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I don't want to be totally AF......,

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    Ok, well today I have decided to start the Military Diet and it does NOT incl alcohol! One of our Starters recently lost 30# in one month on it. Like he said to me you can do anything for one week.
    Took a walk down to where we are storing some furniture as we had to get BR set in front of garage. Guy coming this afternoon to buy it. Called an auction guy about our dining room set. They will come & pick up and take 50%. Had to send him pics, now waiting to hear if they will take it.
    Frances, you want to join me? Timing is good for me as I need to be clear headed and have energy to clean out closets, etc.
    Here's to Day 1.
    The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


      Hi everyone - TMH ...."to Day 1!" Good luck to you! I will give that diet some thought - if I do, it will start tomorrow - I have a baseball banquet for my son tonight and paid a lot for the ticket so i don't want to restrict myself at that! It would be awesome to lose a few pounds, especially now at the start of summer!

      AG - you are very right, who we hang out with definitely makes a difference! I have always had drinking friends but like you, I'm sure I can find others out there who don't drink!

      Hope everyone has a great weekend - I've been working on a slide show for the banquet tonight - i think it's OK I hope everyone likes it!!

      Stay strong all!


        What is the military diet? Well, I guess I could google it!! Why that one TMH?? Just curious . . .


          AG - because I usually do Fast 5 or Alternate Day Diet, & not working for me right now. Dh is back on F5, & he is saying the same thing. I googled it and thought it looked quite doable. It's a 3 day menu, rinse & repeat. I lost 1/2# each day. So having my 3rd day breakfast of 5 saltine crackers, slice of cheddar and small apple.tomorrow I play golf, & will go in with friends for lunch. Suppose to have 1/2 cup tuna and slice of toast. Will order a scoop of tuna or chicken salad & substitute fruit for the toast. Probably better not to tweak, but I will have burned a fair amount of calories playing 18 holes. Not nearly what some of the apps tell you, but it takes 4 hours & I try to walk to my ball rather than always ride.

          How's everyone doing? Good weekends?

          The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


            Frances, how did the slide show turn out?
            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


              Hi there! The slide show turned out great, thanks for asking! I did a section at the end for each senior with toddler-age pictures and pics of them as they grew up - and then now...played "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts during it and I'm pretty sure all of the senior families were teary! I also had side-by-sides of 'then and now' and that was fun because they were baseball pics so a kid pitching at age 10 and then pitching now at age 18, or getting ready to bat - little and big side by really showed how they are basically men now. That part was my favorite.

              I looked at the diet - thinking about doing it. I think being told what to eat would be very helpful for me! (but I haven't quite committed to it you can see lol...)


                Good job. Frances! Bet they did appreciate it. BTW, I looked at the diet again. Totally misunderstood it. Yes, you do the diet for 3 days, THEN you eat normally for 4 days but not going over 1500 calories on off days, then back to the 3 day diet. So it is kind of like intermittent fasting or ADF.
                Under FAQ people brought up alcohol. Answer was yes could have it but you won't lose as fast. Duh.
                Decisions. Think I'll go thru one more 3 day cycle, adding a day, then take weekend off thru Tues as friends invited us for dinner that Tues night. Lasagna so definitely not fitting in to those high protein days. But that would work well for setting stage for going back on plan come Wed.
                Ok, need to put Flylady hat on and get some cleaning done.
                The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                  TMH - Flylady - Yet another inspirational thing you've mentioned here! Laundry is my nemesis and just like with dieting I just cannot seem to get past thinking about doing something to actually doing it! The stupid laundry always winds up to be a mountain before I tackle it. when oh when will I diet and do the laundry more regularly? :exclaim: I guess thinking about it is the first step? Look at how long I thought about changing my drinking before I did it!

                  My mom has her 80th birthday soon - we are planning a party in just a couple of weeks - I'm really looking forward to it! Mom was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer late last year so we feel blessed that she has reached this birthday and especially since she feels very good right now and her treatment is working. Yeah!

                  Off to my daughter's playoff game tonight - hope they win! Son's team lost on Monday so they are done. His last high school game. It was pretty emotional for both the kids and the parents.

                  How is everyone? AG it's been a few days - hope you're well!


                    Happy Friday everyone! the sun is really shining here and it's the first time in a very long time that we've had a bright sunny morning - it's nice! I have so much going on over the next two weeks it's gonna be crazy. My daughter's softball team lost their playoff game so that's done, but there's still her end of season banquet to go to and I volunteered to do the slide show! it is so worth it in the end but it takes quite a bit of work getting together. I'm hoping since I just did one for my son that it will go faster than usual. That, along with planning for my mom's birthday party and my son's graduation, is going to make for a very busy week! Oh yes, and I'm seeing my best friend this weekend for the day on Sunday - looking forward to it, but there goes getting anything done on that day!

                    TMH I'm thinking I might start with the military diet on Monday!

                    Have a great Friday everyone - stay strong!


                      Hi - well last night was kind of a bust. Invited over to friends who just moved to new place. Had a drink, got a tour. Then we all went out to dinner. Some wine with dinner. Wished we had stopped there but because other friends drove and also had coupons for buy 1 dinner, get half off of other one, we invited them in for a nightcap. Now they only had 1 mile to drive home, 25 mile speed limit. Wished I Would have had water, but had 1 more glass of wine. Ugh! Over and done, new day & will do better.
                      What happened to Blue? Hi AG, Frances. Frances, let me know if you decide to do,the diet tomorrow. Highly recommend doing just the 3 days, then 4 days off. Otherwise, you get sick of the food. Good luck!
                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        Hi TMH - I have done a sort of 'modified' version. I'm not sticking to it completely but it has helped me limit especially at breakfast and lunch and then dinner I've just had very small portion of whatever I've eaten. I did it Saturday, skipped sunday (blues festival) and am back on today. I'll keep it up today through Wednesday and then allow a bit more but still diet the rest of the week and we shall see where that gets me! It feels good to have cut down on eating - I have been through a phase lately where I am eating whatever I want and obviously that led to me gaining ~8 pounds!

                        The blues festival was fun but boy oh boy did my friend drink too much. I'm so glad I didn't overdo it - she was in very bad shape. thinking back, I'm just not sure when the switch came from her being pretty OK to being completely shitfaced and out of control. I feel like she went to the bathroom and I'm wondering if she had more to drink when I wasn't with her. Who knows? Anyway, it was near the one year anniversary of her mom's passing, and I know she has a lot of issues with that. But as we know, drinking like that doesn't help anything and only hurts due to how we feel later.

                        It's so quiet here TMH, blue hasn't been here in ages - I sure hope she's OK. AG hasn't checked in for a little bit either...I hope she has not decided to stop trying!


                          Hello to anyone out there reading this! It's going to be a long week, with tons to do. We have a sports awards night at my daughter's school this evening - we know she's getting an award, just don't know specifically what - she plays two sports, and has done very well on both teams. Well, we will find out tonight! My son's award night (at a different school) is also tonight. I'm torn. I don't think he's getting an award and so I'd like to go to my daughter's but I don't want son to feel left out. He says he doesn't mind he's going to be sitting with the baseball team anyway. Then Thursday is her softball team banquet. Wednesday and Friday will be planning and shopping for mom's birthday party and then a softball tournament on the weekend. busy busy.

                          My friend decided to miss work yesterday. I can only imagine that she felt terrible. Glad it wasn't me!

                          Hope everyone is doing well!


                            Frances, you are doing so well controlling, and I know you had empathy for your friend. Yes, busy week for you.
                            I am on last day of 4 days off of diet. Invited to friends for dinner. She is making lasagna, and made statement that it's something she can make ahead of time "so that she can drink with all of us". I do not want to be your friend! Last night I had 1 drink, and feel great this a.m. Did not sleep worth a darn. But am enjoying the extreme difference of not having too much.
                            Guess it's you and me here. Do you know what happened to All Done Drinking. She started on Mods thread as Eve11. Then she decided to go AF. Had/has good insight.
                            Off to play golf. Have a nice Tuesday!
                            The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                              Hi all . . . sorry to be MIA for the last few weeks! We were hosting a German teacher which completely shot any down time. Of course, she and I did it up last night.

                              I have had in my mind that I would wait to start being healthy until she left. What an idiot but that is the truth. Anyway, the day is here now. Hubs is also a little fed up with me which is probably a good thing to keep me accountable. He decided that since I was buying wine at our grocery store (the small camping box) and that our German friend was here that he would bring back the big box from Costco to "save money". There is still one full one left. Ugh. Any tips?? If I dump it out, he will have a FIT.

                              Frances, you have a lot going on!! A lot of "lasts" this time of year. I'm proud of you for staying strong. Thanks for the blues festival story too . . . its a good reminder of how bad it can get. Do you and your friend talk about AL?

                              TMH, I wish you could teach me how to play golf! It looks like fun and good exercise. Good luck on your diet efforts! That is not easy and I've never been able to do it. Obviously!!

                              Hang in there - AG


                                Hey there AG good to see you! I know how it is putting off doing what needs to be done! We all do that at some point. It was nice of your husband, but maybe you could just return it to Costco? They'd probably take it back no problem. That way you're not wasting. Or is it already open? In that case, I would either give it away or dump it. You don't want to drink it and I wonder if he might ultimately understand.

                                I don't talk much with my friend about AL but we have a long past with it. It came up once when I was saying that I've gained weight and it's because I've been eating anything I want and she asked if anything has changed...I said well, I rarely drink anymore so that probably has something to do with it. We don't get to see each other too often so she was not aware of this. She didn't follow up with any additional questions! I think she just doesn't want to talk about it - I'm certain she knows she has a problem. She definitely drinks A LOT. It was nice to think 'that used to be me'. Especially gong to the wine store and hearing her talk about all the wine she buys. 2+ years ago, I bought at least a bottle a day and often more. Wow that is so hard to believe that now I only get it if we're having company.

                                TMH you are right - you don't want to be like my friend...she was that girl, the out of control, sloppy, not fun, drunk girl. I've been there and would be happy to never be there again! But I hope you control your drinking and have a lovely dinner at your friend's house!

                                I used to golf years ago - maybe when the kids are out of the house I will start up again! I liked it when I did it.
                                Last edited by frances; May 24, 2016, 11:23 AM.

