It's a great accomplishment, and it comes with a fringe benefit leads you right into day 2!

So. Welcome to day 2 Flyers! :happy
You guys are awesome. I can't read through posts sometimes without chills going up my spine, or tears welling up in my eyes. Hearing about, and experiencing miracles firsthand, and identifying with others after so much heartbreaking alienation... well it's truly awesome, and for the first time in my life (even before my drinking was a problem) I am understanding, really comprehending that my life is worthwhile - and then some. And I'm happy to be alive... yeah, me. This girl that never knew what the heck people were talking about when they said things like that. Now I know better. I believe in myself and I'm so thankful for that.
SOOOOOO many interesting posts yesterday! I took the day off and went to the beach & out to dinner, but I hope to be able to catch up today with all of you. Welcome again to Matt, and our newbies Kim and Tess and lluf! ...hope I haven't missed anyone... Great to have you all with us! Please don't underestimate your worth here, we want you around whether you are flying high, coasting, or not quite in the air yet - still taxiing on the runway, or still building your plane! (Oh dear, this analogy is getting muddy! :lol I'll blame it on too much sun today!)
Hugs to all!
Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.
-Marilyn Ferguson