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Alcohol/Healing the Body

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    Alcohol/Healing the Body

    Candida from antibiotics and alcohol

    Dr. G.;832779 wrote: So, I'm quite happy that the writing I did on alcoholism has been received positively and given some people a new view, new understanding, and....some new ways out.
    At the request of someone working at The Light Connection, I turned the articles into a book, which is called: THE LITTLE BOOK: Strategies for Healing Alcoholism. Alcoholism can be Cured, but in the general media and 12-step programs, the words Alcoholism and Cure don't appear in the same sentence.
    Thank you for your post. I wanted to ask you about the affects of antibiotics and alcohol on Candida. About 8 years ago I managed to quit drinking, but I was still smoking cigarettes. I managed to quit smoking a few years later so I guess it's been about five years since I quit those nasty things. Throughout my years I've had a lot of sinus congestion which has led to doctors prescribing me all kinds of antibiotics. I recently read that I could very likely have Candida going on. I can relate to a lot of the symptoms.
    I just went to the suplements store and got some treatments for it. I'm a little bit uncertain about the required anti-Candida diet, not sure if I can cut out sugar, cheese, bread, fruit and all that. Is it true that whenever I eat sugar it will just keep the Candida going strong?

    I also wanted to comment on your saying that Alcoholism and Cure don't appear in the same sentence in 12 step programs or the general media. Could that have anything to do with the statement I've heard that if anything is called "a cure" that doesn't involve surgery or patented prescription drugs it becomes "illegal" to the FDA, AMA and FTC? Is it true that the AMA was started to fight the Chiropractic and Wholistic health practiioners?

    I hope I'm not starting any conflicts by mentioning these things. Right now I'm kind of miffed about being prescribed all those antibiotics if they've led to some Candida problem that's going to be a real chore to get over. Maybe it's just something I'll have to accept in order to get through. Acceptance doesn't have to mean approval.

    Thanks for your post.:new:


      Alcohol/Healing the Body

      All of us are prime candida candidates with all the sugars we ingest ... it's a nasty thing, isn't it? You should be miffed, our healthcare in the west is antibiotic happy, that's why we have those killer bugs now, right? Alcohol is like jet fueled sugar, so candida especially loves us drinkers, and I bet has something to do with us continuing to drink.

      So here's what I can contribute: You probably do have candida and maybe some other stuff, like most drinkers, although you may have recovered by now, your ability to absorb nutrients for example. Candida can be addressed by RX of diflucan, and no, one pill will not do it. One pill may work on vaginal yeast, but not whole body involved candida. My doc gave me 6 to be taken over time (forget the protocal she gave), and you'll want to ingest some big amounts of probiotics for a while, and eat it in food as well. lots of nice greek yogurt in your smoothie should help. Good luck!


        Alcohol/Healing the Body

        Thank you, Dr G. For being a member of the Giraffe Club and sticking your neck out. There is definitely an alcohol/sugar/candida connection. As I address these issues one by one, I have found a decrease in sugar and alcohol cravings, a decrease in candida (usu. shows up as a rash on my hands) and an increase in functioning. I'm not completely over the hurdle yet, but am down to 2 drinks a day with no desire to go beyond that.
        The probiotics are a definite MUST! I increased mine and my gut is thanking me. Of course, I cannot share too much of this knowledge, as the mainstream would think I was nuts, but this is a very nice, safe place..........


          Alcohol/Healing the Body

          Dr. G.;832779 wrote:
          Here is to furthering the knowledge, hope, and healing,
          David Gersten MD
          Most importantly, the healing, because that is so often denied possible.


