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Tuesday 8th April

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    Tuesday 8th April

    Det, very interesting about the eyesight. Just came back from my yearly "peepers" checked and it was the first time ever my eyesight actually improved....
    Another little interesting thing.......I have always been a size 7 shoe, can buy them anywhere, internet, discount, finer shoe store, doesn't matter...straight 7....Went to 3 different stores today and all the 7's were big!!!! feet are shrinking!!!!.....hmmmmm, lack of water weight????
    sobriety date 11-04-07


      Tuesday 8th April

      Ms. Oct: If you can begin to string together AF days, your body is going to say: "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I too drank a bottle of wine per night (almost), & my poor body got used to it (sort of). Now that I've stopped, I still can't believe the way I functioned either half-drunk or hung-over. Now that I'm 63, I just cannot do it any more. Keep stringing together one AF day after the other. After a while the exact number becomes less & less important. It took a long while for my body to completely heal. Everything (blood pressure, gastro-intestinal, head, etc.) was completely messed up from constantly feeding poison (booze) to myself. I have my fingers crossed. Love, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Tuesday 8th April

        Hi just popping in while hubby is watching the football......

        Beck, whatever you do, take special care at the moment, I'm concerned about whatever it takes....I find reading really motivates me....this one I'm reading now (Mother's Ruin by Nicola Barry), there's paragraphs that could have been written about my mam. I'm reading it and so much of it rings true - its like reading a diary of my mam's life although as a little girl I was never exposed to mam being drunk, its only the last 15+ years things have got out of control. Reading it I feel so so sad but at the same time, so so determined that, just like Nicola, I'm determined to throw off mam's legacy. So, do whatever it takes to stay in control....keep that picture in your head of what it was like when you were drinking.

        Charlee, its good to see you again - you made me laugh with your shrinking feet!!! What??

        Miss October - I am so pleased about your results!!!!!!! Thats great news, really great. Our health is so important and we are wondering whether to put poison down our throats. Why do we do it??

        Mary, hope the grandchildren are being good for you!!!

        Love to everyone dear friends.

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Tuesday 8th April

          Hi Everyone, I'm on late because my computer is totally messed up and either won't go online or boots me off in the middle of being online. I'm hoping I can get something in right now before it throws me off again.
          janice - You are really getting up there- Day 42, that's great. You sound really good. Tomorrow you will have surpassed where you stopped before- that is an accomplishment.
          Kaddy- CONGRATULATIONS ON 30 DAYS!!!!!!!!That is huge. Believe me I know how hard it can be to get that far. Keep it up and keep on going! Do something nice for yourself today.
          I actually bought myself a little present on 30 Days.
          Seto- My heart goes out to you. I have been in your shoes. I don't think there is any one "right" way to get yourself off of AL. It is just very difficult in the beginning. But you know truly just the really thinking and soul searching you are doing right now is a significant part of progress. I see where your doctor is coming from in telling you to not go cold turkey, although is probably isn't good to mix those ADs and the alcohol. But in reality you have to choose some goals that you can actually achieve right now. Maybe 30 days is just too daunting an expectation. How about a week or even 24 hours. I think if you have a little bit of success it can really help to get the ball rolling. But constantly feeling like you are unable to do it can be so very depressing and undermining. I t has taken me many many little stretches of AF over about 2 years to feel signicantly stronger. You are not alone and you absolutely can do this. I think you should feel very welcome to come here even if you are not at the same point as others. We are all here to support one another whereever you are in your struggle. Hang in there and think positive. If you can't seem to make it work with how you are approaching it then take a different approach and keep at it.
          Reteacher- That denial is unbelievable isn't it. It is just amazing how you start to feel good and like clockwork you think that you really don't have a problem. I think it takes a long time to really realize that, at least for me it did. It's kind of a sad, scary thing to come to terms with but in the long run probably the key to staying well.Hope the kids are not completely wearing you out.
          Beck- Hang in there. It sounds like you are kind of a little shaky. Remember that it always comes back around. If you can get through those moments of urges they eventually do go away and you will be so happy with yourself if you didn't give in to them.
          Guy- Day 16- you are really racking up the days and you sound like you are feeling really good. Good for you, keep it up!
          I know I haven't included everyone, sorry, but I am afraid I am going to lose the whole post if I don't get it on now with this crazy computer. Hi to everyone I missed! Aquamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


            Tuesday 8th April

            Thanks Aqua and Janice,

            Yes, I am shaky now - no good reason for it. Probably normal when the picture in my head begins to fade. I've actually been considering taking a few days away from MWO. Not to drink but to just not think about my AL issue for a few days. Seems a bit risky, though.

            Charlee, shrinking feet??? That's funny.

            Okay, back to dinner. Sadly, when I most need to be here, I can't

            Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


              Tuesday 8th April

              Beck- I understand your reasoning of staying away for a bit. Sometimes even though I am doing well right now I feel like it is all I think about and it can drive you crazy. Not even thinking with wanting to drink, just the whole subject. You wonder will there be a day when you just don't have it on your mind so much. It can get very tiresome. I think maybe even though we are not all at exactly the same point, we are all still at the very beginning of the road. Do what feels right and good for you. You know you can always jump right back on. Take Care. Aquamarine
              AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                Tuesday 8th April

                Evening all,

                I feel safe now that another evening is almost at a close. Another nail-biter for me but made it.
                I'm thinking of you all and have all day. Otherwise,I'm ashamed to say that I might have had a drink .

                Hope see you all in the a.m.. Have a good night all.



                  Tuesday 8th April


                  Dont you dare be ashamed, you did not have a drink! Awesome! Tomorow will be better!

                  "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

