analysis but that's me.

                          Thanks for letting me vent. I hope you have a great rest of your week! AG


                            Hi – no big news here. Things going along pretty well. I’ve been slacking at work so I need to get focused. Anyone have any good tips for that?

                            I haven’t watched any ‘new’ movies lately but I watched an older one last weekend – ‘Crash’ from 2004/2005 time frame. It was very good – intense.

                            Sorry you were feeling down, AG. I hate when those moods hit and I don’t know why. I’ve been feeling kind of blah lately but not necessarily ‘down’. Sometimes hashing through difficult subjects can do that. Not drinking might not help, but it certainly will not make things worse! I’d say give it a try and see what happens!

                            How was drinking with your friend? Did you have to restrain compared to how you’ve been in the past?

                            I’m going to a happy hour this evening, but I think I might not drink anything. It’s been almost two weeks since my last time. Not that I would feel bad drinking, just honestly don’t really feel like it. At least not now. This is not a ‘friends’ happy hour but a farewell gathering for someone I work with who I don’t know well at all nor do I know the people who will be there very well.

                            Blue – glad you’re doing well with not drinking as much. I sure hope you don’t have more major asthma troubles too!

                            Well, back to work - talk to y'all soon!


                              Stopping in to say hello and hope you all have a great weekend! I'm going to open a checking account for my 17 year old today and start working with him more on financial management. He doesn't have a job but hopefully he will this summer between high school and university! My husband and I will put money in the account for gas, spending and he'll have to manage with that amount. He doesn't spend much so it won't be a big problem - he's pretty low key and stays home most nights. I hope he transitions to college OK - one of his friends last year wasn't happy and I remember someone commented to me that he was a homebody before he went to is my son...hmmmm. Well, we'll see. My son will play baseball if he gets in to the school he wants to so that should help a lot with connecting with people.

                              It turns out that I did have one drink at the happy hour and sat with people and talked. It was fine. I do often think 'if only one why not none' (AG I think you or TMH mentioned that not too long ago) - I agree with that, but still sometimes one is nice.

                              My two year anniversary is coming up at the end of this month (9 months AF, 1 year 3 months moderating with not a single overdrinking episode). I'm thrilled and proud.


                                Originally posted by actiongirl46 View Post
                                Hi all - Blue, that post made me hungry!! Seen any good movies lately?? We watched "Meet the Patels" on Netflix last Saturday. It started out a little weird but we both ended up really enjoying it at the end. Its a documentary so you have to like that style. I thought it was funny.

                                Saturday dinner went well! It is always fun to focus on one kid at a time. He ate so much he toppled over in the booth. At least we got him full for a little while.

                                I had a few beers with a girlfriend on Friday early evening then none since. I was REALLY DOWN on Sunday, I'm not sure why. Just hit me like a ton of bricks and nothing was helping. My hubby was out of town for about 6 hours so maybe I was reacting to that? Wanted that wine? Anyway, I powered through it but it was tough. I'm not sure if the Friday night consumption was a factor or not, but I felt fine on Saturday and wasn't feeling down at all . . . you'd think it would be the next day if it was related?? What I was down about was not AL but the stuff my visits to my therapist is stirring up. More relationship with spouse stuff. If the down feeling keeps up, I may have to try to get 30 days in. Longest stretch I've done is 14 in a row in December. Ah . . . I am still just trying to figure this stuff out. So much analysis but that's me.

                                Thanks for letting me vent. I hope you have a great rest of your week! AG

                                Hey AG....hope you're feeling better today. Did you figure out why you were down? Glad your dinner went good!
                                I don't have cable or Netflix but we have a HUGE dvd collection. I've never seen meet the patels...sounds interesting.

