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Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

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    Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone! Day 19 and really feel pretty good. The weather is supposed to be terrible here today so will probably be in the house for the day. Usually that would bring on the cravings but there are none. That is progress for me. Hope noone is having too hard of a struggle out there today. Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing. Take Care,
    AF SINCE 3/16/2016

    Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

    Morning Aqua and all to follow:
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

      Morning Aqua and all to follow:
      Very dreary here in the Northeast today too....gotta stay positive, spring is right around the corner..yea!
      Talking thru those cravings is key...good for you Aqua, that is progress.... talking to yourself to get thru those urges, becomes part of your daily routine...Oh the conversations I have with myself!!!
      Hope everyone has a good day...
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

        Good Morning Aqua & Char, it seems as though you will have to let MWO brighten your lives today. I wish every Abber today a great sunshine filled AF day! Shine on! :h:h
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

          Hi Aqua and Charlee. All is going amazingly smooth here on Day 6 AF.

          Here's to a good day to you both, and all who are yet to come!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

            Aqua, Char, DG, 4tB,

            Glad to hear you are all doing so well today. I have those internal conversations too. The cravings have been rough the past few days but seem to be subsiding.

            Enjoy another AF day everyone,

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

              Hi Absters: Absolutely talking to ourselves about not drinking is an effective tool. When the cravings are really acute, I also try to remember my worst experiences w/drinking & its aftermath. Then I realize how much better off I am sober.

              I am still struggling w/my son's situation, but now that the shock has worn off, I'm feeling better. It's his burden to carry. I printed out the AA meetings in his area & sent him a $100 check to get his hair cut & some new clothes. I can't do anything else beyond that.

              I still feel it's a miracle that I found MWO. Absolutely nothing was stemming the tide of my alcoholism. It is so essential that I log in here every day & just share & read. I often have my youngest g-son in the AM, & he seems to understand that I need this time at the computer while he watches kids' TV. This crisis w/Jimmy (my son) would be so much worse if I was still drinking.

              The other night I got a flat tire (oh those terrible potholes here in the NE USA). I was right near the home of a dear friend & rang her doorbell. After I called the towing service, she & I sat down & had a cup of tea. It was so restorative. I glanced at the table in her living room where she keeps her liquor bottles...she's a normal drinker...I would have cleaned that table off in a few days. A few months ago, I would have longed for a nice big shot of something (Irish or Scotch), but now the tea was fine.

              This is not to imply that I'm beyond cravings & urges. I've slipped after long periods of AF days. I know in the blink of an eye, I could be right back in the liquor store. In other words, I will not let my guard down. I'm just amazed & happy that I'm getting through this crisis w/Jimmy sober.

              I just want to let everyone know that Sat., Mar. 22, I'll be away from a computer for a week. I'll be going to help my very aged parents in another section of the USA. I'll be thinking of you all & will be back at the very end of March or beginning of April.

              I'll be here tomorrow &/or Fri. if I can. Love, Mary

              PS: I filled in all zeroes in DrinkTracker to the end of March in anticipation of another AF month. How's that for being confident?!

              PPS: Wisdom, Courage, Strength

              PPPS: Hi Cindi...Hope you're OK.
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                Happy Wed ABeroonies!!!

                Mary, we'll miss you. the light will be on and you know it!

                I'm really lucky so far, day 42 and no real cravings of any kind. wierd. had a nice quiet night in the hotel room chatting and cruising the forum and getting work done. Back on the road again so I better pack up my things and get out of here. My confindence level has improved so very much after going AF. I'm just not jittery or nervous. Yeah!

                Be well my friends
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                  Determinator that's great 42 day's....I'm on day 14 and have not had any cravings so far..I feel so good about my progress. I haven't gone this long AF in 8 yrs. I'm taking Kudzu and L-Glut I know that's what is helping me because I've tried to quiet before and the cravings
                  were so bad.
                  Retteacher good luck with your Son and finising March A/F I know you can do it.



                    Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                    Thanks for the support everyone. We're getting through this. My husband & I have different ways of dealing w/this, but we are talking things through (thanks to my sobriety).

                    Deter: It's so gratifying to hear about how well sobriety is working for you. I guess it was just time for you to pack it in w/the drinking. It's hard to believe that you have no must have been so ready for this. Also, that last experience you had w/drinking seems to have been the clincher. I hope something similar for my son Jimmy.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                      Hi Mary! Just wanted to congratulate you on your resolve to stay AF through this stressful situation with your son. You seem to have a good perspective on things. I hope he turns it around. I'm sure we'll post together before you leave, but in case not have a safe trip to your parents home. Congratulations on your AF month of March!

                      Deter, congratulations on Day 42. I used to travel a lot on business and I can't even imagine trying to adjust to AF while staying in hotels. (I'm sure you know the drill just like I do - all too well!) You sound really terrific and you are inspiring me to be an AF'er. Well, and I also think of you and Dx every time I cook for me and Mr. Doggy with lots of garlic. (often)

                      Jaded congrats on Day 14! I'm looking forward to getting two full weeks behind me. I too like the Kudzu and L-Glut. I've posted this a couple different places, but in case you haven't seen it, I've added the GABA from MWO, and for me that seems to make things work even better. Might be worth a try. It seems to give me a little mood lift or something. Anyway, ROCK ON!!

                      I'm happy to have officially started on Day 7 at 3PM. I'm looking forward to 3PM tomorrow - 1 week exactly since pouring out the Voddy. I hope the weather is nice so I can go back to that spot and reflect on why I'm doing this!

                      Have a great rest of the day ABers..

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                        DG: That first week is very pivotal in terms of sobriety. I really think the worst is behind. After the first 30 days, I felt that shift: "Hey, I think I can do this." That said: I too have had my slips after over 60 & 100 AF days. Why? I really can't tell you. I let down my guard.

                        I can only say over & over (mostly to myself) that my guard must be up at all times. What did I learn from the slips? I went from 0 - 60 in no time at all. I didn't mess around w/a drink here & there. I was drinking wine out of a coffee cup & finishing the bottle (the big one) in one day. After all that time AF, I was pretty miserably sick. That's what I needed! I do not drink like a normal way.

                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Wednesday-March 19- Daily Thread

                          retteacher;294540 wrote: DG: That first week is very pivotal in terms of sobriety. I really think the worst is behind. After the first 30 days, I felt that shift: "Hey, I think I can do this." That said: I too have had my slips after over 60 & 100 AF days. Why? I really can't tell you. I let down my guard.

                          I can only say over & over (mostly to myself) that my guard must be up at all times. What did I learn from the slips? I went from 0 - 60 in no time at all. I didn't mess around w/a drink here & there. I was drinking wine out of a coffee cup & finishing the bottle (the big one) in one day. After all that time AF, I was pretty miserably sick. That's what I needed! I do not drink like a normal way.

                          I'm right there with you Mary. I can't drink like a "normal" person either. I suppose in some way it was inevitable that after 60 days, I had to "experiment" with that notion of just one. Why do I insist on learning everything the hard way? (well, not everything thank goodness..) I KNEW what kind of adicted drinker I was when I was searching for programs and settled on MWO. Oh well. It's water under the bridge at this point. I suppose falling off and not being able to muster up the energy to get right back to it was probably just what I needed. Now I know better.

                          Thakns for all the words of wisdom you always share with us!!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

