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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Originally posted by frances View Post
    Hi – no big news here. Things going along pretty well. I’ve been slacking at work so I need to get focused. Anyone have any good tips for that?

    I haven’t watched any ‘new’ movies lately but I watched an older one last weekend – ‘Crash’ from 2004/2005 time frame. It was very good – intense.

    Sorry you were feeling down, AG. I hate when those moods hit and I don’t know why. I’ve been feeling kind of blah lately but not necessarily ‘down’. Sometimes hashing through difficult subjects can do that. Not drinking might not help, but it certainly will not make things worse! I’d say give it a try and see what happens!

    How was drinking with your friend? Did you have to restrain compared to how you’ve been in the past?

    I’m going to a happy hour this evening, but I think I might not drink anything. It’s been almost two weeks since my last time. Not that I would feel bad drinking, just honestly don’t really feel like it. At least not now. This is not a ‘friends’ happy hour but a farewell gathering for someone I work with who I don’t know well at all nor do I know the people who will be there very well.

    Blue – glad you’re doing well with not drinking as much. I sure hope you don’t have more major asthma troubles too!

    Well, back to work - talk to y'all soon!

    Frances.....I just watched Crash the other day too....good movie!


      I have a job interview on Tuesday for a retail job. I don't really want to do retail but that's all I'm qualified for....and we need the money right now. I only want 20-25 hours if they work with me on that this could possibly be a good move. The last job I had at the liquor store was suppose to be 20-25 hours but by the time I left it was 38 most weeks and almost every weekend. So I couldn't do much. I was miserable. least I'll be out of the house....that will definitely cut back on the
      Hope everybody is having a successful day!


        Hi all, happy weekend! Since I started playing keyboard in the church band, Saturday mornings are my only day to be lazy. I can't give that up now can I??? Its noon here and I'm still in my pjs but will have to rally soon.

        Well, the down mood only lasted a few days. Better now. It was due to things that I'm working on with the therapist. Basically, I am learning that I use AL to numb out my feelings and opinions with difficult relationships. For example, I wouldn't even think of calling my mom (I love her so much but some of our interactions can be challenging : ) without having a glass of wine in hand. If she said something I didn't agree with, I'd just take a sip and agree, stuffing down the anger. Then have more after the call.

        I am learning I am a highly sensitive and empathetic person, I see a lot of gray. Apparently, not everyone is like that! Who knew??!!! So instead of being myself and letting those who don't see as much gray and have more judgement on situations or people, just deal with how I think, I hide that part of myself at times to keep the peace. AL, especially in the last few years when it has gotten out of control, has played a very big role in that. WHEW! Sorry if TMI but it feels good to get it out somewhere.

        Frances, having a few beers with my friend felt great. I think that is my goal if I can accomplish it without over-drinking. We shall see as I haven't been as successful as you have been. Yet. : ) I was not the one that said why one (I think that was on Newbie Nest). I have had one beer while my friends have a few more and it feels just right to me.

        Blue - For me, having work is a good thing. I actually like to work : ) as it helps give my mind something to do. I also need some kind of schedule or I'd be very very lazy. And probably a drunk!! Good luck to you on finding something that works for you!! Let us know how it goes.

        Take care all - AG


          Happy Monday everyone and I wish you all a great day and week! I'm tired and not looking forward to going back to work today. I've been having a heck of a time staying focused at work. Hopefully this will be a fresh start and I can get on track.

          How did the interview go Blue?


            Originally posted by frances View Post
            Happy Monday everyone and I wish you all a great day and week! I'm tired and not looking forward to going back to work today. I've been having a heck of a time staying focused at work. Hopefully this will be a fresh start and I can get on track.

            How did the interview go Blue?

            Well....I went to the interview....but it wound up being the wrong store. I applied for a store close to my house...but the store I was suppose to be at was miles away.....actually two buses from my house. I would have needed to be available for all shifts..,,they close to 10pm. Hubby would have been able to pick me up sometime but other than that I would have to wait until two buses in a not so good part of time. I've started different businesses before so I was thinking about selling something on't tried that yet. Plus my children said they would pay me a little something to we'll see.
            Hope everybody is having a successful day.....evening lol


              Aww that's too bad Blue - that must have been frustrating too! Doesn't sound like it was the right fit. Hopefully some of these other things will work out for you!

              hope everyone's doing OK. I finally had a couple of decent days at work, and also heard that my son got accepted at his number one school choice so we are so happy for him. Everything is flying by I can't believe he graduates high school in just a few short months! Yikes!


                Sorry to hear about the job Blue! Hopefully something else will turn up soon.

                Things are good here. I've been really enjoying the extra time to go to the gym, yoga class, music, etc. since I don't down a bottle of wine every night. Good grief, what a waste.

                Frances, that is great news for your son!! How exciting. We are just starting down that path with my oldest (he will be a junior next year) and I am already terrified!!!! : )


                  AG you sound great! Yes, I agree - what a waste all that time spent on drinking was (not to mention money!).

                  Thanks for the congrats about my son! We are going out dinner tonight to celebrate. I'm so proud of the young man he has become. You are in good shape if you get stuff figured out now - we didn't really do much until the very end of his junior year and into the early part of senior year. Thankfully he knew he didn't want to go too far from home so that made what few school visits we did pretty easy.


                    Ah . . . good advice!! We have not really started figuring stuff out yet but this is a great prompt. I hope you had a wonderful dinner. Lots to be proud of!


                      Hi guys! What did you all do for Valentine's Day?
                      Hubby had to work til 6pm.....but he came home and made me steak...lobster tail...baked potato and salad....and a bottle of champagne. I had already had a couple of drinks before he came home and a beer and shot after dinner.....and called it a night.
                      Hope everybody had to successful Tuesday!


                        Hi Blue! I didn't do much for valentines day but we got my daughter a pandora ring - cute and she LOVED it which is so nice. We had celebrated my son's acceptance to his top choice the night before at Sakura - had a great time. He applied to four schools and got into all four. the one he wants to go to is private and expensive so we are trying to see what scholarships he can get. Fun stuff! So far so good today - found some frozen gravy from a roast I cooked awhile ago, and decided to use that to cook a roast tonight for dinner - hope it turns out, I've always done the gravy and everything the same day...if it turns out I will know to always make extra and freeze it...then all you have to do is put the roast in it and cook it low and slow :-)

                        I'll let you know how it turns out!


                          The roast turned out well...All I had to do was sear the meat and put it in the pan with the sauce I already had and bake. Easy peasy! I was very pleased!

                          Hope everyone's doing great..AG I miss seeing your posts here and in the nest - - Everything OK?


                            Glad your roast turned out good Frances! I'm not big on jewelry....what is a Pandora ring?

                            AG....where are you?

                            The Lord lifted one of our burdens the other day....we finally got a new car!!! It's a 2006 Kia Sedona!!!! We had a 1996 Jeep broke down for the last time and my hubby being a mechanic and his mechanic friends said it was too rusted out to put another dime into. Our credit was shot but there's a program through the car dealership that's works on building your credit back up. So we have a car note but at least hubby can get to work!

                            Hope everybody is having a successful day!!!


                              Hi guys - I'm on a work trip so haven't had much time to check in this week. I have not been very well behaved . . . so back to square one for me. Its depressing. I know I'll get back into a good routine when I get home. I should be home later tonight.



                                Sorry to hear things haven't gone the way you would have liked AG - hope you can get back on track soon...Glad to see you here!

                                Blue - Pandora is a jewelry line - it is very popular - a lot of bracelets and charms but also some rings and I'm sure other things. I got my daughter the princess ring. It's cute - was about $50. A lot of their stuff is pretty pricey but some is not too bad.

                                I'm happy for you about the car! Hopefully it will be a double blessing and allow you to get your credit back on track too!

                                I'm home alone for the next few hours. Not sure what I'll do - probably some laundry and TV. Woohoo I'm livin' it up!

                                My husband and I went out to dinner last night with a couple of friends. We had a nice time - good food and conversation. They are big drinkers and I think my drinking so slowly held them back a little. We were there three hours and I had a cocktail before dinner and one wine with dinner and then one wine afterwards - everyone was ready to go and I still had half a glass of wine left. In the old days I would have had more than that for sure! Felt fine and no desire for more. That makes me happy :happy2:

                                Hope you guys are having a good weekend!

