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AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

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    AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

    Hi all! Wow lots of action since yesterday!

    Marshy, thanks for getting things started today. So you don't look like your avi??? I think you look cute in your avi!!!

    Pamina, I am blond only in my dreams. I have never been brave enough to try it. But you never know - there might come a day!

    Chrysa it was great to see that you checked in yesterday!! I hope you made it through another AF day. If not, don't give up - just come back here and keep fighting. The only way to lose this battle is to quit trying.

    Lav - FIFTY SOMETHINGS???!!!???!!! You best be speaking for yourself. I'm a twenty-something. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Twenty-nine one more time. Until I'm 100.

    LVT I'm lovin' your avi. Like Greenie, I stand in awe of that do!!! Good for you getting through the birthdays AF. Time and practice does heal us....eventually!

    Peace - next time you decide to spend $24 on an indulgence, how about Godiva Chocolates?? And of course, how about sharing??? Sorry to hear about DD busting you. Good for you being honest about what AL does to you. In the long run I'm sure that honesty was the best thing.

    Sara it's great to see you back. I hope the Amoryn helps you. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a Mom. I know there are plenty of Mom's around here though. Maybe an AF Mom's thread would be good? Might be worth a try at any rate. I'm ready to start a "please help me not to kill my puppy" thread. (well, not quite, but close!)

    Greenie, just for you:

    Q: How many sequins is too many sequins?
    A: That's a stupid question!! There can NEVER be too many sequins!

    (I just bought a cheap t-shirt for halloween. It's purple with a black sequin cat on the front of it. I love it! I would love it more if it had a bigger cat and more sequins)

    Glad you had a good time screamin' on those rides. Wish I could have been there with you! I LOVE me a good roller coaster. Or a ferris wheel - whatever is handy.

    Deter, how is the mission going? I love what you said yesterday about having something really really meaningful in front of us - not just subbing something for AL.

    Maslow - I think it is very important for balance to keep the consequences of our drinking at the forefront. We just need to balance that, I think, with the positive benefits of sobriety so we don't beat ourselves up all the time. The gratitude list is a balancing factor for me - keeping me humble while I try to stay aware of the facts for me of drinking and not drinking. Hope you are well today!

    Leelou - congrats on Day 4. I can relate to the feeling you describe - being drained from the effort of NOT drinking - making plans and executing plans and just getting through each minute of the day. I think back to the amount of effort I put into drinking - planning it, executing it, lying about it, cleaning up the messes from it, recovering from the hangovers of it, etc. While I certainly put a lot of time and effort into my sobriety, it's no more than the effort I put into my drinking - which was the lion's share of every day for the last several years of it.

    Gold - I look back on my relapse in 2007 and I KNOW that the wheels were greased in my head that it would be OK to drink way before I did it. Heck, there was a bottle of Vodka IN MY HOUSE. What??? So I'm not sure exactly how and when the Sekwet Plan go underway, but that bottle tells the whole story. Onward and forward with the newfound knowledge. Unfortunately, it does seem that we all have to go through that one at least once. May once be it for you!

    Welcome Com1!!

    Suni - Congrats on Day 6. Trigger? I'm an addict. I can make up excuses to drink over absolutely anything. Happy? Let's celebrate! Sad? Let's commiserate! All my "good reasons" were not reasons at all - they were flim flam excuses to feed my addiction. The WORST of my bad habits was intentionally instigating an argument with Mr. Doggy so I could justify my drinking with complaints of a horrid day and a rotten marriage. Talk about self sabbotage. I'm very grateful that he hung in here with me. The good news is that doing the necessary introspection and getting honest with myself has really helped me get more solid in my sobriety.

    Cindi, I was just wondering about you yesterday and it's great to see you back here and posting. Congrats on Day 8. This is life and death for us. Let's choose life!!!

    Hello to anyone I missed!

    Marshy - yes I made it through the bar with flying colors. These days it's really not so much about the urge to drink as it is just disliking being in a bar. It's boring. As always I am grateful to Mr. Doggy who gave me the option of ducking out early as one of us needed to do that for the Cooper Pooper. So I happily went home and cleaned up the puppy pee in the crate and walked him outside about 50 times LOL. I'm so glad this is not *my* puppy. (but here I am babysitting again this afternoon! Must fix this!!)

    I really must start staying away from the mall. But the sales are so good it's hard to resist. Between a 40% off sale and a coupon I got in the mail, today I bought $220 worth of stuff for $100. I shouldn't have spent the $100 but geez. This really is a great year to stock up on sweaters and what not if you can. I can't imagine the prices ever being better than they are right now. I've been trying to buy mostly "classic" type stuff and less trendy stuff. But I don't always succeed. In the old days, $100 would have almost covered my booze and cigarettes for one week. So I'm not going to beat myself up TOO much.

    Life is good. Strength and hope to all in need of it today. Sobriety is worth fighting for.


    Life is very, very good.
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

      DG, If I had bigger boobies I would have more sequins than the IRS would allow for a tax write off. I am quite certain that I could get a get of a write off on the teeny amount on my arse. A deduction? :H:H:H
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

        Lavande;741609 wrote: we're not bad looking for a couple of 50 somethings
        FIFTYsomething! Humph
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

          MArshy, if you are a day over 40 ;-) To everyone, I wish you the best. "Stuff" here isn't improving, but I still come back to this place for a calming impact. And it's working. We may not be invested personally, but you guys/gals make a difference. I got to see my daughter drop 23 on the opposition tonight ( I guess she listened to my coaching afterall). That will be my positive (searching and discovering one everyday--hopefully)


            AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

            Good evening Abbers!

            Just a quick drop in for me. I don't get on here much anymore as life is busy and that is a damn good thing! I cannot complain these days really. Grateful for so much.

            Kind of laughing however that Christmas decorations are already making their way to the stores! Time to put up the tree!!!!! LMAO!

            Sending lots of love to the lot of you. Lots of new faces which is awesome!

            Have a great day all! xoxo


              AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

              Would it be that terrible if I put the tree up on November 1 instead of December 1???? I am dead serious! Do you think someone would lock me away? hahahaha!


                AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

                This is my first day. :new:


                  AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

                  Hi Karma,
                  I have been here a little while but am no where new. So, hang with us and please post when you want and never be afraid. This is a very safe place.


                    AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

                    Sorry-damn cat on lap--I am no where new to the struggles you may be having. I face them as I type. Long stories we probably can relate.


                      AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

                      Happy evening ABerooooos!

                      finally in my hotel after a very long and strenuous day which ended with having dinner with my bosses and watching them all swig down margaritas at a furious pace. then back in the hotel and the wanted me to come down for a night cap. ugh. I went down and there is a live band and it was so crowded i just spun around and got right back in the elevator. boy... am I no fun or what? LOL I'm just too tired and have to be up at 5am. I may be tired but I'll be doing it sans hangover.

                      greetings to our new friends Karma Suni and others, my apologies for missing many as I'm super sleepy. zzzzzzzzzz

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF daily - Thursday October 22nd

                        hi there determinator... I have been reading a lot of your post and happy to see you had time to swing by and say hello. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Glad to have you in my support group.

                        love elise

