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June 2nd

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    June 2nd

    Hiya are we doing today? Hope all is well.Felt really rubbish last night but took my camera out this morning. Got some nice pictures however felt really ropey.when I got home Julie said laughingly it might be covid....did a test and bingo a result. I have a temperature feel as rough as a bag of spanners chesty cough and a few more symptoms but apart from that ok .I will put some pics on fb afterwards. Take care all
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good evening everyone,

    Mick, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for you. Take good care & I hope Julie doesn’t come down with it too. Saw your FB pics, they’re awesome.

    OK day here, cloudy just as promised. We had a few drops of rain during dinner, nothing big. We are amused with the 2 boys cross the road, ages 8 & 10 or 11. They come knock at the door asking to play with Doc in the yard. Good dog sitters are hard to come by these days & Doc seems to love the attention.

    slo, we haven’t heard from you for a few days, hope you’re OK. Cyn, still busy with work & every thing else?
    Hi to Pie, glad you jump on Messenger from time to time. Det had a beautiful pic on FB this morning, a gorgeous dish of food which is right up his alley, Lol
    PQ, hope your weekend has been restful & quiet.

    have` a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae all how are we doing? Hopefully everyone is ok.i don't feel that great today headaches coughing and feel like someone has used me as a football!!strange minute i feel ok ...the next rubbish. I definitely need to take it easy today..Amy says she feels like she's coming out of it now so that's good. Not much of a post so apologies. Have a great day all
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        MAE ALL…had a decent weekend weather wise. Didn’t get up to much which gave me time to do some cooking. Had a couple of decent meals and leftovers for work.

        Mick…Covid again! Geeze, hope you feel better soon. I hope you can avoid giving it to Julie. How frustrating, feeling ok one minute and then rubbish the next. Hope you are getting plenty of rest.

        Lav…I think that’s cute that the boys call on Doc. Good for them. Yes, my weekend was peaceful. The boss ended up taking the day off, his sister (the premiere) invited him to the 6th hockey game in Edmonton. The Oilers won so they’re on their way to play for the Stanely Cup. Would be nice if Canada could bring back this year.

        Not much more to report. Hope the rest of the gang is doing ok. Have a good night all…PPQP


          Greetings everyone,

          Decent day here, sounds like rain will be arriving on Wednesday. That figures since I’ll be meeting friends for lunch that day.
          our new friend doc has been following me around ALL day long haha!!

          Mick, the more you rest now the sooner you’ll get rid of the virus. It’s hard sitting around when you’re used to being busy, I get that that. Glad to hear Amy is getting better too.
          YB ended up driving an Amish woman & her sister to a ‘Wellness clinic’ in Lancaster this morning. He said she was really sick, ugh. I told him to make them wear masks when they’re that sick & getting in his truck. But of course he doesn’t listen. I will not be happy if he’s caught anything from them. They reported the doctor told them it's probably bronCHEEtis, LOL the rest of the world calls it bronchitis!!!!

          PQ, I haven’t followed hockey for years. We went to a few Flyers games in Philly when we were young but I got turned off about all the blood on the ice, geez. You are welcome to the Stanley Cup!
          Enjoy the leftovers, I always do.

          Hello to the missing folks, hope everyine is OK.

          Have a nice night all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Hiya all how are we doing today then? Hope you are all doing good. Another day of rest for me ...feeling not too badapart from the coughing fits and headaches. I have not done much at all..its been raining too.Julie tested negative again today...she is going out tomorrow with her walking group if she tests neg in the morning.

            Hiya lav how are you today? Wise move telling yb to take a mask..especially in close proximity to people. With all the relaxed rules you never know. Yep bronchitis it is

            Hiya are you doing? Hope things are OK how are things doing at work? Same old same old?I meant to ask you have your landlord mentioned anything about moving recently? Or is that history

            Big hiya to everyone else
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Hey group,

              Sunny & borderline too hot here today.Rain coming tomorrow but I’m meeting my friends for lunch anyway. Working on house training with Doc but it’s a slow process with this guy. He’s so big for a 3 month old but he still has a baby brain, Lol
              We got word today that our Amish friend is finally off the ventilator (6 weeks), breathing on his own & beginning to speak. He still has no use of his legs & I quite imagine his bowels & bladder. He does have a little movement in one arm. The rehab told the family they’ve done all they can do for him so he needs to go to a nursing home. I didn’t know until today that there is an Amish run nursing home not too far from here. Thhe family has been told it will cost $1,000 for an ambulance transfer which is normal. They think it’s too much so they asked YB if he would transfer him & the answer was NO! There’s too much liability there, we’re not getting involved. The family still thinks he’s going to learn to walk & get back to work again, ugh.

              Mick, glad you are on the slightly improved list today. I hope Julie stays virus clear & enjoys her time out walking. No snake sightings here today so I’m happy haha!!

              Hello to PQ, hope your day was good.

              Slo, I’m going to try texting you, hope everything is OK. Hi to Pie & Det.

              Have a nice night all.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL…hot, sunny and windy here today. Got into work and was going to get ready for our staff (team) meeting when I got an email from the boss. Although he had a great time in Edmonton it appears he’s got food poisoning so wasn’t coming in today. So celebrated the boss free day but dreaded the setup for our regular duplicate bridge renter, the building superintendent is still on holidays. But the account and childcare directors jumped in, and we were set up in 15 minutes. Was able to call on childcare staff to help take down (accountant left at noon) so all was good. I don’t think the building superintendent gets paid enough!

                Mick…glad you’re feeling somewhat better and it’s just as well it’s raining, makes it easier to do nothing. Glad Julie is still testing negative, hope she’s able to get out with her walking group. Doing good and things are basically same old same old. Moving is history, YAY. He’s decided he can afford the tax on my unit so I can stay. Did sign a year’s lease effective June 1st with the option of renewing yearly for now.

                Lav…hope the rain stays away tomorrow but glad you’re meeting for lunch regardless. Doc may have a baby brain, but I bet he’s got puppy feet as well. LOL I think it’s cute that he follows you around. I am surprised that your Amish friend is off the ventilator, wasn’t expecting to hear that. Glad the answer was NO and you’re not getting involved. The family has some high hopes!

                Shout out to the rest of the gang, hope all is good. Have a peaceful evening…PPQP


                  Hiya all how are we doing today then? Hope all is good. Thought i would chance my luck this morning and do a covid test....still positive. Julie is away out with her walking group. She tested neg this morning .so im here cleaning up etc.dont feel too bad just the cough and tired. Ive got a couple of pallets so next project is a ramp for Argyl.

                  Hiya are you doing? Glad you got the lease signed .as for the circus coming to town..I am sure it will blow up again.not a lot happening here atm

                  Hiya lav ..did you get the rain? More important than that did you enjoy lunch?hope so.i was looking at getting back to eating a lo less junk food..well by my standards anywa..but thats on a back burner at the moment. Eating irrespective of what takes primacy along with drinking.
                  too right you said no to yb moving the patient..I am glad he is on the mend and hopefully he keeps improving..but the culpabilty of that task is unreal.hope you have a good day.

                  Hiya everyone else how are we doing?
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    MAE ALL…boss away again today but the bonus was the accountant was away as well. It has felt like Friday all day today. Going to make working tomorrow a tough one. LOL

                    Mick…glad you’re feeling better even if you are still positive. Good job on not giving it to Julie. A ramp for Argyle, what a great idea.

                    Lav…I’ll check back later and see how the lunch went.

                    Not much is happening in my world at the moment, same old, same old. We’re in for a stretch of warm weather so that’ll be nice. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all…PPQP


                      Hey gang,
                      Just starting to thunder now so the rain will be here soon. Glad it held off for my commute today because people don’t slow down for road conditions anymore the way we were taught.
                      Lunch with two friends was nice, I always love catching up with them.

                      PQ, sorry the boss got sick but glad you had some ‘quiet time’. It’s cool when a team can pull together & get the job done. I was able to do everyone else’s job on my hospital unit but almost none of them were able to do mine, haha. That’s why work was always piled up after I was away for a day or two. Those were the days, Lol There’s nothing wrong with a yearly rental lease provided they’re not hiking up the rent each year. If that was the case I’d be pitching a fit & making darn sure things got fixed quickly.

                      Mick, sounds like you’re getting to the other side of the virus slowly but surely. Glad Julie was able to escape for a while.
                      Our diets here revolve around what food we (I) can tolerate without gastric distress. I aim for low fat & lower sodium, stay away from added sugar as much as possible, we eat lots of fresh fruits & veggies & the occasional bag of low salt chips & pretzels, haha!! I gave up buying & cooking red meat 20 years ago trying to help reduce our cholesterol levels.

                      hello to the rest of the group. I need to got find Luna the cat before this storm hit.
                      Have a good night all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Hey Lav...glad you were able to meet up without the rain, yes people are crazy these days. I'm like you, can do everyone's job, except the physical aspects - that has changed in the past 5 years. At least with this boss I can forward my phone & email to him. The way the rental situation is here in Calgary, I'm just grateful to have what I have, I can live without a bunch of repairs. So I'm curious, did you find Luna on the roof? Hope the storm isn't destructive....PPQP


                          hiya all how are we doing today then? hope all is good .dont know about where you are ,but we had the d day remembrance over here .What is scary is one of the daily rags did a polll on schoolchildren ...over 70%of them didnt know what it was ..I wonder what is actually taught in schools today..Julie enjoyed her bimble up to Mallam Cove in Yorkshire yesterday with her walking group.cant remember how may steps there are to get to the top I think its 190 ..not sure ..but the group Julie was with met up with another they did the whole walk and climb together .Julie stayed with one lady .while she had a little rest on the way up ..Julie thought she was late 50s..imagine her surprise when the lady told her she was 94 !!!!Today has been a good one for me ...still pos and felt sick this morning it aint morning sickness!!!I cemented up the surround around a drain got a load of bricks from my friend ...cleaned the cement from them and making the start of the ramp...I also went out down town today...kept away from everyone ...but I found 8 bread trays ....I have been looking for some cut them down and they are ideal as anti skid plates for the van on a grass site .thats enough for today .

                          hiya ppqp are you doing? sounds like you had a beano of a day yesterday ...good for you did Calgary fall apart when the boss and accountant werent in yesterday?shows how important they are in the grand scheme of things .yes Im racking my brains for all sorts of ideas for Argyl .any suggestions welcome .

                          hiya Lav how are you today then?hope all is well ...sounds like we havea similar diet ....I dont eat red meat either ...not through any reason ...we just dont seem to buy it ...I prefer chicken fish etc ..and stir frys .Dont know whats going on here the font on here is really small I have tried changing it ..but it always reverts to default which I think is about 8 !so if there are any mistakes you now know why !hope you have a good day

                          big shout to everyone else
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Good evening friends,

                            it was still hot & humid here today. We have a severe storm watch up until 9 pm although the sun is out at the moment, strange. We ended up with 3.35” of rain last evening, enough!
                            YB met with his yuonger sister today for lunch. We haven’t seen her for over 10 years, long story. I’m glad they finally broke the ice. I put Doc in his crate so I could make a run to the grocery store & Walmart. Such an exciting day haha!

                            PQ, Luna finally showed up last night just in time too. I think she’s way too fat to get up on the garage roof. The boy cats Dave & Bob are the real climbers.
                            Glad you’re happy to remain in your rental as it is. We just need to be safe & comfortable enough, right?

                            Mick, sounds like Julie had quite a hike, good for her. Good to hear you are pacing yourself, a little activity is OK, just don’t overdo yourself.
                            You would think by not eating red meat, dairy, darn few eggs my cholesterol level would be pretty good but it’s not so that’s why I am on a statin. It’s genetic in my case, my system just makes too much all on it’s own, ugh. Thanks for mentioning the font size, I’m having a hard time with it too. Glad to have company Lol

                            hello to the rest of the group & hope everyone is OK
                            Have a nice night all!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              MAE ALL....*&^_(*&(*_^%$#@+_)_)*()^%r$#@!@#$$%^! Had to get that off my chest. These Pickleball players are enough to make you drink! Thank goodness that's not my go to anymore. We charge $10.50 for a year membership and you need a membership to reserve a court. If your guest isn't a member they are charged $1. You'd think it was highway robbery. And here's the questions I get, Can I book 4 courts and bring 15 friends?, If it rains can I cancel and get my $1 refunded? How come I can't book past 14 days?

                              Mick...lots of D day remembrances all over the news, it's a shame so many young people have no idea what it's about. Sounds like Julie had a good day out. Glad to hear you don't have morning sickness LOL. Glad you're feeling better but please don't over do it. Had to google bread trays, yup that's what I thought you were talking about. If I think of something that might work for Argyl I'll let you know. Calgary didn't fall apart until last night. There was a major water main break in NW Calgary, it's a main line that feeds all of the city. All businesses that need water have shut down, we're at stage 4 restrictions and they have no idea how long it will take to fix it. They just now found the break. So far I still have water and if I can't do the laundry, oh well, I'll survive. LOL

                    's always nice when siblings can, as you say, break the ice. Won't be happening with my sister though. That's right, it was Dave who was on the roof. Glad Luna made it home. Safe and comfortable is right! I don't need anything else. Building superintendent was supposed to back today but he wasn't there when I got to work. Finally got a text from the boss that the building super's flight was delayed, he got in late and isn't coming in today. Boss said he was coming in for a couple of hours and then was going to work from home this afternoon and tomorrow. So much for me thinking I'd take Friday afternoon off.

                              Thinking of the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...PPQP

