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Day 5

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    Day 5

    Re: Day 5 - Jane's detox rate

    1584 CALORIES? Holy COW, Batman... Laughing... Thanks CV. I knew I could count on ya!

    Yeah, power shopping is usually waaaaay up there on my prefered "activities" list, but I'm already trembling with the mere thought of my upcomming AMEX bill. So THAT'S out. Big pout.

    How 'bout an activity that's... Oh... I dunno... Interactive? Like... spelling now to keep this PG... S - E - X? How many times would I have to chase hubbie around the couch to really "feel the burn"?

    (Waiving arms frantically) Ohhh coach! Pick me! Send me in coach... I'm willing to do the work... Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes!!! I'm here... selflessly willing to "take one" or multiples even... all for the team, of course...


      Day 5

      Better late than never

      Here's my plan for the rest of July. We are going on vacation on the 23rd, I plan on being abs until then. It'll be a little mini-trial. It's unrealistic to think that I can do this while on vacation at this point in my life, but I am hoping that the hypno/supps will have kicked in so that I am mod on vacation.

      Tonight I'm gonna tell my hubby what I am doing and hope he buys into this. My biggest fear is being bored. Going to the bar is our pastime. I can entertain myself in other ways, but that seems to be my hubby's only hobby. Of course, he doesn't drink like someone is going to take it away from him if he doesn't chug it.

      I don't know if I can do this, but I am going to give it my best shot!



        Day 5

        july 5

        Hi, checking in after a week of non-abs. I tried for 30 AF days, and completed 21 out of 30, not in a row, so that = about 70% = C.
        I prefer to earn higher grades, however, in retropspect, a C is average, and as it was the first time I've ever tried to abs for a month, I gave an average performance. I've been keeping up with the posts daily, just didn't feel like contributing...
        So I'm back...trying mod with AF days included. I wish I were stronger...but I am a very patient person, and am trying to forgive myself for my past excesses. It feels good to "feel like the person I was before"...before all the years of stress and fear and disappointment that I've been covering with alcohol....I continue to feel blessed with you wonderful people supporting me.....


          Day 5

          Re: july 5

          OK Jane, just for you and I'm ONLY posting the link because it has ALL of the calorie counts for many things and I don't want to "frighten, offend, titillate", etc.

          Here's a pg snippet for you. Calories burned should be per hour. :lol

          Activity group: Motivational context
          Afire with passion 85
          Because there's nothing on TV 37
          Out of guilt 55
          Out of curiosity 73
          Like it was some major emergency 911
          To gather information 411

          Activity group: Foreplay
          Tickling 17
          Licking 24
          Nibbling 28
          Noshing 33
          Sucking 38
          Pleading 19

          Activity group: Timing factor
          Before a big meal 74
          After a big meal 29
          After watching Paris Hilton video 62
          After watching Adam Sandler movie 3


            Day 5

            Re: july 5

            CV... hysterically laughing... tears even... Pogo stick? Plus points for hot fudge??? Snort! Oh my sides... and I'm only halfway through the list!!!

            Annie and Barb? Not to negate where you're at right now... Just let me collect myself and I'll post atcha .... K?

            HOWLING!... Kids are all like, "What? We wanna see!!!"

            Ix-say? Yodelling? OMG... stop... stop...

            CIRCLE JERK?... Well h*ll... I just peed myself


              Day 5

              Re: july 5

              It's good to be back! After some travels and lots of projects I finally am here again. I've read posts from time to time but haven't posted myself in a long time.
              So nice to see new people and to re-see those I miss. I have been pretty good, 42/44 days abs. I did plan to drink on those days, but of course drank like the pig I am. I hate that about myself. I hate lying awake all night because the alcohol won't let you rest. I hate being "called on my **it" because everyone knows I'm not supposed to be drinking. I hate the feelings of regret, shame, dissapoinment and despair that follow a day/night of heavy drinking. But most of all I hate my drinking problem. Of the two times I ventured out none were satisfying at all. Sneaking and hiding is not the way I wish to live.
              I love you all for being a lifeline to me. I know we all need eachother like crazy whether we know it or not.
              Love you guys,


                Day 5

                Re: july 5

                Hey July Abstainers,
                You are all doing so well.
                Deidre,once again your post today was so fitting for me.My life feels very cluttered at this point with house guests,kids here and there,an elderly mother who needs a great deal of attention.
                I have imbibed on two occasions already this month and feel that my "ducks are not lined up properly" to successfully do abs.I will try to moderate as need some control.
                I will read all of your posts daily and hopefully report back in Aug. I need time for inner reflexion when doing abs and just don't have it in me reight now.
                Good luck . I'm rooting for you all. There is so much wisdon and promise in all of your posts.


                  Day 5

                  Re: july 5

                  Ok.......baddddd children!! Interesting though!
                  As you may know, I live on a farm and we have a hoophouse. Indoor garden area....Well....bees can't get in to polinate the plants so guess what I use.........yep........a battery operated vibrator that is about a foot long! Now when my group of lady friends come over for lunch and Bible study, they are verrrrry interested in how my tomatoes get started!:happy

                  Just thought I would give you all a visual funny! :rollin


                    Day 5

                    Re: july 5

                    Ohhh Nancy! :rollin

                    MUCH better idea than the paint brush I used to use!

                    hugs, susan


                      Day 5

                      Re: july 5

                      I am late for roll call but better late than never. And I am AF.


                        Day 5

                        Just wanted to say hello, I'm still here as well. I'm the pregnant one who wrote the novel-length post teh other day - sorry!
                        Anyway, I'm on day 47 of a very loooong abs - until I have baby and finish breastfeeding.
                        I was actually (in a sordid way) sort of looking forward to watching all the drunk people make fools of themselves at a party yesterday (sounds terrible, I know - but helps to make me glad about not drinking when I see that). But I discovered something very disturbing instead. At our parties in the past - I have been that person. Everyone else was just fine. A tiny bit tipsy perhaps, but they were not the double-fisting wastoid lurching around in a stupor that I could be when drinking. In fact, I went to pick up some drinks beforehand at the store (the party was BYOB). I got some juice and water to take. I got home and my husband said "didn't you get any beer for me to take?" and I said "no" and he just shrugged and said "that's fine, I don't really feel like beer anyway" - and without a second thought, spent the entire fourth of July sober. Does that seem strange to anyone else? I was impressed. I want to be that person who can take it or leave it.
                        Thanks for listening! (sorry, I know I talk alot)


                          Day 5


                          Nope....I talk a lot. And I think everyone here likes to listen. : ) Glad your doin so well. Just keep on talkin. Happy preggos to ya hon. Gabby


                            Day 5

                            Hey Everybody,

                            Still on my cleaning rampage. Due to city regulations, I cannot throw out anything heavier than 60 pounds. Well, for the last year and a half I have had this huge couch in my garage, picked to the bones of its comfiness. My sister in law brought her chain saw over and started sawing away. That couch is history!!! Feels so good. I am never going to let the clutter take over again. Have also gotten rid of at least half my clothes.

                            I have moved most - at least 90% - of my school stuff downstairs and am going to start the culling process there, too. My mission this summer is total decluttering - and not drinking. Have been really good there. Today, Day 5 - so good, so far.

                            It is heartening that this process gets easier over time. In the beginning, each attempt at abs felt like failure when I slipped. Yet, those intervening periods of drinking grew longer and longer. May was all abs. Slipped a bit in June, but still had 19 days AF. That's not too bad, for someone starting an almost three month vacation. July, all abs. I can say that with a pretty high degree of certainty - how nice. August - all abs except for NYC!!!

                            So, to all of you who are still new at this - just keep at it. You will so come to love not having hangovers, a good slip will just be one good reminder of why you stopped doing what you were doing. It does get easier. Just come back, fess up, and try not to do it twice:lol Really - two days will make it harder on you ... for the third.

                            Anyway, glad lots of closets getting cleaned - it really pleases me a great deal

