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Wednesday, August 2

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    Wednesday, August 2

    Fed Up

    Hi Everyone

    I am having a particularly sh*t day.. Gone is good ole happy chapper Bubbs, - honey moon period is over... Day 15 ( I'm not counting my 2 x faux pas cos if I had to go back to day one then that would just make me pop to that treasure trove of an off licence to claim my booty ).
    WHY today am I so sad - just been having a weep because you all are so positive and happy -
    Nancy - you keep me endlessly intrigued about your wonderful home made blackberry jams,, soups and hubbys wine that you make - you know, I have a picture in my mind's eye of you in a beautiful country place ENJOYING your life - your are an inspiration. Mills and Lazy Daisy send their licks to Baby (belle ) .
    Iluf... Well done on gettin citizenship for Oz - I hear it's like rocking horse Sh*t... My hubby emigrated to New Zealand with his ex - and they only got citizenship because her father lived there. _ so well Done Lady xxx
    Dieann - made me laf about your stinker (JRT). Daisy is tiny, but does the most humungous burps when she has eaten her din dins - right tummy wrenchers !
    Mary - I'm not to sure what flags are either...I am imagining that it might be part of a patchwork quilt? - prob way off track.
    Nomore, Feelin bored,,, bored and thrice bored... hope you are doin ok - I've got a 'dinger' meal to nuke ( weightwatchers - only 317 cals - min salt n sugs - but HATE that - like to cook PROPER food ). Bored of that casserole I told you about now.
    Pegs, completely relate to those twitches - I didn't realise what they were until I just read your post. My middle finger used to twitch involuntarily on the RH mouse button and bring up all sorts of menu's. Glad that it wasn't just me then.. They have gone now too.

    Right - you know me.... I have a facade - I HAVE been cheery - even on days when I have felt SHIT (sorry) because that is how I live my life... Have done for 8 years - so no-one knows the truth.. I am no good on my own. I like to chat - haven't been able to for 3 years cos couldn't drive ( huge phone bills and not the same ). Don't really know anyone here - anyone I do know are hubbys mates ( or mates girlfriends). try to make a joke out of my feelings or just plaster over the cracks.. Sorry to harp on... I usually just post daft messages, to cheer myself up ( and hopefully other people ) but today I don't know what has happened. hit the bottom. I have felt great since starting this program, but today is Wobbly Wednesday for me. Sorry for casting a dampner on everyone elses abs - especially the people who started yesterday. It won't happen to you - KEEP ON SWIMMIN guys... I'm just treading water .

    Elizabeth xx

    Hello and keep it up- to anyone I haven't mentioned
    Oh and not hearing from Lou has disturbed me - I am rather anxious regarding her and how she is fareing.


      Wednesday, August 2


      Forgot to mention Kathy who has given me so much support, and it's good that you have ordered the abs cd's - ordered them initially when I joined 2 weeks ago - and they are really good. (Jeeze -100 posts in 2 weeks.).. Thank you for your kind words about my excessive chats... made me feel not so weird after all....
      kiss , kiss , kiss to all of you here
      feelin bit better already getting that off my chesters !!

      just noticed - havent signed in..

      oh well you know it's me. - I hope !!!


        Wednesday, August 2


        I have read your posts before and you do cheer me up - so sorry you're having a sh*t day. I'd say cheer up but I know how much that p**ses me when people say that to me. I think alot of us get tired of being little Mary sunshine all the time. I do it and get myself so exhausted that I run to the nearest bottle. So maybe it's ok to have a bad day. Maybe I deserve it and if I allow myself to have it I can blow off some of the pressure. So let's be crabby. Let's sing... If you're happy and you know it take a hike.

        Take a deep breath and keep on treading water.

        Best to you, Diane


          Wednesday, August 2

          I survived Day 1 just fine. I realized about 9:30 when I was eating late dinner with my boyfriend that I was feeling REALLY happy. Go figure. Slept great too. I have never in my life, however, woken up with a clear head, and today was no exception! LOL!

          Here's to sobriety!

          Going back to read today's posts now!
          Diane M.


            Wednesday, August 2

            Yep, I'm a wino too. And a beer hound. Wine sure sneaks up on me and by the time I dive into the second bottle, I'm in deep doo-doo. Beer not so much because it is so darned filling. But I don't need either. I do have nine bottles of wine in the rack on my kitchen counter. They're all reds and not tempting while the weather is so ungodly hot and I do like the way they look, but I'm thinking I should move them into the basement into my storage unit. The kitchen is very small anyway....

            Do you winos find that you fall asleep quickly when you're drinking wine but wake up in the middle of the night, wide awake? I am not sure which is worse! To have trouble falling asleep or to wake up at 3 a.m.

            Janet, tell DH to order his wine by the glass!

            lluf, glad you're home and everyone is taking good care of you!

            How small is Daisy, Elizabeth? Hazmat is 10 pounds. She's the runt. Funny doglet.

            Don't see where you're living Elizabeth, but it sounds as if you're lonely. What are your options for meeting new people who aren't DH's mates and their GF's? If you're feeling down, feel down, but don't wallow too long or you could get stuck. Acknowledge your feelings and come up with a plan. And you can tell me to sod if you like. :-D

            OK, I gotta do some work before they figure me out!
            Diane M.


              Wednesday, August 2

              Hello Everyone-

              I've only been here a few days but am amazed at how supportive this community is. I am on day three of abs and am feeling great. It's so nice to to wake up without a hangover. I have actually made it to the gym twice this week.
              I hope this heat wave you are all suffering through ends soon. I live in the Pacific Northwest where it's been about 70 degrees. I was in Wisconsin last week though and I can sympathize.
              Keep truckin'!


                Wednesday, August 2

                Hello all,
                Gonna keep this pretty short today, my computers acting like its had a few aswell.
                Been a weird kinda day for me, one minute up and the next down. Little things like the P.C. playing up got me really annoyed, i mean over reacting annoyed.Spoke to the guy at AOL in a tone i never knew i had...
                We are all gonna have up and down days and whoever said earlier about not wanting to be told to cheer up is dead right.
                Be back on later if i havn't kicked holy hell out of this lump of shite next to my feet...
                Well Done eveyone and keep it up....Mackeral
                LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
                IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............


                  Wednesday, August 2

                  Buglit Doglet !

                  I'm back to Bambs again now - only Elizabeth when being told off, or fed up !!!
                  We call our wogger Daisy Buglit cos she's like a tiny little bug like creature as cute as cute can be...- hence if you look at my email addr it is buglitdaisy... She also was the runt of the litter and came from a farm in the middle of nowhere. I drove 40miles to see her when she was born and picked her straight away - she looks so much like my older - but much more attention seeking dogger - Millie Mooger !!! When I took Daisy to the vet's for her first check - up , the vet immediately said that she has an overshot bottom jaw, so her bottom canines protrude onto her top lip when she's asleep. . I cannot tell you how gorgeous she is, she also has a docked tail - which is illegal in UK, but... what was done, was done.. and i just fell for her. I won't go into the pedantics, but car broke down when she was weaned, on motorway, had to get a taxi 40 miles - HOw Much ???? and abandoned car, which was registered to my husbands mothers address - so they came round with face like thunder and they had to go to pick it up... I tell you what - there is loads of daft stories i can tell you - which I'm sure you can too... My e-mail is if you want to send a pic of Hazmat - Is that because he Haz a Mat ? - Mine should be called Haz My Bed !!! In answer to your initial question , she is about 11 llb. I've got a cracking pic to send you. - wil try do it now if you have allowed e-mail..
                  love talking about them - they make me smile... and laff !!!
                  thanks Diane
                  Love to you xxx and evryone ( goes without saying )
                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                  Bambs aka Hydrogen

                  :h XXX :h


                    Wednesday, August 2

                    Well! Quite a (lovely) crowd we have here! I almost don't know where to start....the totally unbearable heat is going into it's second day today....over 100 degrees (F), heat index (temp + humidity) of 120!!! Mayor has declared an emergency...duh! Fire hydrants are open everywhere and kids (and adults) are splashing through...there's a quality of anarchy about it all...regular rules suspended....anything goes...and always the threat of a major black-out like we had a three years ago...I'm supplied with jugs of water, batteries, cans of food, candles, etc., etc....totally siege mentality here..

                    Deirdre--"sad, depressed, suicidal, fat, toxic, bloated, full of fear and loathing every day"--totally describes me back in April glad I am that we're both here today....what it is it--day 116 or 117 for you? I think I'm at 114--but who's counting!! Even a "bad" sober day is a million times better than all those drunken/hungover days when I tried to convince myself (and everyone else) that I was okay!

                    Peggy-Day 47! Fabulous! Amazing how it adds up, isn't it! Iluf, 38 days! Yes! (And take it easy, pneumonia takes so much out of you--don't try to do too much too soon...)

                    Kathy, you're doing GREAT, girlfriend! And give yourself a break about the exercise--it's friggin' HOT out there! Just keep on sewing. Just keep on sewing.

                    Bambs--good to hear you're feeling a bit I said in my message, though, don't underestimate how much of an impact coming off of librium may have on your system and the way you're feeling...

                    Nancy--Can you go shopping for something nice when that siren wine calls you? Take a lovely bath? Write down how great it will feel if you DON'T have a glass? Whatever it takes--do it! :l

                    Janet--I'm sooo jealous--I LOVE Cape Cod..hope you're having a great day!

                    Barb--I'm a Law and Order fan too...amazing how many episodes I can sit through in a row...BTW, the do a lot of filming at the seminary I attend...whenever they have a location that calls for an anglo-gothic setting (like private schools, college scenes, etc.), that's generally my seminary in upper Manhattan...

                    Kim--sorry to hear about the trouble in your neighborhood but isn't it great to know you're not breathing fumes all over somebody that comes to the door!

                    Mary, Dieann and Wynot--congrats on Day 2!! Keep on coming back--it's great to have you here!

                    NoMore--good luck with the get together with your girlfriends--someone suggested that when we need to have an "excuse" not to drink--saying something like you have a bladder infection or that you're on antibiotics generally shuts people up!

                    Lori--good for you for taking care of yourself--whatever it takes, girlfriend, whatever it takes!

                    Jackie--good to see you here--keep coming back so that we can get to know you better...

                    And, Mackeral!! What can I say, bro??!! Sometimes you just have to let it out...let's face it, these wretched people (like the AOL guy) can just P*SS us off! Sometimes, I think we drink just so that we can keep all our justified fury at these folks bottled up inside us...I know one of my lessons these days has to do with expressing my anger in an appropriate manner--but first I had to realize just how angry I really was! Just don't wreck your pc--we couldn't stand it if we didn't hear from you!

                    Okay--I KNOW I've missed someone here--it's not personal, I'm just running out of time and space!
                    Catch y'all later--
                    susan clever clogs
                    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                      Wednesday, August 2


                      did u get my msg?
                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                      Bambs aka Hydrogen

                      :h XXX :h


                        Wednesday, August 2

                        HERES TO FREEEEEEDOMMMMMM!!!!!

                        Day 11 I think been tough past two days, but sought out an old friend who is very supportive. I find it hard to ask for help, but I really do not want to sabotage my efforts so far. Got my campral prescription today, still waiting for my stuff from stateside, but somethings are woth the wait.

                        Keep on abbing my friends you are all an inspiration you truly are.


                          Wednesday, August 2

                          Bamb, I sent you pictures of Hazmat!

                          Wow, Clever Clogs, you rock on the personals!

                          Felt that monster nawing at me at lunch today. I know if I feed it, it'll just ask for more! So on I go with Day 2. Whew.
                          Diane M.


                            Wednesday, August 2

                            I read that on
                            Alcohol Cravings Induced via Increased Serotonin by Ann Blake Tracy, Director. ICFDA

                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10


                              Wednesday, August 2


                              Hey, wow, lots on here today - had to take notes....
                              Kathy - I am SO jealous!!! it's been a long time and I sure would like to have something wiggling around in my groin!!!!!!! :h
                              Nancy - wow, 60 gallons of blackberry wine must call out REAL LOUD - good job on turning a deaf ear - even if hard
                              lluf - take care of yourself and get better!!
                              Bambs - Thank you for being you, even if the you that is here today is having a tough time. And thanks for not covering up your you-ness with booze - good for you. Don't worry about saying what you need to to us - we're all pretty tough - look what we are accomplishing! I say enough of all of us worrying about taking care of others. This is OUR TIME and we deserve to take care of ourselves!!
                              Diane - loved the song...


                                Wednesday, August 2

                                Great posts today as always. Don't have much to say. Day 6. Feeling exhausted after a long day at work. Have to go pick my son up at a late night bday party...ugh. Tomorrow we are celebrating my 5 yo's bday with some of his preschool friends. Then, straight back to the pediatrician for his follow up...then my psych appt at 4. Somehow I need to fit in packing for my trip to NYC! Lori and Kim....I will send you a msg in ez box SOON! Gotta catch up! Night night!!! Gina

