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AF Daily - Wednesday October 21

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    AF Daily - Wednesday October 21

    Hello friends,

    Late check in for me. It has been a busy day--then I had to fix supper for my son's church youth group. Hubby went with me and helped since he HAS to be nice to me today!

    Peace, your hubby and I share a birthday. I wonder if we were born on the same day/year?
    Nothing special except the kind wishes from many friends and some family! And that is all that matters!

    Greenie--I am still planning on finding a pic of me from my childhood from my avatar, but you should be relieved to know I'm positive I don't have any that compare with your beautiful fruit and vegetable ballerina outfits! :H

    Hang in there everybody. Two years ago I would have never considered being able to enjoy a birthday without alcohol, and now I've celebrated two that way!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Wednesday October 21

      Hi All,
      Just checking in. I'm going through a weird time - very moody and I can't seem to relax. I've had several nights of drinking 2 - 4 glasses of wine. It's not helping (no kidding) but I feel at a loss.

      I just started Amoryn and I am going to try and do another good stretch AF to give it a chance to work.

      My absolutely fabulous kids, (three boys, ages 6, 7 and 10) bring out a lot of feelings that I'm struggling with. Of course I love them like crazy. Being a good mom is absolutely the most important thing in my life. But parenting is harder than I ever could have imagined. The boys are wild and loud and so full of energy...It's good. They're healthy and happy and full of spirit. Why does that wild energy wear on me so much? They fight. They rough house. They wrestle. I try so hard to find a balance between tolerance and discipline; safety and playfulness. I get in these really bad moods, sometimes. I hate that. I usually remain patient, on the outside...But sometimes I'm seething and tense. It's hard to admit that. Sometimes I respond to those feelings by wanting a drink. Lately I've given into that a few times.

      Anyway, I also tend to stop posting when I'm drinking. I'm going to try to stay connected with MWO this time. I know it helps, even when it's hard.

      Best to all,
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


        AF Daily - Wednesday October 21

        I went to the fair and had a blast. It was good for me. I just went with my GF and her new BF so that made me sort of sad to be partnerlesss. r2d2 loved the fair. I gave a spare free ticket to a lady in line with a couple kids in tow and she was quite pleased. I got on a ride with a little girl and I said watch this, we are going to ride for free, which we did. Then these other kids on rides were a riot. I weaseled another free ride and then on my last try I didn't ride for free but the guy sang me a beautiful birthday song. (no it isn't my birthday - but I got bumped to first class once using that). Food was good. I was glad I went and got out of the pit. I stilll feel like I'm in mourning though. But it's getting less heavy.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

