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AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

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    AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

    Yes, God has watched over me too. I started drinking at 13 experimentally and like Det. said something inside me "clicked". Both parents have abused alcohol and drugs although Dad has recovered thanks to years of AA. Alcohol helped me feel happy and outgoing combating my painful shyness and insecurities.
    Gradually my drinking increased and it was a daily slam until I would pass out. So many wasted moments and years. So many mornings dragging myself out of bed to function as a spouse, parent, and business professional. I was untruthful with my family, myself and most of all God.
    Who was I kidding?
    I am so thankful that by God's grace I never killed anyone while I was driving drunk. I pray my kids will eventually forgive me for the hurt I have caused them seeing me drunk. The anger and depression that would follow.
    I came to MWO in Sept. and have been modding with many days AF but now I am ready to lengthen the clean days and test the waters of abstaining for the next 2 weeks.

    May God bless us today as we keep strong in our commitment.
    St. J
    Toughen up!


      AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

      Mary, I do believe there was an Angel involved! I do have to give myself credit for making the list, though.
      Det, I started drinking because I liked it, too.
      SJ, I come from a family of drinkers, too. Sigh.

      Don’t forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

        You know what? I like it too! its fun and liberating and tastes quite good. Then you're left with the hangover, regret, shame and ill health. Please, no more for me. I may drink again in modderation but never ever want to go back to the daily drunk fest.
        Toughen up!


          AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

          From AFM:

          Anyway, a new life is evolving for me. I had finally had it with the self destructing behaviour. No more binges! I can go for quite a while without drinking and then WHAM! I give into a binge due to stress or plain old boredom. I am very clear about what triggers these binges, and now have enough in my toolbox to avoid them at all costs. I HAVE to. I will die otherwise.
          Interesting topic. Thanks for getting it started. Much love to all of you. We are all winners because we fight every day for a better, healthier, happier life. xoxoxo
          What AFM says is so true. I have to. Otherwise, I will DIE.

          No joke.

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

            Hello All,

            Just went to see "Bedtime Stories" with my girls...very funny and uplifting.

            Good topic today (there are always good topics on this thread). Like most of you, I started drinking at young--13 years. It was love (hate) at first sight...a match made in heaven (hell). By the time I was in high school, I had what we used to call a "hollow leg." I could drink any guy under the table and I was proud of it.

            My father was an alcoholic too. He stopped drinking many years before he died but we never had a discussion about drinking and alcoholism. I don't if it would have mattered. I know for certain that I will have several discussion with my girls. Alcohol led to so many distructive, irresponsible, and downright dangerous behaviors in my life. I'm lucky that I was not left dead on the side of the road somewhere.

            But I refuse to live in regret...the only way is forward one step at a time. I have times when I grieve over all the years I wasted and the things I did but mostly I want to focus on living every remaining minute of my life alcohol free.

            Being AF in some ways in an adventure...really. Here I am discovering a whole new way of living and being without Al. There are always new experiences...a lot of challenges, but oh does it feel good to have those small victories when I'm like a little kid anxious and scared and feeling like I can't make it through an event or a situation without Al, but then I do it and...Yippee. Pretty cool. Pretty damn cool.

            We have a horrible addiction that we all have to work hard to overcome. Be it from genetics, upbringing, screwed up brain chemicals/ doesn't matter. I know none of us would wish it on anyone. But it is what it is. The only thing we can do is keep going forward, finding what works best for each of us and supporting one another along the way.
            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

              Aloha All! Gonna get in a quick post before you all roll over into Monday. Well...after all the hemming and hawing I finally took that long talked about walk! Didn't get out until late, late morning, like 11:00, but trade winds were brisk so humidity and heat were not an issue. And then I took another, not so fast, not so far walk with Pua the beagle after dinner. Wow, two in one day. What's come over me? (I also watched my eating all junk) Hope to get up early tomorrow for that early morning walk. See you on the other side.


                AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                Good morning everyone- can't sleep so I did a rare thing and hit the 'puter to say hi.

                Day 3 for me today AF and feeling pretty good.

                Hi Hulagirl- Two walks in 1 day- your beagle must have been SO happy! My beagle loves to put her nose down and go and go.

                momof3 -yes this is an adventure and can be scary at times. We al need to hang in there together and we'll make it.

                How did you all find MWO? It has been such a blessing to me and I am so thankful to my BFF for sharing the book with me and leading me to this website. I was so ready for conversion in my life.

                Back to bed to try to catch 40...............
                Toughen up!


                  AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                  Hi Mary

                  i remeber you from when I was on this site some months back.
                  It souns like you are doing well and still AF..WOW. what an inspiration as I try and get 30 days of clear thinking by getting Af

                  I am fed up with drinking //guilt ..drinking guilt cycle..but as a drinker for 35 years its hard to change the though processes and old learnt behaviours//wish me luck



                    AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                    Well St. John, She only got one walk, the second one when i was more patient and slow. I don't take her on "serious" walks because her nose is stronger than me in guiding her. We call it the "leaf by leaf" walk. After about 10 or 15 minutes she settles down and walks on the leash like a "normal" dog. But, you're right, she loves going for walks (or sniffs)!


                      AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                      Any AF'ers out there? Come and do a daily walk together. A new day is here and we can get thru it AL free with love and support. Anyone want to join in?
                      Toughen up!


                        AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                        Hi St. John! There's a new AF daily thread that starts up every morning... this one we are on now is Sunday's! We're still around (and some of us are walking!)! I think the date on this morning's thread is screwed up somehow, though... wrong year, maybe?


                          AF Daily - Sun. - Jan. 4

                          Thanks-WIP I am still finding my way around here as my signature line states! LOL
                          Toughen up!

